Chapter 6

The Scoundrel

A wicked smile crossed David’s face as he heard the question from Maven.

"Well, the condition is very simple. I want him to wear a wedding dress on the day of your wedding, and you would wear his suit because obviously you’re going to be the man in this stupid marriage you are about to enter, and I shall give you this check of one hundred and fifty million naira." He said he was wiggling the tail of the check he was holding in his hand.

“How can I wear a wedding dress?” Thomas asked in disbelief.

David squints his eyes. “Are you going to take the offer or not?”.

“We will take it." Maven rushed to answer; she nudged Thomas' arm when he tried to protest.

"Good, now go on. See you at 2 p.m.

“2 pm.?"  Maven asked.

“Yes, 2pm. I would love to see him in that wedding dress after your so-called wedding at the registry." David said it mockingly and rolled his eyes. He smiled, his eyes bulging like those of an owl, and got into this car.

“Why are they so mean to you?” Thomas asked her as they began to walk down to the registry because Maven's rickety car had broken down for the hundredth time in the week.

“Don’t you want the money?”

“Of course I do. I need my grandma back to her jolly good self. I would do anything within my power to save her, and that includes wearing that wedding dress." Thomas answered. Meanwhile, he has plans to pay the bills with the card his grandpa gave him a few hours ago. Since he had promised Maven that he would show up on time.

After thirty whole minutes of walking, they got to the registry. Thomas quickly changed into the wedding dress as they had agreed, and Maven got herself dressed in the oversized, worn-out suit. She was doing all of this to save her head. The judge kept flashing them skeptical looks, but he wasn’t really bothered about what they were wearing, even though they looked like clowns. The moment they finished and stepped out of the hall, they met David waiting for them in front of his car.

“Oh! Here comes the bride and the groom." He began to cackle at them mockingly.

“Ah! Here comes the clown and his  wife." He laughed heartily and clapped his hands as he spoke the words to them. Maven frowned, obviously vexed by his display of stupidity and deliberate ridicule.

“We did as you wish. Can we have the check now?” Maven asked. Her shoulders were almost invisible in the oversized suit she wore.

“I love your suit." He mocked. Thomas even had the worst shape in the wedding dress. His chest stood flat, and his butt lay invincible in the wedding dress.

“Well, I love how you two look, but I am afraid to inform you two that there will be no check." David informed them. He brought out the check slip and tore it. Then I tossed the shredded pieces of paper in the air. The pieces showered down on Maven and Thomas. “Happy married life, clowns." Maven screamed at the top of his voice. He got into his car and zoomed off. Maven blinked back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

“You are such a jerk." She exclaimed as she chased after the car and stopped when David increased the speed.

“I guess we are in this alone." Thomas spoke loudly. 

“Let’s go to my house,” Maven said. Thomas held the helm of the heavy wedding dress and began to walk with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.”

“To your house? You mean your grandma’s place?” Thomas asked. He was curious because that was not part of the plan. He had planned to be Maven’s husband for three years and a half because he believes that Maven has a good heart, yet her family humiliates and hates her like no one else. She was kind enough to want to get such a huge amount of money from her grandmother just to make sure poor Grandma Elizabeth gets the best treatment. They had barely walked a few steps when a police car stopped in front of them.

His real grandpa Al Thani already told him to hide his identity, as he suspects his rivals are hovering around the city. The plan was for his safety, just as it has been since he was born.

“I have to go see my grandma in the hospital. I have left her since last night. You could leave the address with me; I would go to the hospital, and then I would return to your house." Thomas suggested. Maven paused for a while. She bit her lower lip.

“So how would you get the money for the surgery? I am even about to lose all my inheritance; I thought my grandma would. She sobbed on her flabby shoulders. Thomas reached out to her and wiped her tears with his palm. He hates it when people think they can oppress the weak. She was now his wife by law, and he would protect her from the skims of her uncles and grandma to wade her off the inheritance her later father left her.

“David will pay for this humiliation he went through today,” Thomas said with a serious look in his eyes.

"You can’t touch David; he is Grandma’s favorite grandchild, and whatever he asks Grandma gives him. He might just order your arrest, and you would serve a jail term you know absolutely nothing about”. She warned. She knows that her grandma is dreaded by everyone, and no one wants to get into her books.

“Are you scared of her too?” Thomas asked her with raised brows.

“Grandma is dangerous; look, let’s just focus on the bigger goal of helping me get my inheritance. We would sign an agreement for the percentage you would receive once I get it. And please, no one has to know we faked the marriage because we could both go to jail for deceiving my entire family.

“That’s the idiot officer; arrest him." A crooked voice came from the other side of the road. Thomas looked in the direction and found his bald old neighbor pointing at him.

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