Chapter 156

“ What are you going to do to me?” Derek asked. He glared at Storm who didn't seem to care about the way he looked at him.

“Derek, King of hell. You are hereby banished for the three realms. You would live in exile for the rest of your life. You are forever immortal and no matter what you do, you would never die. Birds would feed on you, you would never find peace no matter what you do.”

Derek laughed maniacally after he spoke. As Storm turned to leave, Derek yelled, “I hope you die just like your parents did.” Storm paused at the door and only glanced at him before he left.

Walking out of the palace, he noticed that everywhere was quiet, except for the hoots of owls. Storm didn't waste much time and closed the gate to the three realms. The gate to the three realms was a portal of unimaginable power and complexity, he quickly shut the portal, severing the connection between the three realms that had caused so much chaos. The air around the gate shimmered with a lot of energy. The atm
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