Inside a prison cell.

The officers had tortured Ulmer a lot to get answers out of him, but to their shock, they couldn’t make Ulmer utter a single word.

After beating him 258 times with a stick, they took a break.

Ulmer was now tied up to the ceiling with a rope. His hands and feet were tied above him, and his face was downward, with his body parallel to the ground and hanging in midair.

He was bleeding from his bottom as they had shoved a metal rod through his anus multiple times.

The pain he felt all over his body was indescribable, but it still was nothing compared to the loneliness and hurt he felt inside.

As much as his parents and siblings scolded him, they were still his family. With all of them gone from this world, he now felt truly alone.

At this point, Ulmer didn’t care about his life or anything anymore. Like a caged animal awaiting its death, he shut off his heart and even began to breathe very sparingly.

At the same time, the head officer of the police station was checking out the golden bird chain. “It’s a pity that this thing doesn’t have any diamonds, but it’s definitely pretty. I’m sure my second wife will love it,” he was telling himself.

Just then, the bird locket shone slightly, and the officer looked like he was possessed by it. The officer got up from his seat and entered the cell where Ulmer was.

“I didn’t save you from drowning in the river so you could accept every hurdle that comes at you,” the officer said, puzzling Ulmer.

What was this officer talking about? Did he drink too much?

“I saved your life, and in return, I will ask for one thing,” the officer added. “Help me. Help me achieve my goal, and I will give you all my unconditional support. Except maybe one or two conditions added.”

The word ‘unconditional’ rang in Ulmer’s mind.

“Why do you want my help, officer?” Ulmer asked. “I’m just a nobody.”

“It’s not the officer that’s talking to you,” the officer said. “It’s the golden locket that’s in his possession that is talking to you right now. I’m the spirit system. I have supernatural powers, but I’m one of the few systems that doesn’t make contracts with humans. I give free will to humans, and we work together to achieve our goals. So, are you willing to work together with me, Ulmer Whitlock?”

Ulmer forced out a smile. “Supernatural powers? You surely drank too much.”

The officer lifted his finger, and Ulmer’s body lifted up, and the ropes came loose by themselves. Ulmer found himself standing on his feet, and his injuries were healing at a visible pace.

Ulmer couldn’t understand what he was experiencing. It felt too unreal. “Is this a dream?”

“No, this is as real as the guy who paid these officers to torture you and to break your mind.”

“What?” Ulmer’s eyes widened to the max.

“And that guy is probably the same guy that killed your family,” the officer added.

Ulmer’s expression completely changed. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not sure, but the chances of him being the killer are high,” the officer said.

Once those words were heard by Ulmer, he didn’t even care how this system was able to know all these things, or why it had supernatural powers.

“I want to see him,” Ulmer expressed his wish without hesitation.

The officer smiled and then put the golden bird chain around Ulmer’s neck. And then the officer escorted him out. Because he was the highest ranking officer in the station, nobody questioned him.

As Ulmer was exiting the station,he asked, “Is it possible to repay my gratitude to these officers?”

“Of course,” the officer said. “I will beat every single one that hurt you, and then I’ll have this officer also hurt himself. Would that be enough?”

“Make it look like they had a serious brawl,” Ulmer said.

“Got it,” the officer said and then entered the station and locked the door.

Ulmer,on the other hand, walked out of the station. “Where is he?”

“In the cafe across the street,” a voice rang in Ulmer’s head.

Ulmer was surprised by it, but right now, he didn’t care about it. He entered the cafe, and without the system’s help, his gaze landed on the only man sitting in the cafe right now.

To Ulmer’s great surprise, this man was one of Ulmer’s friends. “Kale?” Ulmer couldn’t believe his eyes. “W-Why did you do it?”

Kale was drinking chocolate coffee. He was not too surprised by Ulmer’s appearance. “How did you figure it out? Did the police leak the information?”

“Answer my question,” Ulmer gritted his teeth. “Did you kill my parents?”

Kale took out a cigar and lit it up and took a whiff from it before replying, “Yes. And I was also ordered to kill you.”

“Ordered? By who?”

“Minerva,” Kale said, but Ulmer had a confused expression on his face. “Oh, right, you only know her as Brianna.”

Ulmer’s eyes widened, but his body automatically moved, and he jumped at Kale from across the table and threw his fists.

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