Forty three days later.

In the middle of an ocean beyond the pacific region, outside the scope of the current map of the modern world, in a parallel dimension, a giant python was fighting something in the sea.

It was rolling and spinning hastily, trying to kill its opponent, but in the end, a bright line shone under the waters, and its head exploded into bits.

Pretty soon, the rest of the python’s body floated on the surface of the waters.

Moments later, Ulmer swam to the surface and climbed up the python’s body, sat down on it and sucked in deep breaths. He then pulled a blue crystal from the python’s forehead.

“You did well, Master Ulmer,” Dove sounded pleased. “You are at level 81 now. Your progress is much better than I expected.”

“Are we at least ready to go to this place you’re talking about?” Ulmer asked without any expectation because Dove always kept telling him he’s not strong enough. “Please don’t give me the same answer because I just defeated a serpent that’s bigger than a battle ship. And while swimming underwater, too.”

“Mm, I think you’re good enough to go there now,” Dove said.

“Only good enough?” Ulmer couldn’t help but frown. “Just where is this place we’re going to? Is this also in the parallel realm we’re in right now?”

“You will know soon, so be patient,” Dove said. “Besides, I already told you, didn’t I? You’re going to find Brianna in that place. So, you can get your revenge, too.”

“Revenge? That doesn’t sound harsh enough,” Ulmer’s gaze sharpened. “What I want isn’t revenge but vengeance! I will avenge my parents, my sisters, and my love… And everyone that woman ever hurt! I can’t let her ruin more lives, either! I can’t let what happened to me happen to more people!”

In the past forty three days, or forty-three years in the parallel dimension timeline, Ulmer didn’t smile once because he couldn’t find a reason to smile. In recent times, Brianna had been his dream and his reason to smile. He was blindly in love with her, but now that dream was utterly broken, he was still emotionally lost in reality as well as in the parallel dimension.

The good thing, however, was that he didn’t want to escape from this reality but was very much willing to face it, to fight it.

What better way than to meet Brianna and give her what she deserved?

Ulmer looked at the blue crystal in his hand. “For years in this dimension, I’ve been collecting these things because you told me to. What are we going to do with these?”

“They will help you get rich,” Dove said.

“Like diamonds, huh.”

“Diamonds? You can buy a truck load of diamonds with a couple of these,” Dove said, startling Ulmer.

“They are that valuable?” He then put the crystal in his waist bag. “Let’s collect some more before we go to the place you’re talking about.”

Ulmer hunted down sea beasts. He was able to attain some water-related skills for fighting underwater. For instance, he was able to last longer without having to breathe oxygen, and more.

During his time in the parallel realm, he did not eat, sleep, drink, or even go for the loo. It was possible for him to do this because he had the Spirit System with him, which was able to sustain him all this while. All he needed was the air to survive and thrive.

And he didn’t age a single day, either. It was like living and fighting in a dream world.

Nevertheless, Ulmer was feeling mentally exhausted now.

“I really want to drink water and eat something good,” Ulmer kept repeating himself.

“Just bear with it a little longer,” Dove said.

Soon, they reached a spot in the ocean, where it seemed like there was nothing on the island. No island, or boat, or anything.

But then the locket shone, and then a portal opened up right before him.

“Whoa…” Ulmer stared at it dumbfoundedly. “Is this what I think it is?” he rubbed his eyes, but the portal was still there, and he could see the other side.

“Yes. Get inside.”

“Nothing will happen to me, right?”

“It’s just a portal. Nothing will happen.” Dove assured.

“I want to seem my grandmother as it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen her, but since you say that in earth’s dimension, it’s only been forty three days since I’ve last met her… she should be fine for now.”

Ulmer then swam right through the portal and ended up reaching the other side, which was a massive city.

He could see flying ships and a landscape that looked like it was from the 1800s. However, the technology used in this place was mind-boggling. There were people flying using electro-magnetic levitation techniques. There were kids traveling in electric cars that could be freely charged using the earth’s magnetic field. There were girls dancing on the water near the fountains on the roads, kids playing with the water, making specific shapes with the water by just waving their arms around. There were people using mobile phones that looked very different from the modern age. The giant astronomical clocks on towering buildings were absolutely mystical and stunning to look at.

Ulmer was very astonished by it. “W-What is this place?” 

“This is a place that hasn’t been affected much by time in the past few hundred years.” Dove said. “This is the city of systems… known as Syslon. It is their city, country, and empire.”

“Syslon, huh…”

Ulmer was walking on the road, which was a silver-colored road, but to his surprise, the road was very comfortable to walk on. He couldn’t even tell what the road was made out of, but walking on it gave him a very pleasant feeling.

Ulmer went straight to what looked like a hotel.

Many people kept glancing at him because his clothes were still wet, and he also didn’t look like he was from this place. He sat at the table and saw others getting their hands washed by an air machine which condensed water molecules in the air onto the hands and then washed the hands with air pressure alone.

Ulmer tried it, and his hands became clean and warm. He found himself smiling. “This is cool. You can wash your hands without the smelly and unhealthy sanitizers, which also cause headaches.”

The waiter came to his table and didn’t even smile. “Do you have money, sir?”

Luckily, he was speaking the same language.

“Ah, just a second…” Ulmer took out a small crystal from his shirt pocket and put it on the table. “Will this do?”

The waiter’s eyes widened immediately.

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