Ulmar’s POV:

A few hours passed since I stepped foot in the Revers family house.

And now I found myself watering the banana plants. There were more than a dozen big banana plants, and I must say that the bananas tasted so damn good.

I water the plants not manually but by just operating the water pipe systems that were neatly arranged to automatically pour water to the plants.

Kale was observing me from a distance. He was 14 years old, and he was yet to speak a word with me. He had the same name as one of my friends, the one who attacked me not long ago. So, it feels a bit weird that he has the same name, though I’m not thinking much about it.

After finishing my job, I sat down on a stone bench under a custard apple tree and looked at the evening sun.

“Is the sun I see real, or is this some kind of an illusion?”

[It is real.] Dove said. [Though, it’s somewhat like a hologram.]

“Huh? How can it be real if it’s a hologram?”

[Well, I will tell  you more about it when you’re ready.]

“Anyway, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now,” I sighed. “These people are talking about having a marriage this very night. If I run away, will they make me a criminal? What will they do?”

[I don’t get it. Fate brought you two together, so why are you resisting?] Dove said. [In the end, you have to marry someone, don’t you? Why don’t you just choose Ayana now itself?]

“Easy for you to say, but I know nothing about her. How can I marry her when it hasn’t even been a day since I met her?” I retorted. “And it hasn’t been long since my parents died. You want me to marry someone right now? Their souls will really be disappointed in me.”

[It’s been nearly two months since your parents died.] Dove said. [On top of that, you said they never really cared about you, so I highly doubt that they’d be disappointed in their graves.]

I frowned.

[Just think about it. It’s not a bad idea to marry Ayana and settle in this city.] Dove said. [You can go back and bring your grandma here. She’ll be happy to live in this type of an environment, don’t you think? You can also slowly find Brianna and get your revenge on her.]

For some reason, Dove’s words made so much sense to me.

My grandmother always worked so hard from a young age. She loved his father so much she would cook for him even if he were to wake her up at 2 AM and ask her to cook a dessert for him. She wouldn’t ask him any questions. It was that type of a blind love she had for her eldest son. Naturally, she also loved me, who was the eldest son of her son. Wouldn’t she be happy if she were to live with me in this type of a house?

But I didn’t know much about this city at all. So how could I already think about bringing his grandma over to this place?

A lot of conflicting thoughts ran through my mind.

The sun was going down, and Robin came over to me. She was slim and looked young enough to be Ayana’s sister.

Come to think of it, nobody in this city looked fat. They were either slim or chubby, but I had yet to see a fat person.

“You look like you’re having a lot of thoughts running through your mind, Ulmer,” Robin sat next to me. “I don’t know anything about the outside world, but nothing happens in this world without a reason. I think it’s fate that brought you and Ayana together. We won’t ask what you did in the past, but after marriage, you can help us run the restaurant we have. It’s not a big one, but we have our dedicated customers. Life will be peaceful, and once you earn some money, you can bring your family over and live in this city, or if you want, we will move to the outside world. We’ll talk about all those things in the future when the time comes, but for now, go and get ready for marriage. Your father-in-law has bought a dress for you.”

“Uh… yeah,” I got up from the bench.

I reluctantly walked over to the front door of their house. I was thinking of taking my bag and running away.

But then, I saw her. In her dreamy pink wedding dress, and eating sugarcane while sitting at the table, not caring how she looked to others. Like my sister and many other girls in the outside world, she was not concerned over her long nails, fake boobs, and high heels.

She appeared like a national treasure, no, something much more valuable to my eyes right now.

Seeing me, she gave me a piece of the sugarcane. I took it and tried to do what she was doing: rip the skin off. But it hurt my teeth on the first try. Even though I was level 51, I didn’t put my strength into it. I could straight away tell that Ayana got strong teeth from the way she was chewing sugarcane like it was cotton candy. There were tiny pieces that stuck to the corners of her mouth. But she didn’t seem to care. She took the piece from me, quickly shaved the skin off with a knife and then gave it back to me.

I crunched on it, and sugary juices flowed into my mouth. It was so much more delicious than any sugarcane I ever tasted.

“Sit and eat,” she said.

I sat down, I found myself watching her more than eating the sugarcane. Her brown eyes, straight nose, rosy lips, and dainty chin… everything was so perfect about her.

My heart kept beating and stopping, beating and stopping as I kept my eyes on her.

Time seemingly stopped as I felt really pulled toward her.

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