“Vincent is your name, right?” Ulmer started walking forward. “You’re not half bad. You move well, and your battle experience is also good for someone your age.”

“You talk like you lived much longer than me,” Vincent coldly uttered, “but I can tell from your appearance that you are young even though I can’t see your face.”

“Well, wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age,” Ulmer replied. “Some people who lived a hundred years won’t be able to learn things that some could learn before they even turn ten.”

“So you’re saying that you fall in that second category.”

“Actually, we both do,” Ulmer replied. “However, if you’re planning on marrying that young lady over there. Then you should give up on that idea.”

Vincent frowned seriously as Ulmer just pointed at Brianna. “What do you mean? Are you interested in Princess Minerva?”

Ulmer didn’t say anything, but his silence was understood differently by Vincent and Brianna.

(He’s interested in me?) Brianna stood calmly, but her heart was feelin
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