“I didn’t come all this way to lose in the final round,” Ulmer said. “I will win this competition, and then… get the thing that the emperor promised he’d do. As for the princess… we’ll see what happens.”

“You won’t be able to win this competition even in your dreams,” Vincent blurted.

“Why would I dream about it when I know for certain that I am going to win it in reality?” Ulmer retorted. “Soon, you’ll also realize that. None of the participants can stop me even if they all come together.”

Ulmer’s words made many people turn against him because it felt like he was disrespecting the other contestants that made it to the final round, and there were two royals in the final round. Naturally, many people did not like what Ulmer was spewing.

“I alone am more than enough to destroy you from head to toe,” Vincent once again leaped high into the sky and cut through the clouds and sent them flying down in the shape of leaves that were rumbling and crackling with thunder and lightning. “Etherea
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