Brianna wished that Vincent would deal with the Knight Beater so that she wouldn’t have to fight him. It wasn’t that she was afraid of him, but she didn’t want to reveal her abilities during this competition while everyone was watching.

It would do her more harm than good, after all.

Ulmer, on the other hand, was walking toward Vincent who raised his right hand high and created a giant silver blue spherical energy ball in which there was a lot of electrical energy swirling through it. The spherical energy looked like the moon itself because it had such a cool glow that was able to lit up the whole colosseum and miles of region all around.

Despite the barrier put up by the royal knights, the audience could feel the chilling energy coming from this electrical sphere.

“What is this energy?” Mirianne wrapped her arms around her chest because she felt very cold. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” She could feel the tips of her hair freezing. “It’s very dangerous.”

“It must be the Moon Sys
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