Ulmer didn’t want to reveal his abilities as it might give away that he was the one who had caused trouble in many districts.

Just by giving away the fact that he could create clones was risking it, so he didn’t want to do more.

He wanted to save everything at least until he would fight the one he came to this country for.

So, Ulmer very much wanted to defeat Vincent without using any of the great, active abilities he had earned through his clones. But he also could feel the immense power coming from this energy sphere that Vincent had created. What could Vincent possibly do with such a thing other than to cause a major explosion, Ulmer wondered.

Just then, Vincent released glowing blue chains of lightning that flew toward Ulmer like living snakes.

Ulmer jumped around and dodged from them as he moved all around the battle grounds. He purposely went toward the nobles. Hessia and Felix were able to dodge the chains, but many nobles couldn’t. They were caught in the mouths of these snake
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