While many people were anxiously or excitedly watching Ulmer getting shocked and burned inside the ethereal energy sphere, Oscar was eating salted peanuts. “Mm… I wonder how he’s going to get out of that. It won’t be easy even for me.”

Neodus was grinning. “Yeah. This is what I wanted to see. Roast that bastard to death.” He was already planning on taking all of Ulmer’s possessions after his death, so he was loving what he was seeing. (I’m sure he has many systems in his possession. I’ll take the two most important systems and then give the rest to Vincent. That should keep him satisfied.)

Neodus knew that Vincent wouldn’t protest against that because Vincent wanted to become the emperor next. Compared to becoming the emperor, losing a couple of systems was nothing, especially because he would get his hands on the legendary Emperor System, which was passed down only to the emperors of Syslon.

“I can hear his cries, Son,” Regina snickered. “Make that bastard cry even louder so I can he
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