“I might not remember you, but I’ll do you a favor and end this quickly!” Brianna dashed toward Ulmer and swiftly attacked him with her twin crystal white daggers. “Phantom Raze!”

Her dagger motion was extremely smooth and did not stop for a second as she spun on her toes like a marvelous dancing belle and went for vital spots.

She did not have a single wasted movement. She was like a master of dagger arts, and her skills were good enough to impress every knight that was witnessing her right now.

However, despite how swiftly and slickly she was moving like an expert assassin at work, Ulmer was able to barely keep himself out of her dagger range.

His movements reminded everyone how he avoided Vincent’s attacks only a minute ago. He moved his whole body as one and did not make any exaggerated movements. He made just enough movement to perfectly dodge Brianna’s attacks. His center of mass stayed very stable throughout. His fighting style was completely different from Brianna.

Brianna see
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