Vincent flew straight down toward Ulmer like a thunderbolt. “Celestial Punch!”

Ulmer almost punched at the opponent, shouting, “Spirit Breaker!”

Vincent’s fist released an energy that vibrated and exploded like a bomb that could destroy everything around, including even the bacteria in the air.

However, Ulmer’s fist blasted its way through Vincent’s attack and struck his face, crushed his face and flattened it as Vincent got sent flying like a dart into the distance.

Vincent’s body burst through the barrier put up by the royal knights and kept flying farther than people’s eyes could see.

The faces of everybody froze in utter silence as nobody had expected to see something like this right after Vincent had released his Celestial Lion mode, something which everybody in the nation feared because of its reputation.

A bright golden energy was covering Ulmer’s fist.

“What’s that energy cloaking his fist?” Hessia frowned. “It is golden? I’ve never seen anything like that.”

The energy around
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