Chapter 315: Hypocritical James

"This black market holds no further purpose," Jason decreed coldly. "Return all prior ill-gotten gains, for if word reaches me of any future frauds, you and your execrable den shall be extinguished as one!"

His words carried the full weight of the genuine masterwork's rightful custodian - though a mere collectible to him, its sanctity could never be profaned.

"Did you hear me?" The old patriarch's eyes bored into them punishingly.

"Y-yes, of course! I swear obedience - never again shall I transgress!" Foster bobbed his bulbous features feverishly.

Joshua too was drenched in cold sweat, only collapsing in relief once Jason and the old patriarch had departed - that surreal spectacle seeming a waking dream.

Yet one question gnawed... why had old Mr. Reed shown such deference to Jason, that seeming wastrel? Unless...he was acquainted with the Stewart patriarch himself?

If the Stewarts had allied with Martial Saints through matrimony, their might dwarfed even the venerable Reeds. If old
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