The Will

The entire members of the Palmer family were seated at the conference table that evening; Lady Alice was at one end of the long table while the Attorney was at the other end. He had a large file in his hands and a sealed envelope carefully placed on the table.

“What’s he doing here? He shouldn’t be here!”

Andrew the eldest Grandson called the attention of of everyone in the room who tilted their heads to see Jason approaching.

“Well, my client demanded that every one living in the family mansion and belonging to this family must be present before his will be read.” 

Jason quietly walked to the position his wife was seated and dragged out the chair next to her to sit. He avoided the angry looks in the room.

“What the hell!” Maya mumbled scoffing. She was Andrew’s wife and the daughter of the Chief of Police in Granada Hills.

“Why would Dad insist that this pauper joined us? I hope he is not included in the will.”

Morgan couldn’t hold his dissatisfaction, he looked at his mother in search of answers.

“Don’t worry son, I am sure that your father wanted him to be present for mere protocols.

Lady Alice gently tapped her son who was sitting right beside her on his hands with a confident smile. She was certain that her husband was never going to will even a dime to Jason.

“We shall begin.”

Clearing his throat, William the Attorney raised the sealed envelope from the table and tore it from the top. Then he slowly drew out the documents inside. After adjusting himself, he lifted his eyelids to be sure that everyone was paying attention; then he started to read:

“The last will and Testament of Lord Richard Miller Palmer...”

There was silence and apprehension in the room.

“To my wife, I will the sum of 60 million dollars in my Chase bank account, my mansion in Granada hills and two cars; my latest Maybach and my Ross Royce. She is to foresee the running of my head company in Granada Hills till she deems my son fit to handle it.”

Lady Alice beamed with a smile of satisfaction. She tapped her fingers gently at a pace on the table. Her children and Grandchildren congratulated her.

The Attorney continued to read out the contents of the Will to the hearing of all present in the room, declaring what properties or amount of money Lord Richard had left for each of them from his two Children to his Grandchildren.

 The two Grandsons were willed two of the branches of the Palmer company in different cities to manage while Clara and Sarah were willed two of his fashion establishments. Other properties like money, houses and cars were inclusive.

“To my lovely Isabella; my sweet princess. I will the sum of 30 million dollars in my Diamond bank account, the duplex in Granada Hill, two of my Ferrari cars and the Palmer company branch at Lake Hughes. I trust you must have learnt how to be diligent.” 

Isabella's face brightened. She  was very much excited at the inheritance her Grandfather left for her. Her troubles started to vanish gradually.

The Attorney read the amount of money from the bank which Lord Richard had willed to charity. Everyone was happy that they had gotten enough money and properties to last for a long time. There was excitement in the room and some of them stood up to leave but the Attorney continued.

“To Jason…”

There was sudden silence in the room; mouths were agape, eyebrows were lifted but the Attorney took no notice of their reactions and countenances.

“...I will my cabin house behind the lake; I see how dedicated you are with your experiments and research and I hope you put that place to good use. I also will my Cruiser bike to you. All these shall belong to you as long as you remain married to my Granddaughter.”

Jason was shocked at the mention of his name and the things listed as his inheritance by the Attorney. At this time, all eyes were on him including that of his wife but he avoided their gazes and kept his face away.

“No way!” Jacob was not having it, he could never believe that his Grandfather would give his favorite bike to Jason. For what it’s worth, he had always admired the bike from a very young age.

“Daddy couldn’t have given this Gold-digger even a penny. I suspect foul play.” Fiona said glaring in rage. 

“These were written in plain paper by Lord Richard and sealed shortly before he took ill. In the absence of any other thing, I beg to take my leave.”

The Attorney got up and walked out of the house leaving everyone in shock.

“I guess he has a thing for reaping where he did not sow.”

Everyone was pissed off that Jason got even the little that he did. Even though the cabin house behind the lake close to the Palmer Mansion had been abandoned for years and Lord Richard parked the motorcycle for months in the garage without touching it, they still felt it was too much for Jason.

He had begged the old man to allow him use the place for his research and experiments few weeks before he passed and he obliged him. He never knew that he was going to will him the cabin house and his motorcycle.

“I was right after-all. You are definitely a leech.” Lady Alice was so furious, she felt like strangling the poor man.

“I am sorry Granny. I never knew about this.” Jason said defensively still avoiding the faces of the angry persons in the room. Even his wife felt disappointed.

“Lady Alice you mean? Please don’t refer to me as your Granny, you reek so much of stench and wretchedness.”

“I wonder how Isabella would let such a loser lie close to her at night. Urgh!” Clara backed up her Grandmother with a grimace on her face.

At this point, Jason felt so embarrassed. He looked at his wife but she didn’t budge, she too seemed to be in support of their motion. then he slowly got up and walked away.

“There is absolutely no way we would let that pauper have those properties, we have to do something about this Grandma!”

Jacob’s face had patches of furry all over, he seemed to be more pissed off than every other person in the room. 

“Don’t worry baby, I am sure Grandma would figure something out.”

Chloe said with a smile rubbing her husband’s shoulders. She was the only daughter of the founder of Hernandez Drugs, one of the leading Pharmaceutical companies in Lake Hughes; her father was a strong business associate of the Palmers before she married into the family.

“But wait!”

All eyes were faced at Clara. She kept her index finger up; an idea had just hit her.

“The Will reads that he only keeps the properties as long as he remains married to Isabella right?”

Everyone faced Isabella with an expectant look of what she was going to say.

“Don’t worry guys, I have it all figured out.” Isabella replied with a smirk.

“Finally!” Fiona was so relieved more than any other person that her daughter was going to divorce Jason. She had hoped that she would do the same thing she did when her husband lost his job. 

“Well I hope he is kicked out as soon as possible so that we could breathe some fresh air. I would be retiring to bed now. Goodnight to all of you”

“Goodnight Mum.”

“Goodnight Granny.”

Lady Alice got up from her seat and left while the rest of the family members joined her. They all discussed about the inheritances they got from the Will with so much excitement.

Isabella headed straight to their apartment in the mansion, getting into the room, she met Jason checking up on the baby.

“Congrats Dear, I am happy for you.” Jason said with a big smile trying to hug his wife but she dodged his wide spread arms swiftly.

Jason was embarrassed but he had gotten similar treatments but usually in public and so he took no offense.

“We should celebrate, I will get a bottle of wine and some glasses.” He said again in a second attempt to felicitate with his wife.

“Not like you would ever be able to afford the wine!” Isabella sneered.

“Everything is about to change now. Brace up!”

Jason was taken aback by Isabella’s statement not really sure of what she meant. Standing there frozen he watched her walk past brushing him aside.  

She got into the bathroom and soon she was out changed into her nightgown. She got into the bed and covered herself with the duvet.

“Make sure to turn of the light. Enjoy the comfort while it lasts.”

Lying on his usual position on the floor close to the bed, Jason wondered what had really gotten into his wife. He knew that he was a Live-in-son-in-law to the Palmers but did he really deserve to be treated like trash?

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