23. In the night
Having been blown away from the impact, Luke rolled on the ground three times before he tried to get up. Not wanting to let the chance simply pass by, Zhao Peng followed with a swipe of his war axe after he had kicked the left side of Luke's waist.

"You want to attack my waist? Sure, but I'll attack yours first!" laughed Zhao Peng while he used his entire might on the swipe, making it hummed slightly in the air.

Realizing he didn't have enough time to chant a spell, Luke jumped high enough to dodge the incoming blow as he stretched out his arm to Zhao Peng with a grim expression, "You forced me to do this."

As a bluish glow radiated through Luke's opened palm, Zhao Peng felt an ominous feeling and pulled out a dagger that was strapped right on the back of his waist, while cursing, he yelled. "Eat sh*t!"

Zhao Peng guided his inner energy, Lingqi, on his hand as he threw the dagger right at Luke's head. As if being propelled by a machine instead of human power, the dagger flew with u
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