91. Huan city
"Stay here."

Dropping off Luke and Lin Ju in the middle of nowhere, outside a massive city, Hong Ming ordered both of them to stay put for a while until he came back. Seeing that Hong Ming had an urgent matter to take care of, Luke and Lin Ju had decided to agree to wait while he inspected something amidst the massive city.

The city itself stretched upon the horizon with tall walls to safeguard against any invasion of the neighbouring threats, with soldiers patrolling every minute atop of the walls. The city walls seemed to be built from a very durable material, jet black in colour, thick and strong in a glance for any visitor or passerby that took a look at it. The walls circled around the city, while the city had many sections and overlapping walls within to differentiate the area where no ordinary citizens could enter without an official permit.

The city called Huan was the capital of the Kingdom which had governed the region for a few centuries and could be considered young compa
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