92. Ruler of the Great Sea
"Do you take me for a fool!!!??"

The throne hall vibrated, the flow of Lingqi in the surrounding became chaotic, and every fire illuminating the room shook and set ablaze as if someone had poured a glass of gasoline upon them. Not beating around the bush, Hong Ming continued.

"Everyone knows my name! They know my name! For you to have the courage to mess around like I don’t even exist, which powerhouse had promised you safety and strength beyond your current limits!? Be honest now and I will consider lessening your punishment!!"

Bowing lower to the point that his forehead touched the floor, the king said in trepidation and fear, "This one won't dare!"

"Enough! Talk!" Interjected Hong Ming with his voice rumbling across the room. Even the air around him had dropped a few degrees from the intensity of his emotions alone.

"I-It was-" Before the king could spill the mastermind who had instructed him so far, a strange tattoo on the back of his neck began spreading at an unnatural speed.
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