The Scarred Son in-law is a Trillionaire
The Scarred Son in-law is a Trillionaire
Author: Christy I.
Chapter 1

At ‘Eat healthy diner’, Liam held in his hands a tray which contained the orders of a young couple and proceeded towards their table. The couple were engrossed in their conversations while waiting for their meals to arrive. 

Upon reaching the table, Liam tilted himself to serve them but was stunned to hear the young lady scream out in terror when she stared at his face.

“Miss, what's the problem?” He asked her with furrowed brows, concern evident on his face. However, the young lady swiftly rose up and sought refuge in the arms of her lover.

“Take me out of here please. I can't stand that ugly face. He's so disgusting.”

The man, who was also confused, lifted his head and his gaze met with Liam's. At that moment, he understood what was going on and the reason for his lover's reaction.

“How can such a beasty looking man be a server? Honey, come on, let's get away from here.” The young lady continued to demean Liam as they hurriedly made their way out of the diner. While the little drama caused some other customers to turn to the direction of the noise, Liam kept throwing confusing gazes at them. 

The scar on his face was not that bad. Or was it?

If it was, then there won't be any customer at his wife's diner. Obviously, some people didn't mind his facial looks while others did. It was not the first time his looks got a customer to react. However, the current incident was the worst.

“Hey, wait up. Don't leave please. I'll give you a discount and serve you myself.”

Liam turned his face around and saw Miranda chasing after the couple who just left. Her diner was small and she could not afford to lose customers, especially with all the competitions around the street.

“Honey, I didn't mean to scare her away. I was just…”

“But you obviously scared the couple away.” A voice interrupted him from the door side where Hailey and Jane approached them. They were Miranda's closest friend and were so against her marriage with him.

Liam's face was not scarred at the onset. Unfortunately, he met with an accident at his former workplace which caused him to lose his facial beauty.

“Did I not warn you about letting him work at your diner? Look what is happening.” Hailey scolded Miranda from the door. Her voice was loud and commanding, causing the other customers to instantly turn in their direction.

The few customers had been watching all the drama while whispering among themselves. However, it seemed to them that the main drama lies ahead.

The girls walked up to Liam and Miranda and comfortably sat on the table beside them.

“When are you going to listen to your parents and divorce this good for nothing husband of yours? Look around?” With a sneer on her face, Susan spread her arms and shook her head in disappointment.

“How many people do you see coming to eat here? They're all afraid to look at his ugly face. The earlier you realize that this man is chasing your customers away, the better it would be for your business.”

Speechless, Miranda directed her gaze at her husband. He was clearly fuming and had clenched his fists tightly while giving the girls a dirty look.

“Yeah Mira. We're only saying this to you because we love you and don't want you to be out of business. Remember your stand in your family, your cousins will laugh at you.” Hailey added while reaching out for the sandwich that had been brought for the couple who left earlier.

“This is free advice from a concerned friend…”

“Well, your advice is not needed. Nobody asked for your opinion. Maybe when you find yourself a decent husband then my wife can listen to your advice.” Liam angrily cut her words short.

He had taken too much from her and could no longer swallow the public embarrassment. 

Turning to Miranda who had said nothing to stop her friends from insulting him, Liam said to her.

“Honey, I'll be on my way home now. I know that you were only trying to help but it's obviously hopeless.”

With that, Liam angrily stormed out of the diner. From where he was, he heard Susan's boisterous laughter while still throwing shades at him but ignored her.

“I'd never get married to a poor and worthless man like you. And to crown it all, you're ugly.”

“Stop it Suzzy, he's still my husband.” 

“But I'm saying the truth.”

It was after Liam had already left the place that his wife stood up for him. It was so unfortunate that she was not really proud of him.


A week had already passed by since the incident at the diner. With the preparation for the one month remembrance of the death of Ryan Weston, the man who had arranged Liam's marriage with Miranda. Everyone was to avail themselves at the family villa where lady Mary Weston was in charge.

Mary is the only sister of the late Ryan Weston. When Ryan's wife died, Lady Mary became the mother to his two children since she didn't get married. After the death of her brother, she became the leader of the Weston family.

With the opulent sitting room bustling with friends and well wishers who came to celebrate with them, Liam arrived later than everyone else because he burnt the only nice suit he had while ironing it. However, he resorted to improvising with a simple dressing.

While he approached the door in a casual t-shirt and plain trousers which were already old, a voice halted him.

“I can't believe that you came late to our grandfather's remembrance party. A man who doted on you so much like you were his actual grandson.”

Liam lifted his face and saw Kimberly and Bernard Jefferson approaching him. Kimberly was the elder sister of his wife and was married to Rich Bernard Jefferson.

With a very dark expression, Kimberly gave him a disdainful look and uttered with disgust. “What are you even putting on? For someone with such an ugly face, you should try and look more presentable.”

“Yeah, my wife is right. You look horrible in this outfit and your scar isn't helping matters. If we weren't familiar with you, we'd have thought that a beggar came in here for some alms.” Bernard added while letting out a mocking chuckle.

The little confrontation caused necks to turn in their direction. Since the ceremony was being held in the sitting room, everyone watched the little drama displayed before them. 

Liam remained silent for a while. When he lifted his face to browse through the crowd, he saw his mother-in-law's disapproving look. 

Since he fell from grace to grass, Patricia Weston's love had transformed from love to utter disgust and hatred. 

“I just don't know why you won't divorce my daughter and let her focus on someone more important as…”

“Let him be.” Someone interrupted Patricia's demeaning comment.

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