Chapter 17: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Leader 2

"Let's get this started, Troy!"

As expected, he really is fast!

I barely dodged his first punch by jumping back and sprinting away, but I knew more to come. Of all the three faction leaders, he's the only one whose Skill I have no information about. The only thing I know is he has terrifying physical capabilities.

It means there are other options here than holding back.

Upon dodging, I immediately aimed my hand in his direction, released a common fire blast attack, and blasted it toward him. The fire exploded on him, and I watched him burn, but I received no reaction coming from him. He just stood there and did not do anything.

I knew Cherubim was still assessing. I'm buying him time.

"I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a big fan of Fire magic," he said as his silhouette emerged from the direction of my attack, with a menacing grin forming on his lips as the fire died out.

[Confirmed: Fire Resistance imitated skill acquired!]

Damn it!

He jumped towards me much faster than before
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