Chapter 18: Levaerûn: Leo the Fang Faction Leader 3

The roars of the people around us thundered throughout the area, with some jumping in excitement.

"Be prepared; it will be a great battle," Leo said as he raised his hands sideways; a powerful gust of wind built up around his arms, causing an apparent disruption all over him. "This is how I use my Wind magic."

Yeah, it would be very painful to get hit with that thing.

Without delay, he bent his knees and jumped towards me while generating a strong gushing sound.

Due to the activation of his skill, his movement became far faster than before.

Does that mean all the damage he took earlier, even before activating his skill, is still counted for his power-up?

I shifted my gaze at him while he was surging towards me.

There's only one way to prove it.

"Warrior's rage."

His eyes instantly widened the moment he heard what I just said.

At the same time, I felt an instant surge of power spreading throughout my body, which greatly boosted my reaction time, so I easily evaded the incoming devastat
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