Chapter 24: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 2

"Go kick his ass, boss!"

I exhaled as I entered the arena and went straight to the middle. As I walked, the spectators' roars resonated throughout the place, with some of them jumping due to extreme excitement while looking at me from the audience platform, where a tall wall was separating the arena and the audience platform above.

From the crowd, I saw Rafaela waving her hand at me; beside her was Xin crossing his arms, and Leo was conversing with a guy wearing a butler suit standing next to him.

I didn't know what they were discussing, so I could only wonder.

I waved my hand towards Rafaela.

"So, you are the new leader of the Fang faction."

The fuck?

I immediately turned toward the person standing a few meters away from me.

Since when has he been standing there? He literally came out of nowhere! I didn't even sense him with my Mana perception!

[Noticed: Absolute Concealment Skill in activation. Unlike Kuro, this elf has higher Concealment Skill, which includes not just his status bu
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