Chapter 23: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 1

I yawned as I stared at the energetic demon before me, flexing his muscular arms along with the loud roars of the spectators huddling around us in front of the faction base.

First thing in the morning, this is what I got after a devastating drinking session last night!

He faced me and pointed his index finger at me. "I'll crush you, Summon impostor!" He said with a voice that was full of confidence.

"Should we start already? I still have something to do."

"Huh, don't cry at me after!" He pulled his sword from his back and assumed a battle position. "Get ready to get wrecked by me-"

He couldn't finish his sentence anymore because he was already rolling on the ground while covered in fire and crying like a man-sized muscular baby.

I exhaled. "That's the fourth one this morning. Does anyone still want to challenge me?"

But no one dared to respond and just looked at me with fear.

"Help! Help!"

Yep, that's the guy who just said he's going to crush me.

I activated my water magic, poured it
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