Chapter 22: Levaerûn: The New Faction Boss Prt 3

The party continued, and Leo continued drinking like tomorrow would never come.

However, I stood up when I saw familiar faces joining the crowd while eating.

I approached them, and all at once, all eight of them immediately stood up the moment they saw me. They were already done when I arrived.

I smiled. "Woah, isn't it the ever-powerful Leo the invincible?"

The one who impersonated Leo before scratched his head while looking down due to embarrassment.

"I'm glad to see that you three are fine and have some friends with you."

"Yes, thanks for helping us back there, ma- master Troy."

"I assume your name isn't really Leo, ain't it?"

He raised his head. "Ah, my name is Julio."

I turned my gaze towards the two.

"My name is San." Said the demon one.

"And I'm Shun." Lastly, the one with cat ears. A cat boy! "And these guys are our friends." At the same time, he points his hand to their group's younger members.

"Nice to meet you. I hope you are no longer going around doing what you did back t
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