Chapter 21: Levaerûn: The New Faction Leader 2

After a few minutes of following the security personnel, who as they called themselves, we finally reached the venue.

And oh boy, I think all of the citizens of this faction's territory are here!

The celebration took place in the middle of a huge road under the moonlight. Lights were everywhere, and the crowd of people cheered at me.

And there's a lot of them!

From the crowd, Leo came out and raised his wooden cup. "And here comes the star of the night!"

He walked towards me and handed the cup containing booze to me.

"I didn't expect it to be this extravagant."

"Aren't you underestimating the weight of being a faction leader a bit too much? You are now the most important person in this place, and it's the least thing we can do to congratulate you." He walked back and waved his hand. "Let's go in here; everyone wants to see you."

I shook my head and turned my gaze to Rafaela; she responded by smiling at me.

It's quite overwhelming, especially knowing it is just the beginning of what I
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