Chapter 20: Levaerûn: The New Faction Leader 1

I woke up with a massive headache the next morning. Rafaela had tried to wake me up, but I just couldn't.

I remembered I was checking on my Status and suddenly went to sleep after Cherubim's last words. And when I woke up, what greeted me was a pair of almost opaque eyes. Although I can still see some black part of the pupil in both eyes, most of it was opaque. Nonetheless, they didn't affect my eyesight.

What is this? What happened to my eyes!?

What the hell!

[Confirmed: New Active Ability Unlocked: Psyche]

Huh? What is that? Ability?

[It's a new ability you unlocked. It might have triggered during your fight with the BeastFolk and the desire to know one's Status]

Oh? Not a Skill?

[No. Ability and Skill are not the same]

Gah! I don't understand!

[ An ability cannot be obtained or imitated. You have it in you; all you have to do is unlock it. Skill is what you can learn but, in your case, imitated.]

So what can this new ability do?

[Status reading. It's an active ability. It means y
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