Mushy organic material accumulated on the ceiling, towering over its maker. Kirian let it encircle him, gradually grabbing hold of his lifted arms and black hair. It seemed as though the scientist had consented to dress, and an enormous, slimy sweater was slowly lowering to accommodate his wish.
“Don’t be a fool!” Tejeda yelled. “It will devour you too.”
“Kirian’s long gone, dear officer. I did devour him long ago. Then copied his body and took hold of his knowledge.” Now the crimson goo completely engulfed its maker. “I’m both Kirian and the bacteria he created. I’m Fresh Flesh.”
After all the layers of mushy material came off the walls and ceiling, a large, meaty creature stood tall and wide where Kirian once stood. The top part took on a sphe

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The Space Spoon 64. Eat Me!
Shayla cursed internally at this entire situation. If the plan of burning the ugly piece of shit wouldn’t work, then she wasted this fine cigarette for nothing. It was the last thing her mother gave her before she died.She humphed and took a last lungful of smoke. She could bet anyone would laugh at the thought that a queen could gift her daughter a cigarette as the last token of love. The crackling sound of the dry weeds burning up brought her mind back to the present.New, not yet fully formed limbs broke out of Fresh Flesh's body, charging forward past the rocks and over the liquid. A grunt came out through his upside-down lips as its meat ran between the falling match and the thin stream of fluid. The stamped-out match flew upward and landed between two rocks. A dark coating appeared on the limb as it stretched further toward Shayla.
The Space Spoon 65. Cry for the Villain
Tejeda pondered his choices after being absorbed inside of Fresh Flesh. He could either wait for the bacteria to consume him or initiate the shift. He had a lot of DNA swimming around him.Only in extremely dire situations did he do this. He hated the perks of his psionic ascension and avoided using these abilities, which he perceived as a curse. Others strived to earn powers, to climb the steps toward an Apex, while he was close enough to reach two of them. The biological one was easy; nature provided for him and he didn’t want to deny his roots. He had never wanted psionic powers but living so long as he did meant learning stuff even if you didn’t want to.He started to take over the meat body, one molecule at a time. His mind melded with Fresh Flesh's, who already had Kirian’s inside. Tejeda could use this to his advantage. He was eag
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The Space Spoon 68. Nested If Statements
C1313 heard Tejeda’s approaching heartbeat before he peeked over her shoulder at Jackeye.“Are you awake, buddy?”“I wasn’t sleeping.” Jackeye brushed his blonde curls backward to clear his face. “Tell me, how should I feel when my privacy is being invaded over and over again?”“I would be pissed as hell.” Tejeda chuckled and pushed C1313 forward. “You can have payback by invading her privacy and knowing you aren’t the only one having that issue. Do you feel up to the task?”“Maybe. Can you ask nicely?”"Nice men ask nicely. You should have understood by now that I am not one of them." Tejeda frowned and tilted his head to the side, mimi
The Space Spoon 69. Missing Wife
Tejeda took his time rinsing his new scrawny body and wondering how Kirian did anything with those long, thin fingers. His pale complexion could have been due to the extended time spent in that cave.He closed his eyes, swiping through the memories. Perhaps it was because of his entire life spent loitering indoors or an interesting gene inherited since birth. But the last one was a stretch considering his black hair and black eyes. Of course, he could stop and search through the past or inside his body structure, but he got bored before even beginning to do anything.Unfortunately, Shayla had wasted all of his Zondarian horra, so for now he was stuck inside this weak frame. Of course, he could have increased his strength and perhaps even improved his appearance, but he was too preoccupied with dealing with the tidal wave of memories during the shift. He d
The Space Spoon 70. No One’s Left Behind
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104. Meat Suit Part 2
The door closes after the last man leaves the pub. Tejeda resumes his previous position and finishes his drink. By now, we are both soaking wet, but neither of us seems to care. My reason is the seven beers. I wonder what his is."Apparently, you're not leaving, and we've run out of time," he says as he turns to face me. His purple eyes sparkle. A chill goes down my spine. "These guys aren't going down without a fight. I might have to die to quench their hunger for vengeance. But the crystal I took is far more significant. It must be safeguarded."Tejeda leans forward, his hand reaching over the bar for the knife the bartender uses for the lemons. He sits again in his chair, gripping the handle with both of his hands, the pointy tip toward his stomach. I have seen this stance before in movies when someone performs seppuku.Filling his lungs with air, his chest expands, and he thrusts the knife right into his belly. I cover my mouth with a hand but not my eyes. I need to see what happe
103. Meat Suit Part 1
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102. Monster Within Part 2
Rayna followed him through dark alleys, avoiding the city's main thoroughfares and heading for the city's outskirts. There weren't many other people around since it was late and freezing. The two veiled shadows of the night were easy to miss. Illuminated figures appeared randomly through the windows of dimly lit houses.He stopped in front of a derelict house. The sculpted archway stood crooked above the entrance, but he went beneath it without a second thought.Rayna stared at the white structure enveloped in moss to make sure it wouldn’t fall on her head. When the Bralxoid disappeared inside, she swallowed hard and followed him.Doctor Iadfoc invited her into a small, dark room with a single goose-neck lamp illuminating the top of a large table filled with glass vials. He gestured toward a threadbare sofa against the wall. He grabbed a simple wooden chair and sat facing her. For once, someone wasn't looking at her with meaningless pity, for which she was grateful.Iadfoc had a scann
101. Monster Within Part 1
A/N: Monster Within is a side story taking place about a thousand years or more before the action in the novel. Enjoy!***Rayna sat in front of the mirror, removing her makeup. Who would she discover underneath? Foundation applied in triple layers, contact lenses, even a wig to make certain no one would see her change.Skin patches of different complexions stretched across her face like puzzle pieces jammed together into a chaotic pattern. Some parts of the jigsaw had wrinkles, while others were as smooth as a baby’s skin.Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the edge of the mirror. Her heterochromatic eyes were both different colors than before she wore contact lenses. And her hair... Well, the hair looked more like a wig than the one she threw on the floor. Honey-blonde hair tumbled in waves over her right shoulder. Ruby-red hair, spikey like a hedgehog’s, pointed toward the ceiling from the top of her head. Black, curly strands went down to her chin from her left.She was a mo
100. Sunsetrise Part 4
Time passes differently on Yacleemb. I can’t say it’s the 56 hours days, the peacefulness of the Spreahs, or Lyam’s company. What I do know is that I’ve lost track of time. Every day, he builds things for the village; he’s happy, full of smiles, and I’m drunk with his genuine blissfulness.Unfortunately, I still have memories and can’t help but feel guilty for not contacting our friends. Wanting to know how things are working out for our crew, I stroll through the forest to the shuttle. After it powers up, a small blinking red light appears on the console. A message from E00.“Shayla, I hope you’ve found Tejeda by now. More than two months have passed, and no news from you. In the time you've been gone, things got worse around here.“Since the day you left, Jackeye has been trapped inside his virtual reality. I can’t say if it’s a voluntary decision or not. He cut me off completely.“Cato took a shuttle and left the Space Spoon about a month ago. The Interplanetary Police files show t
99. Sunsetrise Part 3
Shayla Bale's POVOnly Tejeda Hajar is capable of disappearing and leaving me with an ambassador’s corpse. Once again, I had to assume the role of acting captain and evade the Interplanetary Police. We are all renegades once more, as we were before Tejeda found us.The crew needs me to steer the ship in the right direction, but my thoughts are far away, following the faceless Nubilae who left us. I lean against the wall and stare at his empty chair, wishing he will appear there, smiling without giving me any explanation as he always does.“Thinking about him won’t bring him back,” E00’s voice echoes from the ceiling speakers. “If you want him here again, you must go after him.”“Don’t get me wrong, E00, I want to. But it was his choice. He left us. Even if I go after him, he may not come back.”“If there’s anyone who can shake him out of the state he’s in, you’re the one.”“Why must you torment me?” I slump in Tejeda’s chair, rubbing my eyes to forestall crying. The gesture is pointle
98. Sunsetrise Part 2
Reaching out, Carmen’s hand brushes against mine. Even though I’m mad as hell, a rush of electrical discharges takes over my core. That happened every time she touched me since the moment we’d met. Every fiber of my body, carbon and silica alike, crave to have her again by my side.“I tested the spoon. All the results said the same thing: it’s Nubilae. Who was it?”“My sister, Celia.” For the first time, a vein throbs on Carmen’s forehead. But she regains the glazed look. “She died during Iadfoc’s experiment. Many did. The rest went insane. Only I, you, and Rahul remained true Nubilae. Well, now only you and I since you killed Rahul.”“He had multiple run-ins with me and my crew. If I let him continue, surely one of my men would have died. I had to do something.”“No,” Carmen shouts, showing the anger hidden behind her previous blank expression. “I sent him to see how you are and test you. Well, you failed. No Nubilae should value the life of a lesser being over one of his brethren.”
97. Sunsetrise Part 1
A/N: Sunsetrise is a short story I've written before even starting the novel. It holds the ending of the first volume and is made up of 4 parts. The first 2 parts are from Tejeda's POV and the last 2 parts from Shayla's. Enjoy!***Tejeda Hajar's POV“Happy birthday, Shayla!” I invite her to sit on the blanket next to me with a pat.It took me about a week to create a perfect replica of Genoria Prime inside Jackeye's world.Once every two thousand years, Genoria Prime, a water planet with just a few stretches of land covered in sand, is perfectly aligned to get the ultimate romantic view. One of its suns sets while the other rises, a phenomenon called sunsetrise.To recreate it from my memories inside Jackeye's virtual world involved a few setbacks. But that isn't important anymore.Shayla takes one of the glasses of red wine and fixes her dark green eyes on me. “Whose body are you wearing now?”“You know bodies are just meat suits for me.” I give a sly smirk, looking her over. “Well,
96. His Blade
Tejeda's lips moved as though they were not his own. “Who’s she?”Shayla placed a hand on his back, touching for the first time the sludgy skin he had in this form. “Tejeda, stop. He’s dead.”Tejeda lifted his head to look at the sky. He remained like that for a long while before murmuring, “Why did you kill him?”"Sorry! Next time," Shayla murmured, sheathing her scimitar, "I'll kill the other guy after he kills you."“How did you know which one was me?”“Really? Is there another idiot who would risk dying for a spoon?”She observed how he flinched but said nothing. There was something wrong with him. Nonetheless, Shayla didn't believe she had the authority to inquire. In any case, she didn't expect a fair answer from him."Did you bring any DNA for me?" Tejeda asked without turning around. "As you can see, I’m in bad shape."Shayla hurled a vial toward him, and he grabbed it with one of his two remaining tentacles.“This is the last one holding the blood of King Astin. Enjoy!”Tejed