As the five warriors pursued their target, the sun had almost reached the peak of the mountain.They knew the chase was coming to an end, despite its exhausting length.The demon king Isaac, the man they were looking for, would soon have to pay for his crimes.
Isaac was aware that the warriors were near.Not only was he able to feel them, but he could also hear their labored breathing, their mumbled words of encouragement to one another, and their footfalls.Is it possible that they might catch him?How did this come to be?His army had been defeated, and his city was in ruins.He couldn't get rid of one thought:betrayal.He began to climb when he reached the cliff's base.He persevered despite the pain in his arms and legs from the bloody battle and chase that had preceded it.He would ensure that his pursuers would not have an easy fight.He turned around to see a volley of arrows headed directly for him after hearing the bowstring twang behind him.While two other warriors began to ascend the wall below, he caught an arrow in midair and sent it flying back toward one of them, piercing his neck.He kept going up.Another volley was accompanied by an outraged scream, and this time one of the arrows struck.Isaac stumbled on the rocks after feeling a burning pain through his thigh, but he did not stop.As he continued to climb, the two warriors below were directly hit by a waterfall of rocks caused by his slip.While one was able to stay away, the other was not so fortunate.He went backward, fell several feet, and hit a boulder hard;His legs gave out.After reaching the top of the cliff, Isaac began to descend the opposite side's smaller, shallower slope.The warriors continued their pursuit up and over the hill now that their target was out of sight and out of range.Isaac couldn't go any further because he was injured and close to exhaustion.It was this.The prediction would come true.This is the end of it all.He waited with his knife in his hand as he bent down to remove the arrow from his thigh.His pursuers had reached the top of the cliff and were about to descend the other side when they saw Isaac waiting for them there.Each warrior pulled out a macuahuitl, a wooden club-sword with obsidian blades, and charged at him from various angles as they spread out to try to surround him.One of the warriors was stabbed in the chest by Isaac as he threw his knife at him.He retaliated by evading their blows as they entered, swinging their swords.After disarming one of them, he violently swung the captured macuahuitl, sending the man's head into the air.Isaac's exhaustion had reduced his speed and strength, and the last warrior was the greatest of them all.He had never encountered a single man who presented such a challenge.The warrior fought with ferocity and conviction, but it was hard for him to catch his opponent.Isaac was a force to be reckoned with even when he was worn out.They were both shattered by the force as their macuahuitls clashed.They immediately drew their knives and formed a circle around each other.The warrior's hatred and rage burned brightly in his eyes.Death, bloodshed, and tyranny had come to an end.The monster had been driven out, dethroned, despised, but still dangerous, and he must not leave.He was aware that facing him alone would almost certainly result in his own death, but the price was worth it if it meant securing his people's freedom and salvation.Isaac knew he had to end the fight as soon as he saw this.He aimed his knife at his attacker with the last of his energy.A piercing ache ran through the warrior's body as the blade sunk into his body.The warrior's hand was gripping the handle that protruded between his lower ribs when he looked down at his abdomen.They both fell to the ground together.Despite his pain, Isaac, who was aware of his destiny, did not fear.He began to laugh with what little air he had left, and as his life dwindled, he said, "I will return..."The warrior was overcome with fear.The demon's rule was ended with his death.But is that possible?Would he come back?How?When?He closed his eyes and felt the life leave his body as his thoughts began to disperse and fade."Where did you go?The entire first half was missed by you!Over the crowd, Kristen yelled.Because of his height, Wilson was hard to miss as he waved at her.He was told to move out of the way by a few people, so he hurriedly entered the college soccer game's stands, tried not to spill his nachos, and sat next to Kristen."Sorry, I had a student who needed assistance understanding the electron transport chain," I apologized."Does anybody comprehend that?"Kristen asked, flicking her platinum-blonde shoulder-length hair behind her ear.You should have majored in archaeology, I assure you.Instead of just teaching all day, I spend a lot more time doing real-world fieldwork."So how's the excavation going—oh crap...," I asked.As he dripped cheese sauce all over his shirt, Wilson said."It's incredible!"Kristen responded, unaware of his mess.I had no idea I would be working on something so exciting.We recently discovered additional rooms beneath the temple."“Cool.Wilson stated, "I'm excited to see them tomorrow."“Well . . .Actually, those rooms haven't been secured yet, so you'll want to stay near the safe entrance, Kristen advised.We don't want a student to set off a booby trap and lose something they'll need later, like a hand or head, which they might think is pretty valuable."Are you certain that bringing them is safe at all?How many deaths have occurred thus far?”Wilson inquired.“Well . . .twelve.But before I joined the project, those were in the early stages of excavation.Since then, we've been much more prepared and taken more precautions.Kristen reassured him, "Trust me, the areas where we will allow the students to go are perfectly safe."I still look forward to seeing it.These ruins formed the foundation for the entire town.It's wonderful that they are finally allowing people access to the actual site rather than just the pointless museum.“Hey!The museum interests me.I first became interested in archaeology in places like those.Furthermore, no one is being admitted by accident.It's still too risky.For the first time, only select faculty members and students are permitted entry.Well, at least it's a start.These ruins attract visitors from all over the world.It would be wonderful if they could actually see inside.Maybe it will help the economy of our town a little more."As if we had to have it.Even though these ruins were only discovered seventeen years ago, our little town is already expanding fairly quickly here.When one of the players scored a spectacular goal, the crowd cheered, effectively ending their conversation.Wilson and Kristen approached one of the assistant coaches after the game was over.He was shorter than Wilson by a few inches, had dark hair, and he had a friendly, warm face.He waved him off with a friendly pat on the back as he was having fun with one of the players about something they had just said.Wilson replied, "Hey, Mike, good game."You say that as if you had seen anything.Let me hazard a guess: you just showed up, and instead of watching the game, you just talked to Kristen the whole time, probably about the excavation as well.Am I correct?”Mike asked, his arms folded in mock anger.I did not simply show up.I arrived in the middle of the second half.Also, the fact that Kristen asked me to accompany her archaeology students tomorrow may have me a little excited.Additionally, you won, didn't you?According to Wilson, "it must have been a good game."It's alright.I'm not to blame.If I were special enough to be invited to chaperone, I would be thrilled,” Mike said to Kristen in a playful but accusatory tone.Hey, I could only invite two chaperones to the school, and I had to have good reasons to choose them.Wilson is a scientist as well.How can I justify bringing a soccer coach with me?”Kristen shrugged."Who else is there?"Mike inquired.Kristen replied, "Kevin Ludwig, the physics teacher."She was met with smirks from Mike and Wilson.Kristen shed a tear.What?Brilliant is the man.He is the logical choice."I'm certain he is.How many times has he presently sought you out?”inquired Wilson.Kristen replied bluntly, "I don't date coworkers."Under his breath, Mike asked her, "Are you sure about that?" as he drew closer to her.and then gave Wilson a thoughtful glance.Kristen felt a scarlet tinge to her face and considered punching Mike, but Wilson's sage-green eyes temporarily distracted her from her rage.She quickly caught herself and asked Wilson, "What are you staring at?"Wilson laughed as he raised his hands casually.Kristen abruptly raised herself, looked at Mike, and said, "We ought to go."Get ready to go.In the parking lot, we'll be waiting for you."Over the red rocks, the pink sky lit up as the sun set in the west.The aqua-blue river flowed steadily, as if it were unaffected by humans, deep in the canyon between the mountains.A small group of hikers scoured the land on rocky trails on a small mountain just west of the city on the east rim of the canyon in search of an ancient hidden cave.Three of the hikers were archaeologists from the excavation site: an American named Jeff, a tall Russian named Leo, and a short, stocky Italian named James.James, a Native American who was well-versed in the area and served as a guide for the others, was the fourth man.Related Chapters
The Special People Chapter 2
James looked up at the sky and said, "We really should be getting back for the day before it gets too dark.""We're close.We are, I am aware.“I can feel it,” Leo declared.Nevertheless, it is unsafe.We can continue tomorrow morning, Lucas insisted."Come on, we've been looking for more than a week.We won't be hurt for one more day, Jeff said.Jeff is with me.James declared, "The day is over.""I still maintain that this cave is not real.This mountain is very familiar to me.It has already been searched many times by us.For your sake, I'm telling you that there is no cave.Lucas stated, "You are wasting your time."According to the writings, his cave is close to his temple.We have looked in every place.Leo stated, "It has to be here somewhere."Additionally, they claimed that Isaac can turn his arms into snakes.Do you also hold that belief?”James asked.Leo responded, "The stories always exaggerate, but there is also some reality to them."“So, what about the part that says this cave is
The Special People Chapter 3
"Do you see?Leo declared, "Everything is in order."Continue moving.Steve reluctantly joined the group, keeping his eyes open for any indication of danger.As they moved through the forest, they made several stops to admire the cave's various plant life and structures.Everything was so fascinating.James's legs started to itch as they moved deeper into the cavern;At first, it was just annoying, but the itching got worse over time until he started scratching his legs constantly."What's your issue?"inquired Leo."My legs hurt.He stated, "I think I'm allergic to something in here."Oh, please stop complaining.Let's keep moving, please."Jeff replied, "Actually, I'm also having an itchy feeling."Lucas said, "So am I."I'm wondering why it's happening.It might be time to leave.What we are exposed to down here is unknown."You guys carried on then.I am not squandering this chance.Leo said, "I want to keep looking around."Jeff said, "We shouldn't separate."Since only my legs itch, there mus
The Special People Chapter 4
Isaac started speaking more aggressively as he got impatient.James instructed Leo to take action.I'm trying to concentrate."You're not helping," Leo yelled.Isaac looked at the men and noticed how scared they looked.His curious and authoritative demeanor began to change into one of rage.Leo seemed to get it, and he got a little excited.It's okay; I believe he is expressing gratitude to us for saving him.Additionally, I believe he requested clothing.Just at that moment, Isaac grabbed Leo by the neck and spoke to him once more, this time in an accusatory tone and with bloodlust in his eyes.Leo's face became more frightened as the men realized what Isaac had just said;They would not be permitted to leave the cave alive, and he had realized that they had not come with the intention of resurrecting him.Leo tried to speak, but Isaac's grip, which was so strong, was blocking his airway.As his body screamed for oxygen, he started to panic.Again in a state of panic, Steve fled, with James
The Special People Chapter 5
On the horizon, a pair of bright yellow lights pointed directly at him;The lights started making a very loud, straight-toned, squawking sound as they got closer.As the lights and the large object to which they were attached zoomed by on the left, continuing to blast the sound, he swerved to the right.Isaac paid attention to the moving object.It was much larger than the motorcycle, had four circular legs instead of two, and had a protective casing around the driver.Isaac had passed by while the man inside had yelled angrily at him.He was perplexed as to the man's rage and wondered if he had in any way violated the road's customs of travel.He noticed the yellow lines in the middle when he looked down.When he stopped to think about it, he realized that whatever was transporting people had stayed on one side or the other of the lines, depending on which way they were going;He understood the reasoning given how quickly things moved here.High-speed collisions were likely to be quite violen
The Special People Chapter 6
Isaac extended his arms, and they started to get longer and become a pale green.On each arm, the fingers joined together to form what appeared to be a snake's head.The snakes' heads showed small, round eyes, and their mouths opened to show sharp fangs.The snakes continued to spread out at a rapid rate until they encircled two people's necks, twisted and squeezed, and finally bit into their victims with their fangs.The people were nearly dead as soon as Isaac let go of their grip because the venom was so potent.As every attempt to flee the scene resulted in a fatality, panic set in.Broken glasses and bottles were scattered everywhere, tables were knocked over, and bodies were thrown everywhere.With his snake arms, Isaac moved so quickly, biting and striking with perfect precision, that all movement stopped in less than a minute.Are you prepared for this?As Kristen and Mike entered a dimly lit, dark room with twenty V-shaped vests hung on the walls, Wilson taunted them.On both the fro
The Special People Chapter 7
In the case against the Steinworth brothers, the jury reached its verdict today.Eight counts of first-degree kidnapping, torture, and murder were found against all three of them.The reporter stated, "The two oldest, Spike and Steve, were given the death penalty, and the youngest, Saxon, was given a life sentence."Three men were seen being led out of the courthouse by a team of police officers on the screen.The officers had a difficult time getting the three men into the police car because they were all so tall.Spike, the oldest, appeared to be in his mid-30s;He was a big man who looked like a professional wrestler.His eyes were evil, and it shone onto the screen.Steve was almost as tall as his older brother but looked to be in his late twenties. He was much thinner than his older brother.Saxon appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties, despite being the youngest and shortest of the officers.While the reporter continued to speak, all three men were removed from the vehicle by
The Special People Chapter 8
Isaac ’s arms retracted back to normal. He walked through the now silent room, stepping over body after body, searching for any survivors. Blue and red lights began flashing through the broken windows. Isaac turned to investigate, but on his way to the front door, he stopped to search the pockets of the man with the cobra tattoo. After he pulled out the keys to the green motorcycle, he walked out the front door, and he was met by an intensely bright white light. A strangely magnified voice spoke out sharply; the light was so bright he couldn’t see who was speaking, but he recognized one of the words they were using. It was the same word the officer had said to him earlier.“Freeze!” the voice commanded. “Lie on the ground with your hands on your head!”Isaac listened for a moment, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice. Another softer voice spoke to the first, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. He could tell there were at least two people behind the light, and he
The Special People Chapter 9
They must have been moving it from room to room, he thought.As he was walking down a particular corridor deep in the temple, he stopped halfway down and faced the wall. With his fingers, he gently felt over the stone and smiled to himself.Ah, they didn’t find this room.He ran his fingertips over the carving of a snake until he got to the eye, and with a little bit of force, he pressed the eye into the wall. The wall opened up, revealing a secret room entirely blanketed with a thick layer of dust.He walked to the right, and on a stone counter were some knives, a blow gun, and some darts, all made of obsidian. He picked up the darts and walked over to what looked like a dried-up fountain protruding from the center of the wall. He pulled down on a stone lever; a cloud of dust billowed toward him from a hole in the top of the fountain, followed by a florescent green liquid which came streaming out of it. He took the darts and held them under the stream, filling the hollow cavities.He
Latest Chapter
Chapter 110
Hopefully the thought that we are out of jeopardy isn’t phony, a fantasy from our purposefully deluded minds.-Isaac Weak. Inferior. Helpless. Useless.These are characteristics that should never be associated with an Alpha, yet I feel them all on a daily basis now.I have a job to do and the need to be a stable and reliable leader is essential after what has just happened. Countless new procedures need to be implemented for the safety of the packs. Each Alpha will need to take precautionary measures -ramping up training, security, and make plans with alias incase war comes.There isn’t time to stay on a sick bed with people keeping me from my work while all these pressing matters wait to be handled. Not to mention my duties as a mate and the fact she has her own position among the packs to undertake.Each day doesn’t hold enough hours to get my tasks completed even if I was healthy and able bodied, the challenges are even more daunting as I regain strength from the poison my brother
Chapter 109
If there is a chance behind that cold wall he is capable of feeling rejection, I don’t really want him to feel it from me. I don’t want to be the one who gave up. I will be careful, but right now I want him to know I want to try.So, I reach out and grasp his hand in mine.He smiles sleepily. “Much better”“You know his lips look a little cold too”“Levi!” Isaac grumbles.“I thought I was the wing man?” Levi shrugs.Isaac doesn’t look that upset... I think I might even see a hint of a smile as I chuckle at the two of them. Soon Isaac leans his head back again and falls asleep.I’ll just hold his hand a little longer.-May“She is gonna be here any minute” I mumble against his lips as they tease mine.My mate responds by groaning in protest and pulling me closer causing me to giggle.It’s not like I wasn’t already crammed against him in the small play house that rests just inside the woods behind Robert’s parents’ home.I typically have higher standards for make-out locations. This
Chapter 108
“Alright party people, lets get this show on the road!” I giggle nervously and nod before chancing a glance behind at Isaac . He meets my eyes looking tired but other wise emotionless. I eye him narrowly with a glare and let my frustration flood the link between us, unsure if he was even paying attention through that thick wall of his.Turning I adjust myself in my seat and pull out my phone to keep me busy on the drive.I had been working on my linking while my family was still here but with them gone and me not yet being a part of Isaac and Levi’s pack – if I ever become apart of it- I was unable to practice or use the link for the last few days. Only Isaac would be able to talk to me now and we both have been avoiding that.I imagine that the link or bond I have with Isaac works in a similar way to a pack link, and I could learn to keep him out if I try. I don’t get how I have started to be able to keep my thoughts to myself in wolf form but Freddy, Chris and Alpha Cold heart ca
Chapter 107
I chose not to make eye contact with Isaac as he is wheeled out of the make shift hospital. I had just finished loading up a few things in the car to make this trip easier.It has almost been a week since he was poisoned but the recovery has been slow. Isaac still spends most of his time sleeping and it frustrates him to be so weak. The slightest activity seems to make him tired.It frustrates ME that he is a stubborn ass.My mate has spent his every waking moment pushing himself by dealing with pack business and trying to get out of bed. I took pity on him the first night he had ripped his IVs out and caused a commotion, now I know I shouldn’t have.He has been such a handful. Willfully disregarding Greta’s orders to the point that I was on board when she threatened to strap him down two days ago.Boy did that Idea go over well.Lucky for Isaac Levi took pity on him and talked us down.I roll my eyes remembering how ridiculous he was being yelling at us to stop babying him and hol
Chapter 106
I squeeze my eyes shut, willing more power to be put into the spell, “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these lines to boundaries defined. Expand this protection with the flow of desired correction. Right to what has been outlined.”I hear Silas shout and Wilson growl. I start shouting the spell. “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these lines to boundaries defined. Expand this protection with the flow of desired correction. Right to what has been outlined.”“Stop Isaac !” Mike begs. “You can’t stop this spell.“Stay away from her,” Silas orders.“Please!” He screams as he begs.I feel the thunder shake the ground, and I open my eyes in enough time to see lightning strike the center of the anchor in the ward as it shatters. The earth turns black and spreads out from under me, killing the trees and grass within a mile of us.I pant as my hands clench the dead earth. Sweat has beaded on my forehead, and I try to catch my breath as the boys struggle behind me. I get to my feet very shaki
Chapter 105
I give Mike my wrist, my blood still freely flowing. “Squeeze my blood onto each paper and say; Deliver these to Goddess Kaelish, protector of Linru. Bring what’s true in this discovered news.”He gives me a questioning look, and I didn’t miss that his neck is tense. “Why?”“Because I can’t.” I motion to my bonds.He gives me a cautious look, trying to determine if he can trust me. “Why?”“You literally have me chained to a bed, just trust me.” I say, glaring at him.Mike follows my instructions, nearly jumping out of his skin as the pages start smoking. “What are you doing Isaac ?”“Relax,” I say, the flames turning turquoise, signaling they’ve been received. When Kaelish accepts them, the flames dissipate, leaving the pages in their original state. I hand them back to him. “There, now it’s in Kaelish’s hands.”“How much magic do you actually know?” Mike asks, looking me over as if he’s seeing me for the first time.I shrug. “Almost everything. I can’t speak the original spells, b
Chapter 104
When I find them, huddled behind Isongarth’s statue, they are clearly talking about me. I’m in no mood to explain myself, though I really should tell Silas about Alier. That can wait until after my very much needed nap.I ignore their conversation and surprised expressions as I sit down cross legged next to Silas. Skipping past looking at them, slightly annoyed they’re talking about me, I pull out a sariah petal and wipe it against one of my bloody wounds. I lay it next to me and bring a trail of salt to it, linking the other spells. I look to Leo. “Repeat after me.”After he nods, I prick my finger and pour seawater over the new wound, right over the sariah petal I had just placed, chanting as I pour. “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these lines to boundaries defined. Expand this protection with the flow of desired correction. Right to what has been outlined.”Leo starts copying me, touching my heart with his hand, flowing my power with his. “Summer wood and deity ties, bring these
Chapter 103
“I will see you again. I will find out what you’re up to Isaac . I didn’t know you knew this much about magic, so it’s going to take me a minute.”“I’m more than the girl that you keep trying to sink your teeth into.” I tell him, walking away from him. “I know more than fighting.”“Wait,” He grunts, trying to sit up. “Did you really know Elayna?”I look behind me, trying to keep my face cold. I hold up my hand and wipe off some blood from my wrists. I point to the healed dainty fang marks. “For two years I kept her alive with my blood. Every second of every day we were together. She was a sister to me, and I miss her terribly. Her death nearly destroyed me. I knew everything about her, except for most of her family. I knew she had brothers, but nothing more than that. She would shut down and close herself off whenever that topic was broached, and I knew it was because she was purposely distancing herself so not to hurt them.“Before you ask, she never did tell me about you. She never
Chapter 102
Well, I’m dead anyway. I walk into his room to quickly skim through his books. Nothing here can tell me what blasted spell he’s using. I need to think. Something here has to help me escape. I’ve read all of these books! I kick his bed as I try to think. Think Isaac , I shout internally as I try to slow my breathing. I kick his bed again and here a thump. I look under the bed and see Yvanna’s book. It was tucked underneath his mattress, pinned by a board. I grab it and tuck it into my bag as I try to think. I mean outside of using forbidden magic.Several hours later I’m still at a loss and trapped in this god forsaken room. The windows are sealed. His bedroom door is now locked. The only thing I can go into, is his adjoining bathroom. My head is resting against the warm wall while I sit on his surprisingly warm floor. I keep hitting my head against the wall as I try to think. Maybe if I pretend to be here waiting for him, like a loving mate, then he’ll let me off the hook. Nah.I hear