At the Academy Arena - Part Two.

Three students from the Golden Arrow Academy were watching from the height of the arena stands. They were Watson, a 17-year-old teenage boy who was a combat expert with Firebender magic talent. Watson's Combat Power reached 75 points, and he was at Level Two of a magical expert - Enchantment.

Next, there was Petaa, a 17-year-old teenage boy, a Waterbender. Petaa's Combat Power reached 69, making him a level two magician - Enchantment. Last but not least is Shiren, a 16-year-old girl. Although female, Shiren has shown talent as an aspiring Firebender combat expert since childhood. Shiren has a total Combat Power of 68 and was recognized as a level-two Enchantment magic expert.

Since the beginning of the appearance of these three genius students holding rank one to three, it was rare for them to specifically visit the arena to watch the Academy's inter-student debate. It was only this time that they had come together to watch the duel in the arena after hearing the news that Kiran, the
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