Invitation of the Magentum Institute.

Kiran's heart beat wildly! The railings of the short steps leading to the podium feel like a long hallway leading to the death chamber.

Kiran was filled with insecurity and worry that his talent test results would lead to disappointment.

Kiran trembled.

"Calm down, little brother. Take a deep breath and touch the magic brush.

Now!" Zetta tried to persuade him.

Kiran became confident.

Inexplicably, Zetta's gentle and kind voice made his mind clear.

Zetta urged.

"Let's start with one brushstroke on the surface of the canvas, and it's all done!" Zetta commanded, now her tone commanded. That hesitant attitude made her lose her temper quickly.

"Good luck!" Kiran closes his eyes, pumping up his spirits, and unexpectedly, she waves goodbye, mimicking Zetta's dramatic gestures.


That magic ink liquid fully stained the entire surface of the canvas. Everyone in the square was wide-eyed.

Kiran is careless!

He should have swept the brush for just a few drops, but in Kiran's hand, the magic paint spilled out, fully covering the entire surface of the canvas – Energy Cloth.

A sneer sounded from the crowd of onlookers.

"That kid is too awkward. He is really stupid!"

Others chimed in - no less cruel.

"Isn't that kid from the Wang family, whose two sons have been killed? It's a pity that their youngest son doesn't have any talent!"

Kora Wang raised her collar, trying not to get angry, hearing the sneers of many people.

From the beginning, only two people were insulted, and the crowd in the town square hurled more and more reproaches.

Kiran blushed! He was very embarrassed every time he saw the surface of the energy cloth turn into a bad appearance, similar to a worn cloth. The color of the spilled paint is orange color with a slight stroke of red.

Unlike the audience in the crowd, Zetta Mui reacted the opposite.

As the Master of Enchantment, the future fortune teller's face Zetta Mui turned whiter - pale. He was taken aback.

"We'll see next what image will be of this boy's talent," Zetta thought.

The surface that originally looked shabby slowly changed like it became a certain shape. At first, it looks like a cloud; its color is dark with a mauve tinge - the color of the sky when the sun sets on the Western horizon. Then it enlarges and turns more beautiful and real.

"It's beautiful natural scenery!" Zetta Mui choked up.

She observed dramatic images of towering mountains, below which clusters of red clouds, while the horizon looked dim. The sun seemed to wither on the horizon, a group of winged creatures flying as a sweetener for the overall image of the scene.

Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao gasped on the bandwagon. The heads of the two stretched out towards the image on the canvas.

"Is this image real? I've never seen results produced by a child aspiring charm master like this boy's performance," Eve Whitehouse whispered to Captain Bao.

Kiran grew embarrassed. It had been since just now when the sneer sounded; he didn't want to look up at the canvas. And now, more and more people look whispering; Kiran's confidence has flown all the way.

She murmured, biting his lip so that tears would not be shed. It's too embarrassing for a man to cry in public.

"Is this a mistake?" He whispered.

Zetta Mui took over the atmosphere.

His hand was raised, giving the code all in the square to be quiet. She loudly gave an announcement.

"Kiran Wang, 11 years old by talent, an Illusion Weaver!"


"Illusion weaver? It has long been unheard of for a child to be like that, not even in the big cities of our Hersen Rudeness.

But this, he is just a boy from an unknown city in the Qingchang Empire with a rare talent?" Eve Whitehouse now pays more attention to the little boy.

In the future, this boy will get more attention!

Captain Bao gave Kiran a look that took a lot of work to decipher.

After giving the announcement, Zetta Mui grabbed Kiran and whispered.

"Don't be inferior. You have a rare talent that not all children have.

The Illusion Weaver Enchantment Master is indeed included in the support group. Still, it is clear that the existence of an enchantment master-the illusion weaver is indispensable in warfare!"

Kiran looked into Zetta's eyes in disbelief. He exploded in excitement.

Meanwhile, in the town square of Begonia, all the spectators were still silent.

No one believes Kiran has a rare breed. Kora Wang, let alone. The woman is now busy thinking,

"Is it with this illusion weaver talent that my son is worthy enough to join all the aspiring Enchantment masters in the Qingchang empire?"

Kora Wang began to disappoint. Thoughtfully, Kiran would not be recruited and study at the Magic Academy.

Leave Kora Wang with his restlessness.

Zetta Mui now raised his chin high to announce an important thing.

"With this rare talent of hers, Kiran Wang deserves a ticket to join the talented Enchantment master candidates at Shanggu City's renowned Academy of Magic - the Magentum Institute!


Applause and cheers accompanied the announcement of the future-telling expert boy.

Furthermore, several other children still took the talent test after Kiran. But everything did not make an impression on Zetta Mui. Kiran has stolen the show on this day. He was a young star whose news quickly spread word of mouth throughout Begonia City.

The audition for the talent test that day ended quickly.


Kiran was standing in a cramped room in the representative office of the Enchantment experts in the town hall. There was nothing in the small room other than the Hersen Empire emblem, which looked huge and oppressive in the form of the Black Roc Bird. That Roc's eyes looked sharp, and his sharp nails felt threatening.

While the icon of the Qingchang Empire, also on the wall, is side by side with the Roc's coat of arms – it seems to be just a complement. Its smaller size makes the Phoenix icon look more like a rooster rather than the figure of the legendary Phoenix creature.

Kiran sighed.

The phoenix logo reminded him of an event, but it wasn't easy to remember. As he struggled to remember where and what had to do with Phoenix, his head suddenly became dizzy.

Kiran almost fell, his legs trembling.

Suddenly the sound from the door sounded, and the 18-year-old girl appeared. This makes Kiran forget the wishes of all to remember the incident with Phoenix.

"Are you okay?" Zetta Mui helped Kiran to stand up straight.

"I'm sorry. Suddenly my head felt dizzy, and then I fell to my feet. Maybe it's the influence of this hunger," Kiran said, following the rumbling sound heard from his stomach.

Zetta Mui laughed loudly.

"You are the hungry little guy. It may be because of the nervousness when taking the talent audition exam just now. It's a natural thing and happens often!"

Zetta Mui handed Kiran a handful of confectionery.

Kiran's eyes widened; this was his favorite confectionery. He hasn't tasted these sumptuous dishes for a long time.

"Is it all for me?" Kiran only dared to take it after getting confirmation from the charm expert.

"Why not? It's all for you!"

Kiran smiled shyly and then put the 4 confectionery in his pocket. One goes directly into the mouth to reduce hunger; the rest is deliberately kept for several people.

"Mom, Avena, Kai, and Ming must taste these delicious dishes." Arhun Wang received no rations. Doctors forbade his father to consume sweet foods since he was exposed to the disease.

"Let's start." Zetta Mui interrupted Kiran's reverie. He thrust something.

"This token contains an invitation for you to go to the Magentum Institute in Shanggu City later." Zetta Mui noticed the change in the boy's face.

A full dark cloud on Kiran's face.

"No need to worry. I will take you to that magic academy myself!" There you will meet friends who have the same talent."

Zetta Mui's speech was brief, but this drove the mega gray from Kiran's face.

Zetta Mui took something out. She asked Kiran to open it.

"Look at it... This is one of Mu's feelings of pride later."

Kiran opened the package. His eyes widened. Kiran didn't blink as he stroked the beautiful coat.

The coat is dark purple, with one yellow stripe one cm wide, on the hem sides of both sleeves of the loose coat. The material is layered silk, making it thick and comfortable to wear in winter. There is a logo of a sword and a large staff on the left chest.

Kiran's face flushed. Shame tap happy. This is a special robe that only apprentices from the Magic Academy are allowed to wear. Many children are willing to die to wear the uniform coat of the future charm master.

"Is it mine?" Kiran couldn't believe it. He hugged the robe tightly.

Zetta Mui nodded.

"The yellow line is one line along the left and right arms of the coat, indicating you as a student of the first level of the institute, while the yellow color represents the enchantment ability disciples-supporting magic!

Students in the academy's institute with combat talent or attackers wore red stripes. While the blue hemline is a prospective Enchantment expert with Elementalist charm power - defense." Zetta ended her speech.

Kiran looked satisfied. He is determined to attend training at the Magentum Institute later.

"Two days from now, I will wait for you at the Charm expert representative office. We will go together with the other child - Chen. The Magentum Institute in Shanggu City has been waiting." Zetta Mui said this as Kiran walked up the stairs out of the office at Begonia Town Hall.

"Chen, that healer's talented boy is going to Shanggu City too?" Kiran asked. At least he was happy that there was a friend from Begonia City at the Magentum Institute later.

Zetta Mui just smiled, and Kiran thought it was a sign of yes.


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