Zetta Mui, Fortune Teller (ii)

Dozens of children participating in the talent audition line up neatly under the podium. In his uniform, an officer was a military man passing out serial numbers to go on stage to take the aptitude test guided by Zetta Mui - a fortune teller girl.

Kiran got serial number 12.

"This is a number that does not indicate fortune but is also not unlucky.

Hopefully, I pass the audition later," thought Kiran, his face sullen. The number three is a lucky number for Kiran.

In the Qingchang Empire, At this time, the people believe in mystical things. So whatever it is, it is always associated with bad luck or not. From numbers or days, even months, they always believe there are lucky times and unlucky times for certain numbers. This month, the number three is a favorite number.

The town square is getting busier.

After all the auditionees received their queue numbers, Zetta Mui invited them to the stage in number order.

"First sequence!"

Before anything else happened, a great roar was heard, and the noise broke out in the square of Begonia Town.

Everyone clapped, praised, and encouraged the fortune-teller girl. Some even promised in their hearts they would meet Zetta Mui.

"Maybe after the talent auditions are over. I'll go see the fortune teller," The woman with flashy makeup thought. She was a maiden ― intending to predict her future because she was having an affair with a noble.

Of course, it's not just the maiden who wants to predict their fate and future. The city's nobles and riches also had the same thought. Money is not a problem because they are from a class that can afford it.

Show starts!

The child walked slowly up the steps of the podium, his hands tightly holding the railing of the stairs. His name is Wei; he is the son of a wheat farmer in Begonia City.

Zetta Mui smiled kindly and then gave Wei a magic brush.

"Little sister, you only need to dip the brush into a container of magic liquid, then splash it onto the surface of the canvas - the Energy Cloth.

Then we see together. Is your talent okay?" Zetta Mui spoke softly; she didn't want the boy to be nervous.

Wei, who was a bit shy at first, suddenly became bolder. The magic brush was dipped deeply; his hands were now shaking but not yet splashed with liquid painting his hands.


Zetta Mui whispered in his ear.

"Now, sweet boy, don't be shy. Splash the paint liquid as hard as you can on the brush in your hand" Zetta Mui patted Wei's shoulder, and the boy started to be brave. Being a child driver is difficult. Needed special patience. Zetta Mui has had experience with this.

Wei unexpectedly waved the brush in his hand, and the liquid magic paint, the liquid spilled everywhere.



Everyone was waiting with palpitations. Curiosity struck. Wei was the first participant; of course, he attracted the crowd's attention!

What a miracle!

Splashes of paint fell to form stain after stain on the surface of the energy cloth. Instantly the paint reflection forms an image. At first bias, it looks blurry, and the color is unclear. Either yellow or brown.

"What happened?" Questions were ejected from the audience.

"Just wait, see next!"

Not long after, the miracle happened. Lumpy paint that looks like a blind map - at first, just a shapeless smudge on the Energy Cloth, slowly changing.

Everyone held their breath, seeing the paint spread everywhere. The colors change according to Wei's character and talents!

Zetta Mui narrowed her eyes, waiting for something big to happen.

"Hopefully, this kid has the talent of a charmer," Zetta Mui prays.

Then the painting on the Energy Cloth grew wider and wider, eventually forming one Image that everyone could recognize, even from afar.

"Wheat?" The voices heard when they realized that it was the appearance of a picture of wheat, the color of honey, beautiful among the fields, ready to be harvested.

"Wei, 12 years old. Talented farmer," Zetta Mui announced aloud.

The boy's face turned sour. His biggest dream is to enter the academy and become an Enchantment expert. But the fortune teller said otherwise. He was better suited to be a grain farmer.

Although there was no rumbling, some people clapped - this was an act of appreciation and did not upset the boy.


His name is Xun, a 13-year-old boy. Xun looked at investing liquid paint directly on the surface of the Energi Cloth canvas, and the entire field fell silent again, waiting to see what would happen next.

The Image is getting clearer and clearer, and the Image that appears looks like a buffalo. Xun's face fell almost to the floor. He was disappointed. His goal is to become an Enchantment expert, not a buffalo keeper.

"Racerer's talent!" Zetta made an announcement.

In her heart, Zetta Mui scowled.

"Don't worry, Zetta, this is just the beginning. Only two children have had a talent audition," she kept smiling while glancing at the next child.

Zetta Mui encourages herself.

"There are still a bunch more that haven't been tested yet," Zetta Mui calms the heart.

The city of Begonia is indeed famous for its talent-poor children. All enchantment masters already know this. That's why Zetta Mui which sent became a builder in Begonia City. This was her first time carrying out duties as a representative of the Hersen Empire. And Zetta wanted her first experience as a guide at a talent search audition to succeed. She couldn't bear the humiliation of returning to base empty-handed later.

A girl steps up to the podium. The girl looks cute in a simple dress decorated with satin ribbons on her long hair ponytail. Hua is a proper name for such a beautiful flower child. She was only twelve years old.

"My beautiful sister can splash the energy cloth right now! Don't hesitate!" Zetta Mui persuades. "Hopefully, this girl has talent. Even if it's just fortune-telling talent, that's enough," Zetta Mui prays in the heart.

Excitedly, the flower girl Hua waved the brush in her hand. Dots of paint stain the canvas. The Image that appears looks like a piece of cloth and thread. Following silver needles also appear on the surface of the canvas. Hua scowled.

"Tailor's talent!" Zetta Mui shouted, not so loud anymore. She was starting to worry.


Ying is the next girl. She was twelve years old, dressed flashy, resembling the makeup when a noble's daughter would debut at the ball. Little Ying waved the brush, then the Image that appeared was spices. Cardamom, cinnamon, and even onions are evident. Ying sobbed. Tears almost spilled out, welling up in her eyes.

"The chef's talent!" Zetta Mui announced. Now no longer have feelings.

"The kids in this town are talentless! I will bear the shame!" Zetta Mui's face looks flat.


Avena is the next child.

Too bad she's also not gifted as an Enchantress, only able to display a large fork, a rake commonly used in gardens. Zetta assessed her talent as an ordinary farmer. Avena is gloomy. The girl stepped down from the podium with her head down. She shy. Kiran, Kai, and Ming didn't dare to rebuke her.

But soon, Avena's embarrassment faded. It happened after she heard the announcement that Kai, with the Image on the canvas, was a pig. Kai is predicted to be a talented breeder. While Ming was a little better; namely, he succeeded in displaying the Image of the Suanpan, an ancient calculating tool like an abacus. Zetta Mui announced a prophecy one day, and Ming would become a merchant.


Chen is a 13-year-old boy. He is quiet and doesn't have many friends. Zetta Mui, now starting to lose her temper, directed the boy in a watery voice.

But when Chen scattered the paint carelessly, Zetta Mui's face changed radiant. The Image shown is the color of brownish wood, complete with its intricate fibers. Shades of pink popped up here and there, and the markings meant that this Chen had quite a bit of talent. He deserves to be recruited and attend the magic academy later.

Zetta Mui announced aloud

"13-year-old Chen with talent as a healer"

Loud applause ended the announcement. She announced that Chen had talent as a Healer and would be recruited into the academy.

Zetta glanced at Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao. The two nodded, satisfied with Zetta's work.

Chen stepped down from the podium with a blushing face. The people in the field greeted him by cheering him on. At the same time, the children who had been tested earlier looked at Chen with jealousy.

Meanwhile, in another part, where the children taking the talent test were waiting, Kiran choked up when Chen showed some talent. He was very worried that the results of his aptitude test would be disappointing.

"I will be embarrassed and ridiculed if I fail, just like the children who didn't show talent earlier," thought Kiran gloomily. He couldn't imagine the sneering faces as the popular Avena slumped down the podium.

But Kiran doesn't think he needs to linger in his gloomy fantasy. He heard his name called loudly by the military officers from the podium.

Kiran staggered. The world feels like it's spinning.

"Will I succeed in showing talent as a Charm, or just become a farmer and rancher like my friends" Kiran's heart call beat fast. He held the railing leading to the podium, giddy.


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