Zetta Mui, Fortune Teller - I

Someone stopped Kiran's daydream. "Mother?" Kiran was surprised when Kora Wang tapped him on the shoulder

"What are you doing here?" her gaze was curious.

"Let's go home! It's already afternoon. I don't want to be whipped just for waiting for you to chat here. The curfew will take effect soon!" Kora Wang was very firm. The children dispersed.

Kiran walked hurriedly; his mother returned his hand to their small house. On the way to the house, not only the two of them were seen walking fast. Many people going back and forth were also in a hurry to return to their homes before the curfew was enforced. No one wants to be whipped, in the town square, with thousands of townspeople watching. It's too embarrassing!

Kiran pulled the rough blanket up to his neck. He's looking for warmth. For some reason, since Avena had said that the enchantment candidate was selected, they had to move to Shanggu City, to that famous magic academy. Kiran shivered nervously. It was not bear to be separated from his two parents.

After tossing and turning on the bed,

"Why am I thinking so much? I'm still determining if I'll pass the magic talent audition tomorrow. If anything, maybe, the chance to be selected is only 0.09%," Kiran laughed inside.

"There has never been a history of a person in our family genealogy who has talent as a sorcerer" his heart is now relieved, no longer restless.

Kiran fell asleep afterward. All the burdens and feelings of confusion. Anxiety about moving to Shanggu City, and leaving his two parents behind, disappeared.


Early in the morning, Kora Wang wakes up Kiran. Even though he was still sleepy but the teenager was enthusiastic.

Despite trying to calm herself, between two desires - between wanting to be a witch, also feeling anxious if chosen, and having to leave his two parents, Kiran was pounding. Become a person who called enchantment in the Qingchang Empire the biggest dream of all children. Count no exception!

"Did you get enough sleep?" Kora Wang asked. She spooned the mashed potatoes and served them into Kiran's bowl. Without speaking, Kiran ate his breakfast.

Kora Wang added a large piece of steamed bun, her breakfast allowance, to Kiran's bowl.

The call looked up. Kiran didn't expect his mother to share his breakfast with him.

"Aren't you hungry?" asked Kiran carefully, not wanting to offend Kora Wang.

"Isn't this too much? A bowl of mashed potatoes plus a portion of steamed buns will fill me too much," Kiran said, looking into Kora Wang's eyes.

But as a mother, Kora Wang saw the twinkle in Kiran's eyes since then.

"That kid is still hungry. It's not good for someone to wait so many hours for an audition in the square later on an empty stomach."

Kora Wang shook her head, and she replied indifferently.

"I'm still full. I don't know why since dinner last night, my stomach feels bloated, maybe because I ate too much. The steamed buns should be just for you!" Kora Wang left Kiran alone at the simple table. Then busied herself in the kitchen, cleaning the hidden parts that she thought were dirty.

Kiran glanced at his mother, who was deftly cleaning the kitchen repeatedly. Even though the kitchen was clean, not much food had been cooked since this morning, and Kora Wang had cleaned it. So really, no dirty thing needs to be cleaned anymore.

Kiran took a deep breath. He was moved.

Finished with breakfast, Kora Wang approached Kiran.

That woman is neat, much different from everyday appearance. Her hair was neatly pulled back, and she wore olive oil in her hair so that her hair looked black and thick. Although several stripes are white, starting to appear to decorate the crown of his head. Kora Wang looks beautiful.

She was wearing the best clothes made of simple linen. It was a straight-cut tunic with big sleeves with simple hems at the corners of the dress. A linen belt adorned the pale pink tunic, embroidered with Peach Blossoms on the side of the collar.

Even though it's simple, the cut of the dress matches Kora Wang's character. She doesn't look exaggerated, instead showing a line of beauty that has begun to fade with suffering. There is no jewelry on the neck, let alone hands. But Kora Wang looks understated. After all, when she was young, her age was famous as one of the flowers in Begonia City.

Unfortunately, the war ruined everything. The beauty faded along with the suffering that came and went.


In the Begonia town square, only a few auditioning children came accompanied by their parents. Even though they weren't the first to come, Kiran and his mother were among the first to arrive.

It's only 06:00 in the morning.

Time passes very quickly. The sun began to appear on the eastern horizon. The light warmly bathed Begonia Town Square.

More and more people came to fill the square in the square. Some escorted children who were going to audition for the talent test. Most came just to look around the crowd.

Poverty has run rampant since the war broke out. That few many entertainment options for the people of Begonia. This talent search audition, held every year, includes a big entertainment event that invites the enthusiasm of the residents of the city of Begonia.

The town square that had looked somber the day before, with the atmosphere of an execution planned Niraj Singh, it's a hundred and eighty degrees now. Even though there were still many military people passing by to keep watch, colorful banners fluttered around the town square, obscuring the tense atmosphere at that time.

The large podium in the middle of the square, which had been full of pyres for the execution of the storyteller the day before, had changed. There is no creepy feel other than a large stage that is conjured up, above which stands a kind of small building resembling a palace, a characteristic state of Qingchang.

Although it was only a replica, the building on the stage looked fascinating. The pillars are red; large lanterns hang on the left and right sides of the building. Peach Flower Decorations are stuck on two large flower vases under the two large lanterns. The tiles and the roof of the imitation building were brown with golden strokes. At the corner of the pointed tile head, too, colored gold. Luxurious!

Everyone focused on the large canvas measuring 3 x 3 meters on the stage, next to the palace's replica building.

Eve Whitehouse stood proudly on the stage. Right beside her was a man with a face hard and broad-shouldered. From his clothes, got guessed she was a member of the military. It's Captain Bao.

What caught everyone's attention the most was an 18-year-old young girl. She stood majestically on the stage, on par with the other two people – Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao.

The girl's body was not as tall as Eve Whitehouse, but it was quite tall for the average size of a State womanQingchang. Long hair down to the back, left loose, dangling without decoration. Her hair color is black as night. Anyone who saw it would conclude 'That is the blackest hair they have ever seen

Buzzing, cooing.

"Is she also a magician? Being that young and being skilled isn't a simple thing."

"If she is a witch, I'm sure from the look on her face, she must be bleeding state Qingchang."

"Her face is very beautiful with pointed eyes, like a silver wolf."

People were busy discussing, in awe, the newcomer woman. They ignored Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao, who were usually the center of attention.

Not long after, the event began. Eve Whitehouse started the event with her speech.

"All the beloved citizens of Begonia, We should thank Emperor Hersen for giving the people of Qingchang a chance to join the Elite Team of Hersen Imperial Magicians.

This is an opportunity for everyone to impress the emperor and serve for the glory of the Great Hersen Empire."

Eve Whitehouse fished with applause. No welcome. Only a small portion greeted Eve's applause enthusiastically. It then died down after the other people on either side of her shot that person a look of displeasure.

Seemingly embarrassed, Eve continued her speech.

“This partner of mine, Zetta Mui!

He's also a level 2 mage with the special abilities of a fortune-teller and Fortune Teller!

Zetta Mui will be hosting this talent audition!"


The sound of applause filled the Begonia town square. But everyone knew the applause wasn't for Eve Winehouse, let alone honoring the Hersen Empire.

The applause was directed at Zetta Mui, the young girl guessed to be a blood level 2 mageQingchang That.

Zetta Mui stepped forward. She quickly took over the attention. When she spoke, her voice was clear and musical. Similar to the voice of singers singing folk songs.

"In front of you all spreads a 3 x 3 meters cloth. This is not just any cloth. But a special cloth called Energy Cloth.

"Every kid will throw a brush after a dip in this liquid magic paint. And this Energy Cloth would represent the child's future and hidden talent.

As an expert, I will be divining and palm reading that future Witch candidate." Zetta Mui paused for a moment. She realized her gaze swept across the square, having stolen the day of the residents of Begonia Town.

Zetta smiled faintly. She continued,

"With this energy cloth, nothing is hidden in the future, one child. "ZettaMui ended her oration dramatically; she waved her hand, and fluid paint on pottery flew up and spilled onto the Energy Cloth.

Now on the Energy Cloth, there appeared beautiful writing that read,

"Welcome future wizard and leader, the preeminent talent of Begonia City"

A hum of praise broke out in the Sky of the Town Square. All praise the attractions shown by ZettaMui That.

Kiran was pounding in the heart. He was very fascinated by the attraction.

He was worried; his prayers were being recited more smoothly. His wish changed again. Inwardly, the young man wondered.

"Will the results of my painting later show talent to be recruited as part of that elite magician?"


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