Temple of Tempestia

Begonia City went into an uproar. The mysterious group's battle action attracted attention. But they are afraid. Who would dare to get close to an Elemental Control Guild fighting like that? If one gets hit by a target shot, one's life might be wasted.

People were busy running to save themselves, avoiding the chaos. Some fell, and a group of panicked visitors even trampled some. Luckily there were no casualties in the incident.

Everyone was seen without a cloak; no one wore a hooded cloak like the first time the people gathered in the square.

And far above the stage, Niraj Singh had completely disappeared, disappeared with the mysterious group.

Captain Bao stood with his hands on his hips in the middle of the field. With a sour face, he raised his sword high into the sky, then shouted with a great voice. His voice resounded across the sky of the town square.

"Everyone, please calm down. Don't make meaningless noises, which will add to the chaos. The military will take strict action against the intruders earlier" his face was bright red. He was furious.

Meanwhile, the military also looks helpless. The people of Begonia Town, who were attending the execution in the square, were too numerous and difficult to control.

Captain Bao's loud voice was of no use. The situation is still chaotic.

Kiran observes all that from the shade of the trees outside the Begonia town square. Secretly he was happy, and his idol storyteller was safe.

His eyes glanced mischievously, looking for Avena, Kai, and Ming in case his three friends crossed before his eyes. He wanted to express his joy and share his relief with his three friends who thought the same as him. They are supporters of Niraj Singh.

On the other hand, the people of Begonia City mostly thought the same as Kiran. Although a group among the townspeople sided with the puppet government Qingchang, more people liked it and were pro with disruptive action.

Kiran made a mental note. Satisfied faces were painted on the faces of some visitors when the government side and the white-haired witch lost badly against the 4 magicians, presumably from the Phoenix Clan earlier.

"I'm not alone. Many people in Begonia City support Niraj Singh," thought Kiran happily.

The sky was still cloudy, as the sun was directly overhead. The wind blew gently, but the commotion was still heard, resounding in the Begonia Town square.

The atmosphere was still a little chaotic, the noise of voices complaining because they were injured, resulting from the jostling to save themselves earlier. Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion.


The ground shook, and the sky turned a yellowish red. Flames flared from Eve Whitehouse's hands as they all stared at the stage. The magical girl demonstrates her skills, scaring the people who don't have magic skills.

The noise immediately changed, silenced for a moment. Everyone was afraid to see the fire demonstration that the woman was showing.

Kiran sneered inside.

"She just dared to show her skills to weaklings like us.

But when faced with fellow Enchantment Energy cultivators from the Phoenix Clan, she looked weak. Doesn't have any special ability," Kiran snorted coldly.

According to him, the appropriate words addressed to Eve Whitehouse are; bullshit destroys the country, but real action builds the country - Kong tan wu guo, shi gan xing bang!

After witnessing the incident just now, Kiran despised Eve Whitehouse's abilities in his heart.

After things became quiet, the White House was seen starting her oration.

"Dear Begonia townspeople.

Representing the government of the Hersen Empire, I, as a result of this, announce" a brief pause, glancing left and right, trying to be dramatic.

The white hair continued...

"Starting tonight, there will be a full curfew in Begonia City. This is an emergency. The rebel from the Phoenix Clan earlier apparently has a base in this City. No one is allowed to leave the house after 18:00.

The violator will be punished appropriately, perhaps whipped in the city square! The military will watch and keep watch in every corner of the City and take action!"

The noise returned, buzzing like bees flying across the town square as people whispered. Everyone sounded disgruntled. This decision is considered excessive.

"What if we have a business that operates when the sun goes down? I'm a food vendor!" The man asked in a loud voice from a corner of the square. He even openly showed his face, not covering or disguising his face with a hood.

Eve Whitehouse snorted coldly. Her voice resounds, no less hard.

"This is an order according to the instructions bestowed from the central government of the Hersen Empire.

No tolerance at all. All violators of this provision were subject to flogging in the city square. Even the whole town of Begonia is watching" She ended her sinister speech dramatically. Her cold gaze swept across the square in the square.

Silence, silence.

After successfully conquering the entire City, Eve Whitehouse continued her authoritarian oration.

"Tomorrow at 09.00, all children under 15 must gather in the town square for the talent scouting ceremony.

Free city residents can witness the crowd, provided they cannot wear face coverings. The examination will be strictly carried out later."

Eve Whitehouse waved dramatically. She walked in long strides down from the podium. The sound of his boots reverberated throughout the Begonia City square. Captain Bao walked hurriedly following the quick steps of the Witch woman.

Away at the podium...

Everyone dispersed immediately, accompanied by grumbling sounds and disgruntled chatter heard everywhere. The imposition of this curfew is not liked.

But no one dared to refute the imperial emissary magician Hersen who looked authoritarian and ruthless.


At 03.00 pm, Kiran was ordered by his mother to change his clothes.

"Put on a fast prayer robe. We are going to the Temple of the GodsTempest to burn offerings and worship God.

Tomorrow is the ceremony to determine your future. As a mother, I wish the best for you," Kora Wang's voice was soft. Not loud as usual.

"Let's ask the gods for a blessing, for a miracle to happen, and you can show some talent; he was chosen to be part of the charm control masters.

I'm sure God will not close his eyes after seeing our family's suffering for so long," said Kora Wang. She was reminded again of the death of her two children and her helpless husband in bed.

Kiran was shocked. Today his mother is very soft, not as hard as usual. It felt like a long time since Kora Wang had invited him to pray at the Tempestia temple.

But Kiran was happy inside. Apart from wanting to worship God, he also wanted to make a wish at the altar, asking for Tempestia's blessings and blessings so that he would pass the talent selection the next day.


The Temple of Tempestia was located in the northern part of Begonia City. Mother and son walked on foot, not riding in a carriage like the rich or nobles.

Kiran stared at the Temple of the Tempestia God. The building looks tall and sturdy; now it is even glossy white; the front wall is full of white marble stones imported from the Mining City, namely Shanggu City, one of the major cities in the empireQinchang.

Inside the temple.

The young man looked pious as he bowed and burned incense. He wore a long white robe made of simple cotton fabric, which did not diminish his good looks. His shoulder-length hair was tied up, locked with a white ribbon the same color as his prayer robe.

There was no metal jewelry such as silver or gold as a headdress.

Kiran again bowed solemnly at the foot of the altar. He poked incense in a large sand barrel under the statue of the God of Tempestia - it was a statue of a stout man with a thunderbolt in his right hand and a sword in his left.

The God Tempestia statue looks beautiful, the work of a famous sculptor. The figure poses, looking up into the sky; a golden crown is on the head. He wore a long, carved robe lined and beautified with pure fine silk, golden yellow. God looks great.

Kiran muttered, uttering a prayer that only she himself knew.

Long time no prostration at the feetTempest, Kiran felt embarrassed when he had to pray to God, asking for blessings for impressed at the audition tomorrow. But he frowned, lost his sense of humor, showed down, and continued to pray fervently.

Someone hissed softly, giving the code to call Kiran.

He glanced. It was Avena complete with her two comrades, Cain and Ming. Avena opened her mouth, trying to code in unpredictable mouth movements. But Kiran understood.

He shuffled away from the altar, glancing briefly at his mother, who seemed to pray fervently, not realizing that the child had left.

Kai and Ming were waiting in the hall of the Avena worship temple. For some reason, Kiran saw the expressions of his 3 friends. It looked serious.

"Look, you three haven't seen each other for a while, asking to meet in secret as if we haven't seen each other in a long time," Kiran tried to joke, lightening the mood.

But the three friends did not smile, let alone laugh. Kiran turned serious.

"What the hell is it that you three look so serious."

Avena opened the conversation. She whispered hurriedly.

"I heard surreptitiously. The magic-gifted child from the talent test will be brought over tomorrow in Shangghu City. The magic academy over there is waiting for the talent instead of being trained in this small school in Begonia Town."

Kiran was stunned. This meant that Begonia City would have to be abandoned if he passed the aptitude test.

"Am I capable?" Kiran thought of his father and mother. Kiran felt his eyes warm.

Not to mention being declared passed the aptitude test, he had been moved.


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