In Begonia Town Square

Kiran and his friend take a thousand steps – Bolted like a deer – and they disappear in the dark of night. At Brimm, the Liquidator, Eve Whitehouse, cast a cold gaze at the window where they had been peeking.


Avena, Kai, and Ming ran toward the left, and Kiran continued to run on the rocky road.

Kiran also disappeared at the crossroads; he ran fast with his chest pounding. He didn't even feel that he had traveled a long distance in the blink of an eye. He had been hiding under an uncomfortable rough blanket in his cramped room just now.

Kiran couldn't fall asleep. His eyes opened wide, looking at the hollow ceiling of the room!

He imagined the cold gaze of the pale, white-haired woman just now. The aura emanating from the Pyromancer seemed capable of killing him, even with a look. For some reason, something in his mind made him dislike the Pyromancer earlier. But he tried to ignore it.

Ultimately, the drowsiness came, and he fell asleep and forgot about the thrilling events in Brimm the Liquidator.


"Wake up, Kiran!" It was noon. I was astonished, right? Why have you always been up after sunrise recently?" Kora Wang pulled the quilt covering Kiran.

A chill came in, making Kiran shiver.

"Every day I see you getting later when you're awake. Lazing on the bed." Kora Wang kept talking endlessly. She swept her child's room, forcing the child to stand up from the bed.

A moment later... Kiran was cleaning his face with cold water in the kitchen. Fortunately, despite rampant poverty, water sources are relatively easy to find in Qingchang Empire.

Tap - tap -tap! The sound of the shoe sounded approaching. Kiran sniffled. Kora Wang has caught up with him to the back. Her mother shook her head and whispered in Kiran's ear.

"Someone from the government office of our Begonia City subdistrict just came to make an announcement." The officer informed that all the inhabitants of Begonia City must gather to shine just when the sun is overhead, in the town square." Kiran turned, confused.

"What's going on? Why should all gather in the square?"

Kora Wang gave a secret code, and the two whispered. "What I heard, the storyteller of the Zolias is going to be executed at noon today. He was convicted on charges of rebelliousness, cooperating with the Red Phoenix Clan!"

Kiran's ears were ringing, his chest-beating wildly, the latter thing he was familiar with.

Kiran had an uncaring face. He seemed to ignore the mother's whispers. He cared about the news. Kora Wang reported the Fate of Mr. Niraj Singh - his idol.

Feeling neglected, Kora Wang whispered even louder.

"At noon, we should all gather in the square and witness the execution of storyteller Niraj Singh!" Don't forget to wear that black hooded robe. Did you hear?"  Kora Wang's voice seemed to resonate.

Kiran nodded his head listlessly. There is no point in pretending you don't know who Niraj Singh is.

Kiran loves the heroic stories that Mr. Niraj Singh tells. The mythological stories about the Batara of the Zolia Empire and the stories of the gods' heroism were deeply imprinted in Kiran's heart.

"Let's set off!" Kora Wang's voice interrupted Kiran's reverie. His mother threw Kiran's black hooded coat.

"If it's just reflective and daydreaming, it's not messy. We will be late, and by then, the execution will be over. I don't want to be given a letter of reprimand for not being disciplined. Let alone a fine, never!

Everyone they met wore black coats, typical of executions. Mysterious looking with hoods disguised their looks.


Kiran and Kora Wang arrived at the town square shortly as the execution procession was about to begin.

He closed the hood, hiding his face more and more so that it became similar to everyone present. Meanwhile, the square of Begonia Town has been congested and crowded, although it does not feel crowded. The place is indeed spacious.

Kiran cast a glance at the center of the square.

There was one wooden podium or stage, on top of which had been many thick wood piles. The wood of the tall flame pine tree is suitable for the witch-burning ceremony!

Kiran stared hatefully at the military assemblage pacing back and forth. "They are too sadistic! The burning penalty is only appropriate for black wizards! Even though that invading Emperor, also a black wizard!" he hissed softly, afraid of being heard by others.

Large iron and handcuffs are hanging on the left and right sides. "That's to hang the storyteller's hand!" Kiran was even more sad.

There are also the same handcuffs, seen lying on the floor from the sides and right of the stage – they will be worn chained to the executed leg. Kiran cried inwardly.

Meanwhile, Kora Wang came to her senses. She shook Kiran. "They're going to burn him alive?" Kora's voice trembled in disbelief. As it turned out, many other voices were also whispering in a dissatisfied tone.

Kiran covered his ears, not wanting to hear other people's opinions. He was horrified, unable to imagine that Mr. Niraj Singh would be sentenced to burn.

Suddenly! BOOM!

A gong sounded, loudly hit. It turned everyone's attention to one man limping over, with his hands and feet cuffed – towards the stage. The clattering sound of handcuffs sounded. His tone made everyone's hearts sore. Several women sobbed. They were slowly trying not to be caught by the military.

"Niraj Singh!"

The voices in the square sounded hissing, similar to swarming bees. An officer dressed all in black, wearing a matching color mask, was seen dragging storyteller Niraj Singh onto the stage.

Quiet and tense.

No one has been executed for a long time—moreover, this kind of burning punishment.

Kora Wang squeezed Kiran's hand, which felt cold, just like hers.

"This is not fair!" Kiran only heard his mother's voice whispering.

On the stage, the executioner began to put chains. He handcuffed Niraj Singh's hands and feet. The storyteller didn't flinch at all. He looks fearless.

The sobbing sound grew louder and louder. Women cover their mouths and wipe away tears with black handkerchiefs. Flying vultures sounded overhead. The eve of death had spread and invited the vultures to flock.

"Executioner, get ready!"

A person's voice sounded, giving a cue. The executioner was ready to throw a torch into the pile of dry wood. They are waiting for the two people who are the main characters behind all this.

The crying and sad people of Begonia City faded in the wind. When it appeared, one silver-haired woman, with dramatic steps, went straight onto the stage in front of the execution podium. Everyone whispered!

"Evil witch!"


After the dramatic appearance of the white-haired wizard, everyone's gaze was shifted to another figure, a tall young man with an eagle-like attitude. His figure looked familiar. He is very famous among the residents of Begonia City.

"Captain Bao!"

And the whole field was instantly silent.

All were frightened by the existence of the man called Captain Bao. Captain Bao waved his hand with a dramatic gesture. He instructed the executioner to begin the execution. "Burn him!" a cold voice.

The fire instantly ignited quickly. The smoke soared.

Niraj Singh started to look agitated as smoke billowed. He had difficulty breathing. The storyteller began to cough. He struggled, trying to beard and break free from the sturdy chains on his hands and feet.

But all in vain. Niraj Singh did not scream for help. Apologies, let alone. He is happy to have made up a fairy tale about the death of the black Emperor!

Things began to go awry; many people were dissatisfied with the massacre. "This is too sadistic. Killing by torture is not a custom in our Qingchang Country!" Someone shouted.

The voices of the crowd greeted him, cursing along.

But Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao didn't care at all. Instead, they were even more excited when they saw the horror on Niraj Singh's face.

No matter how persistent a person is, death always brings fear.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky of Begonia City. A strong wind blew, and a few branches of Willow trees fell to the ground. Thunder explosions sounded in the sky; raindrops began to melt to the earth.

Kora Wang prayed silently in his heart. "Even the heavens, it saddens to see this barbaric act!"

A miracle happened!

Suddenly the rainwater, just pattering, turned into a torrent of water, overflowing from three directions. The spray resulted in Eve White House and Captain Bao being thrown hard from the podium and falling to the ground.

There appeared three figures in dark robes. They are seen riding on the water as part of the rain. Only once the residents of Begonia City saw that there were humans who could ride in the water.

In that chaotic and excited state, another figure emerged from the sky accompanied by the roaring sound of the howling wind, side by side with the storm.

The four look similar; they all wear loose robes with hoods and dark-colored metal masks. There is a small embroidery with the image of a Golden Phoenix on the left chest.

"Red Phoenix Clan!"

Everyone was stunned, gawking in disbelief. The Red Phoenix clan is real.

When the four figures moved in the attraction, the four-figure robe waved. Their appearance looks majestic, like gods.

Some people are happy, some are afraid. Even members of the military were blown away by the demonstration. Such magic skills were never witnessed carelessly. Magic is a luxury for those who are laymen.

Meanwhile, the Four figures were moving extremely fast, even too fast. Niraj Singh has been freed from the shackles of the iron handcuffs, now in the arms of another figure, riding the stormy winds.

The Mindbender waved goodbye. And a typhoon instantly hit. It made the podium and the surrounding conditions into ruins. After everything was settled, the four mysterious figures disappeared from the gloomy scene in the town square.

The military moved too late. When they tried to catch up, it was just sheer vanity. Eve Whitehouse and Captain Bao appeared afterward in a mess. Their faces turned like boiled crabs.

The people of Begonia have fled in search of a haven to avoid clashes that could occur at any time. The boisterous shouts made the whole city shake.

"Pyromancer and Anemomancer!"

"The legendary Phoenix clan!"

Kora Wang pulled Kiran to take refuge, not wanting to get involved in the chaos. Kiran smiled happily. His heart was relieved when the storyteller survived the Red Phoenix Clan. He still wanted to see the crowd, but things got more chaotic.

"We'd better leave, before the military releases random arrows, and slaughters the noisy and chaotic guy. Revolts may happen at any time!"


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