Storyteller Niraj Singh

It's still dark; the sun hasn't been seen yet. The cold wind blew from the Forbidden Forest, making the Begonia City residents even more sleepy. Everyone tightened the quilt to survive the freezing air.

But in the heart of the Whispering Forest, a military group paced back and forth among the rustling shadows of pine trees. The sky was clear and cloudless, beginning to be dark blue, a sign that dawn was approaching.


The three medium-sized spirit ships are all made of Padauk Wood, a unique wood with wood grain that looks beautifully glowing in the still dark sky. Those spirit ships shuttled over the border of the two empires. Qingchang and Zolia.

Now and then, spotlights from a height are emitted through the lush pine leaves. There is an important thing that concerns those people. The 100 military men, pacing on the outskirts of the forest, looked busy looking for something.

The dashing man was no more than 30 years old; it seemed he was the military group's commander.

He was wearing a black and white color uniform. Expert hands sewed the uniform with intricate details. On his shoulder is a symbol of rank, which explains that he is a Captain.

His body is tall. A hard look with plane shoulders aligned, wearing the uniform with a sword at the waist. His name is Captain Bao. He smelled the remaining burning dust on the grassy field - the dust of The Flame.

"It's not what I thought. There is no trace of magic or energy. It's not Phoenix dust." Captain Bao stopped the inspection.

"You'd better go. There is not the slightest trace left." He said while inviting the military group to move the search site more profoundly into the forest.

But the voice stopped him. Her voice was cold, no less than the coldness of the morning.

"Captain Bao. Have you reached the conclusion, where did the fugitive Phoenix go?"

The voice was familiar to Captain Bao's ears. "That magical woman again!" he complained lazily. He looked away. And he guessed right.

The female has as pale as the moon in winter. Her eyes were silver, similar to the eyes of a snowy mountain fox. Captain Bao is always uncomfortable every time he meets that woman.

Captain Bao frowned and greeted lazily. "Eve Whitehouse, a level two Pyromancer."

The Captain bowed low and saluted. His movements look lazy, different from a person complimenting. The two often meet on dangerous missions. And Eve has always been in controlling manner; this is what caused Captain Bao to dislike him.

Eve has always looked down on Captain Bao, who is not a sorcerer. Even though knight training was carried out with a wizard at the official imperial academy, he's a knight.

"What's wrong with Miss Eve, coming in the morning, right?" the Captain exchanged pleasantries.

Eve girl revealed a surprised mimic. She approached Captain Bao. "Come on, Captain. Isn't our coming the same?" It's just that you represent the military side while I describe the military sorcerer. We are both investigators."

The girl spoke domineeringly, not giving Captain Bao a chance to make a sound.

"Have you got any clues? Please tell me!" said Eve, Back domineering.

Captain Bao instantly lost his temper. This girl broke the boundary. She behaved as if it were Captain Bao's superior. The man already wanted to vomit at Eve's authoritarian style.

Captain Bao just shrugged. The answer is short. "I haven't found any clues yet. What about you? Did the group of pyromancers and others across the wall die from the phoenix fire?" he asked back.

Eve looked less than happy. "You don't want to share information while you're looking for information from me?" Eve's voice rose. She even added.

"All I heard was that crazy phoenix escaped from the magic prison while you were serving as a night watchman!" What I wonder is, why didn't anyone show up and help the elemental controllers?"

In this case, I became suspicious!" Eve's eyes sharply looked at Captain Bao.

Captain Bao flushed. "So you're accusing me of conspiring with the red Phoenix Clan?" Hoho... Be careful in speaking. I can accuse you back on the grounds of slander!"

Silence. Eve is indeed always looking for trouble with him. Captain Bao was furious.

Eve stringed a word, and Back threatened. "If only the Emperor knew that Phoenix ran away, he would have been furious. The plan to unite his power between Roc and with Phoenix failed already!" Eve looked at Captain Bao with a triumphant smile.

"Especially if the Emperor knows. The Phoenix disappeared and the Qingchang military did not move because of it. Well, maybe Kasiar will go berserk!" Eve's eyes flashed slyly.

"As far as I know, that Phoenix is being held in the magic prison of Spellhold. All the keys have been installed with spells and magic spells. How could it possibly escape? Do you think this is not sabotage?"

Eve fishing. She wanted to see Captain Bao's reaction.

Captain Bao was furious. His face flushed. I want it to feel like he slapped the magic woman's mouth. This is a hidden accusation.

While holding back anger, after taking a deep breath, Captain Bao spoke coldly. "On this matter, everything will be checked in accordance with military procedures. You don't have the right to throw just any accusations! Once again I reiterate. I can attack you back for this accusation."

Captain Bao left the heated talk. He deliberately bumped into Eve. Luckily Eve was sprightly. He shifted quickly and avoided the accidental collision.

Captain Bao glanced. His words were as cold as ice. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I still have a lot of business to do," he disappeared into the military crowd. We talked for a while, and the group moved to search in the forest's depths. The field was considered clear of traces of the Phoenix.

Eve, she stood alone. He stared at Captain Bao's departure with hatred.

"I'm really not with the Qingchang people. They are just pretending to be subservient to our Hersen Empire! Just look at it later, I will open that Captain Bao's do in the future!"


Wake up! Kiran was taken aback. Kora Wang shouted in his ear.

His dream was interrupted already. Kiran dreamed he saw a blinding reddish light burning his body. It hurts, but afterward, he becomes a substantial figure. It was his wish. But that sweet dream is now shattered.

"Kiran! It was 20:00. You slept more than half a day." Hurry up and clean your body. I don't know what activities you did the night before; what must be now is that you look messy!" Kora Wang rebuked him once again.

Kiran shuffled to his feet, looking for the remnants of water and then cleaning his body. Inexplicably he felt a lot of mucus-like dirt on his skin. Smelly and disgusting.

"What happened to me?" thought Kiran.

But his uneasiness was only a moment. He recalled that briefly, the night was Mr. Niraj Singh's performance

"In Brimm The Liquidator, the Storyteller will perform. I have to hurry up if I don't want to miss the legend."

The fairy tale brought by Mr. Niraj Singh he has heard dozens of times. But inexplicably. Kiran and his friends always came in secret to listen to the repetition of the story. "It's the story of heroism that keeps me inspired. I want to be a Sage like Sage Alaric. Later Kiran walks around with a smile.

Brimm The Liquidator looms in sight.

Kiran hurriedly docked at the window on the West side, joined by three other children, Ming, Kai, and Avena. "Has it started?" asked Kiran.

The three comrades glanced for a while. Avena handed Kiran the item that the game made yesterday. "Take it. I'm tired of playing with your necklace. Now we focus on hearing the Storyteller's history!" said Ave, pointing to the wine house.

From inside, the voice began to chant, melodious like the blowing of a flute.

Sage Alaric escaped a snow-white sword. He waved his sword, slamming at the black wizard. The black wizard is terrified; he intends to run for fear of the Sage's sword!"

All took a look. "Isn't the story different? This wasn't the story back then!"

The sound from inside the wine house grew louder. "The fierce battle ended thunderously,

when Sage Alaric and his Phoenix became winners. The black man died, and the country lived Sentosa forever!"

The whole room of Brim the Liquidator became excited. All the listeners in the drinking house choked up.

Niraj Singh, the Storyteller, deliberately changed the storyline of history! It should be the Warlock who won the battle, Emperor Hersen.

"The storyteller is not afraid of death!"

"He really dared to change his fairy tale."

Terrified visitors rushed to leave Brim the Liquidator. No one wants to get involved and be labeled a rebel by the authorities. But Niraj Singh kept singing. Now the louder and louder the voice. Many people began to gather, hearing his fictional story. All applauded.

And sure enough!

Soon searchlights were shot from space. This made the wine house brightly lit.

Things got shaken. But Niraj Singh doesn't seem to care. His voice grew louder. He sang the lyrics that changed his history.

"Shut up!"

The pale-haired woman stood at the door of Brimm the Liquidator. His cold face shone on Niraj Singh, who seemed unconcerned, still reflecting on the upside-down contents.

Eve Whitehouse waved goodbye. The red mist came out of his hand, spreading with deadly heat. Niraj Singh did not flinch in the slightest. He is not afraid of fire. Eve Whitehouse glared, wanting it to feel like it burned the storyteller man to the ground.

Unfortunately, the laws in the territory of the Hersen Empire and its colonies were stringent. It is not allowed to kill just anyone, especially in public places.

There have been too many complaints from the Hersen colony, which complained about the arbitrary actions of Hersen's officers. This made the Emperor worry that there would be another rebellion.

Eve Whitehouse began to lose her temper. But The movement was faster. Her figure

punched Niraj Singh in the stomach.


The [Storyteller hit the wall, drooping and losing consciousness. The figure who punched him was Captain Bao.

From behind the night in the right-hand side window, Kiran and his friends stared unblinkingly at all the action. He was amazed by Eve Whitehouse's magic and also surprised by the combat action of the handsome man in military uniform.

Eve Whitehouse squashed sharply into the west corner window. The eight pairs of eyes ducked at the look in Eve's eyes. The female looked like a queen of fire.

"He's a Pyromancer!" Kiran hissed. If we don't leave now, we might end up in jail. The most apparent accusation is the act of spying; Kiran rushed afterward; he still wants to witness those heroic acts. But his fear of prison, made him have to leave.


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