Phoenix Named The Flame

Krooong! The sound of flapping wings resonated in Kiran's head.

At first, it was slow, but it got louder and more complex. The sound of the gong being beaten echoed in Kiran's ears. As it got closer, the vibration of the wings shook Kiran's body.

Kiran was hysterical. "I don't want to die yet!"

Swoosh! Kiran jumped as far as he could. His body then rolled over the grass of the field, ending with the trunk of a nearby pine tree. Kiran was in pain. It was a large and young tree. And the explosion sounded.


Dust flew, following the soaring flames, as the Phoenix instantly hit the scorched grassy ground.

Kiran felt the hot steam expand to where it was lying. The skin seemed to be about to peel off. The red-yellow Flame burned for a moment. Afterward, it goes out.


Kiran was in pain. His whole body was stiff, mixed with pain. He tried to stand up but couldn't. Resignedly, he lay face down in silence, trying to survive the pain.

The Forbidden Forest was silent. There was no sound. The forest animals have long since gone since the impact of the Phoenix on the grassy ground.

It was 3:00 in the morning. The Burnt smell, the burnt wood scorched by the exploded spirit ship, plus the chaos of the traces of fighting very obviously left traces on the ground.

"I can't die!" Kiran tried to wake up from his sleep.

The first thing he feared was. "I have to stay alive. Mom and Dad must be uneasy thinking about me." The faces of his two parents kept looming.


Kiran had just moved to leave the field in the heart of the forest. When it came, a whispering voice. Soft.

"Young man, do you want to help me"

Kiran was shocked!

He got goosebumps. It's still early in the morning. It can't be a ghost voice. He turned his head left and right.

"There is no one. Only that messy charred Phoenix I saw." Kiran got goosebumps

Again turned his head left and right – he did a cross-check. "It's really strange. There was no one."

The wind blows, and cold is felt. Kiran's goosebumps stood up instantly. He stepped two feet quietly to confirm whether the sound was natural.

And the voice sounded again. This time it was louder and Long, and more compassionate. "Young man, help me. I'm dying."


Kiran jumped away. "It must be a ghost. No one is here!"

People in Qingchang country are indeed very superstitious. The existence of a hungry ghost-like figure from the world of the dead - is firmly believed by most of the country's people, including Kiran and his family.

Bravely he rebuked. "Chew, you ghost is hungry. Soon dawn is approaching, and you will turn into ashes, otherwise hurry back to your world!"

He chanted the words of the exorcist prayer - a common prayer that all followers of the god Tempestia memorized in the temple. His mouth was murmuring in a low tone and inaudible.

Hahaha! Kiran opened his eyes, his fervent prayer interrupted by the laughter. Kiran was just about to speak when the supernatural voice sounded scornful.

"Stupid boy! Are you a ghost?"

He laughed again.

Kiran was offended. He read the prayers he learned from the Temple of Tempestia aloud. "Aranayaen Laidira enrin. Tinuva loica sinomeo narquelee terehtyan!"

Up to three times, Kiran repeats the exorcist prayer taught by priests at the Temple of Tempestia Worship.


Kiran was relieved. "What a powerful prayer!" smiled them.

"In the future, I will diligently worship the temple of Tempestia. So let's go. Stay away from this location. It's better."

With a stumble, he left into the Forbidden Forest. Suddenly a voice sounded. Again and again. He now sneered.

"Boy. Have you been satisfied with those God creatures' exorcist prayers and spells?"

Kiran gasped. He turned around and shouted.

"Stop all this! Please don't bother me. We have different worlds! Go home in peace!" He made a gesture of worship.

"May you be gone forever, no longer a curious ghost!"

But the voice continued to speak. "Listen to me carefully, young man. I am not a creature from the realm of hell! I am the same living being as you! Share the air and breathe the same air!"

Shut up again.

"Who are you really? Why didn't I see anyone around here? If you are really a living being, why can you deliberately scare me?" Kiran asked cautiously.

He turned back, approaching the chaotic grass field where the sound came from.

With a deep and sad voice, the supernatural voice spoke. "I'm here, slumped on the grass. I'm sure, since just now you have been watching my fight in the sky!"

Kiran got goosebumps. "That charred figure can still communicate? This is a ghost!"

Kiran ran away in fright. The voice behind him amused again. "Wait.. don't go yet!"  Please help me. Indeed, I am the spirit of the Phoenix whose form is dying. My body is broken, but my soul is confined here! Take me away before the military comes and comes back to take me captive!"

But Kiran kept running. He was terrified. : I don't want to be wretched. Deal with the imperial side!"

"My name is Flame! I'm poor Phoenix. You must help me before it's too late!"

Kiran stalled. The Flame is the name of Sage Alaric's contract creature in the fairy tale told by Mr. Niraj Singh. "Why are all so coincidental?" Phoenix and The Flame!"

Kiran turned around. He strolled to the charred figure.

The Phoenix was motionless, but Kiran saw the Phoenix's eyes twitching - a sign of life.

Kiran whispered in the ear of the charred and colossal figure. "Please tell me what I should do to help you." The fear had faded already.

"Is it true that your name is The Flame?" Kiran asked. The figure's eyes blinked.

"Look. I am not an educated man. But what I heard from the storyteller's story, it is said that the legendary White Sage Alaric spiritual creature is called The Flame."

Is The Flame in those fairy tales you?" Kiran tried to be as polite as possible. However, he felt that this was impossible. Isn't The Flame in a magic prison guarded by hundreds of experts? It is unlikely that this charred figure is the same Flam.

"I am indeed The Flame, the spiritual Phoenix of the Sage master Alaric."

Kiran held his breath. This is an impossible thing, but it is accurate. Avena, Kai, and Ming, his mischievous friend, would die of jealousy if he told him all this. Kiran held back to look unhurried. And the Phoenix continued the story.

"I escaped from the prison sealed with the black magic formation. That Black Warlock made his own spell. Decades of being forced to willingly give up my soul to unite with his Roc spirit. It's not easy. All that torture almost drove me crazy." The phoenix voice sounded heavy, like a distressed person's tone.

"As you watched just now, young people. Those dozens of sorcerers are stripping me down, dead or alive! No one wants me to meet members of the Red Phoenix Clan!"

Emperor Hersen hates me so much because of my refusal!"

Kiran was silent for a moment. He was just a child. What help can he give?

Kiran opened the sound. "Please say it. What do you want me to do? My magic can't. Treatment moreover," Kiran said.

It was quiet again.

"Will you do the Riding process with me?" The Flame pitied.

"Riding?" Kiran was shocked. He needed to understand what riding was.

"Please say clearly, what is riding?

"Riding is transferring power from Phoenix creatures to humans." After receiving the power of the Phoenix, you will become a new figure because you will have the same ability as me."

Magic especially!" explained the Phoenix.

Kiran was silent, "help The Flame but will be hunted by the Hersen Empire?" he hesitated.

Seeing that the child hesitated, Sang Phoenix immediately snatched over. "There's no need to be afraid. The process was painless. After riding I immediately became dust. And you have to keep the dust."

In the future, I will be reincarnated."

Kiran hesitated even more. "Phoenix dust? How to hide this much phoenix dust?" Kiran almost laughed.

But the Phoenix continued to speak enthusiastically. "Take it easy. I have a magic tube, which will hold all my dust after it burns out. The tube will be safely stored in your pocket."

"What's next? Didn't you say I will have the same ability as you? Is this not harmful to me and my family? I don't want to be hunted by the empire for a lifetime," Kiran flatly refused.

The Flame quickly replied. "Don't worry about that. I will limit the magic ability later. You will be brilliant as a prospective expert but not so outstanding that it arouses suspicion." As you told me just now, you will only be detected as an ordinary magic talent child who can recruit magical schools!"

Liran pondered, still hesitating.

"Even you won't remember any of the events of tonight," Phoenix shouted weakly.

A group of people came over. We would be equally wretched if we were found like this! If you agree, I will take you out of this place; go back to where you live, and you will forget all these incidents!"

The lengthy debate ended after The Flame said the military had conducted a sweep.

"Do it now!" I want to avoid being found like this. My family is going to be wretched!" said Kiran, panicking.

"Let's do that riding process! It will hurt a bit. But you will forget." The Flame's voice sounded happy, and Kiran resigned.

The flames were red and yellow, instantly burning in his eyes. This is very painful. It's not like the so-called The Flame just now. His soul seemed to be burning in eternal fire. He wanted to shout and stop the riding process. But too late. His lips were dull and dumb. Kiran then lost consciousness.

All that remained in his memory was the beauty of the red-yellow flames. Beautiful but painful!


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