Phoenix and the Spirit Ship

Kiran was taken aback. He regarded the night sky over the Forbidden Forest as his heart raced. In his lifetime, it was a performance he will never forget.

"Is that the Phoenix, the White Sage's contract creature, as storyteller Niraj Singh tells us?" Kiran questioned.

He is a little boy who enjoys fairy stories. Mr Niraj Singh regularly gives a stage performance at the wine bar of Brimm The Liquidator, Kiran, telling legendary tales. His favorite mythology concerns the conflict between the White Sage and the Black Warlock in the sky above the Ayax Continent. The storyteller astounded Kiran and his pals.

Rumour is reported to have it. Sorcerer Niraj Singh was one. He works for the Red Phoenix Clan as a covert agent and spy. But that still needs to be verified.

 The reverse side. The distance between the two figures and the earth increased. The ground shook as a result of the loud noise.

Rooaar! The spirit ship and the Phoenix flew overhead. They grabbed each other and fell to the ground. Dust and smoke were both flying. The two figures returned to the air and began to ascend because they ran out of time to strike. Phoenix appeared to have broad open wings. Dangerous but beautiful.

When the Phoenix breathed fire, the sky also became red. It wishes to swallow the spirit ship whole.

Kiran joined the pounding and yelled, "Phoenix is angry!"

After the Phoenix's flames died down, the sky was pitch-black again. It flutters its wings beautifully as it moves. The figure of Phoenix appeared to turn away from the spirit ship. He then redirected his attention to the boat. His mouth was smoking with fire. Every moment Phoenix moved, sparks erupted from every one of his bodies. The nails and claws have a short, sharp appearance, like a sword's.

The fire on the Phoenix's body suddenly blazed, no longer a spark, as it pivoted to obstruct the spirit ship. He appeared awful, like a furious god of fire.

Instantaneously, the entire spirit ship was on alert. Phoenix did not crash as it was climbing. The layer on the spirit ship is the target. Phoenix spewed fire tongues on his climb, wanting to destroy the entire boat. The fire spread quickly, making the boat shake and unstable as it moved left and right.

"Fire!" The shouting of the Pyromancer broke the desert.

"Water! He commanded, "Someone release the Water Curse!"

Others followed suit. It's now the Hydromancer's chance to take the initiative.

Half of the sails were in flames on the opposite side of the ship.

From the field, Kiran snarled, "They won't be helped. He was glad to see the Pyromancers defeated.

The Pyromancer, however, yelled violently.

"What miserable hydromancers they are! Why are they capable of walking as slowly as a turtle?

Three experts—Hydromancers—emerged from the spirit ship's hatch. The three waved their hands after creating a seal on the chest. Their palms began to spout water like a fountain. In just a few blinks, it disperses and appears to be a waterfall; the sky blurs with black smoke, and a burnt odour permeates the air. The spirit ship's sails were partially spared.

Even though just half of the spirit ship's sails survived the fire, it still struggles to fly as well as it once did.

From below, Kiran was enraged at the tagging. They are a group of professionals at cheating, I see. To band together against the Phoenix is treasonous. Kiran was powerless to resist. Phoenix felt like a distant family since it was so familiar to him.


The hydromancer fountain's spray is coming from the spirit ship and getting louder and louder. Rain then starts to form. The Hydromancer then utilized the rain to his advantage and sprayed Phoenix with strong water.


Phoenix grunted irately. The spray had drenched him. On his flesh, the red-yellow blaze diminished.


He squealed once again! From the flames, the Phoenix conjured a magical shield of defence. Raindrops and the Hydromancer's magic spray rush reflected each other, visibly diffusing in the rainbow's colours.

The Phoenix shrieked as the moisture that had been obstructing the fire magic of his body was removed. The Phoenix swung through the air on huge wings. His body rose to a height of about 90 degrees in the air. Straighten out and head for the sky.

Kiran was astounded at how well the Phoenix could perform the flight manoeuvre of ascending the sky. But just for a little bit. The Phoenix's silhouette vanished in a shadowy swallow.

The Pyromancer leader on the spirit ship sounded irate and panicked as the Phoenix vanished. Instructing his herd, he snapped.

"Follow him! Keep the beast accountable. All of our lives are on the line.

The ship then picked up speed as it circled above the sky's upper reaches, where the Phoenix vanished. Unfortunately, some of the layers are broken, which slows down the ship's motion. His movements, while still swift, could be more fluid.

The Pyromancer appeared distressed when the Phoenix's shadow was no longer discernible. He issued the order to accelerate their ship. "Pay close attention! I ask all Windbenders to use their magic. The Emperor will execute us if we don't move this ship even quicker and catch up with the monster before he flees! That crafty Phoenix won't be able to escape Qingchang's skies, much less Zolia!"

Kiran's pulse quickened. There are more than just firefighters and waterbenders aboard that ship. Did wind controllers take part in this mobbing as well? Who is the Phoenix, exactly? The status is so significant and unique.

Kiran questioned. In Brimm: The Liquidator, his irrational beliefs lead to fantastic stories.

Does the mythical tale that Mr. Niraj Singh told me have anything to do with Phoenix? Kiran grew pale.


Interesting performances are coming up. On the ship's deck, the Aeromancer's Mindbender was positioned. They come in threes. When Kiran watched the three Aeromancers soar, he put his mouthpiece over it. "They can fly?" questioned Kiran in disbelief.

It seems so improbable! Is there any way for humans to fly like that? Kiran repeatedly rubbed his eyes. Tonight will always stand out in my memory. The incidents are genuinely told in Begonia City's bars like fairy tales.

In the Forbidden Forest's sky. The trio of Aeromancers gave a final wave. When a hurricane is created—a sudden appearance—the atmosphere becomes locked. The thick clouds in the sky dispersed right away. The Phoenix, which was concealed by a wall of clouds, was also visible. It doesn't emit red and yellow flames, perhaps on purpose to conceal itself.

Skreech! Phoenix grunted irately. The three windbenders took apart his mask. It performed a quick nosedive. So quickly, like the beach being battered by the wind.

On the other hand, the spirit ship moved just as quickly, shooting as quickly as a bullet could split the sky. The Aeromancer was balanced and stable thanks to its triple wind magic thrust.

The two will collide!

Kiran had her eyes closed since she couldn't see the approaching accident. "This is truly insane. I'm unable to predict what will take place.


The Phoenix opened his jaws, and there was the sound of gnashing fire. Then, the magical fire began to erupt.


Unfortunately, the element-controlling wizards' wind and water combined to repel the Phoenix's onslaught.


On the horizon, Phoenix deftly veered off course! He dove hard and sprayed another gigantic fire.

Now, the objective has altered.

With its sword-sharp nails, the Phoenix appeared to lock the spacecraft's body to crush it. He was standing next to the spirit ship and so near. All of those sorcerers were screaming furiously. "Someone took action. Or we fall to our death!"

Kiran grinned vilely at the ground.

To shelter the hull, water benders spray on the ship's sides. Unfortunately, it's too late now. A pair of claws as sharp as a small blade curved around and ripped open the hull of the Spirit Ship.


The hull yawning. The ribs of the adhering wood cluttered the ship's look. The ship trembled. Everyone inside the building froze. On the bridge, three specialists were standing; they jumped and plunged. Only briefly was there a wailing sound of panic. When it landed on the earth across the Line Hills wall, it quickly disappeared.

The Spirit Ship became unsteady. It appears slow in the air right now. After circling for some time, it swooped and hit the ground.

The Phoenix moved because it was unhappy with the outcome. Just be aware that his body was close to the ship's sail. The ensuing flames then devoured the sails of the boat.

"Danger! The ship is in peril. A voice of direction could be heard. The voice sounded frightened.

"Pay close attention. There will be a major crash after the number ten. All Get ready.

Kiran watched from the bottom and smiled triumphantly. "This is the dramatic moment. The spirit ship will crash to the ground after being destroyed.

A man suddenly stood at the ship's stern as it was about to kiss the earth. He used magic. He then gave the Phoenix a final wave.

Kiran gaped in disbelief.

The professional launched a palm-sized item. It is made of metal. Glittering where Kiran was looking down.

A "metal controller?" This new Kiran had heard about a magician with special abilities.

The terrible event that followed appeared in the sky. The little piece of metal became the largest and most impressive Long Sword Kiran had ever seen. The SwordSword penetrated Sang Phoenix's chest. Be quick to happen.

There was a sound of anguish. The Phoenix then appeared unsteady before collapsing.

As explosions followed the spirit ship's and the Phoenix's fall, Kiran's shock continued unabated.


As Kiran fled, he thought, "It's time to leave before the military comes and analyzes this site.

It's unfortunate for Kiran. While he was saving himself, a tremendous noise rang in his ears. The heat from that Phoenix spread, giving Kiran the impression that he was ready to pass out.

"Save me, God Tempestia. Kiran wept silently, "I don't want to die yet; burn the remains of that Phoenix fire.


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