Magus Victor of the Magical Realm Association.

Kiran felt his body movements become more agile than before. The several elixirs he had consumed in the past few days made him feel more elegant and powerful. His agility and vitality increased, allowing Kiran to move quickly without getting tired. His vitality continued to pump energy and renewal into his body.

Although he arrived at the Nipanan Mine portal door late compared to his master, Kiran felt secretly excited. There, many witches had gathered. Some of them roared while carrying the bodies of several young people, while others looked worried.

"What happened?" asked Kiran.

No one was willing to answer. Everyone was tense, looking at the portal door that occasionally spewed out the bodies of young witches from the earth's bowels. The bodies fell in front of the portal and were greeted by the master or leader of the Order of Magic.

All the youngsters looked weak and unconscious.

"Isn't it too early in the morning for the Nipanan Mine to forcibly remove the young witches?" Kiran
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