Atulla Desert Mission.

A week had passed since the incident at the Nipanan Mine, and Kiran continued to practice magic to increase his combat power.

However, his magic training cultivation had reached a stagnant point at a Combat Power value of thirty-four, experiencing a slowdown in its growth.

"You need stimulation from external factors to increase attributes and rise to level two magic! Practicing spells more deeply will not make your cultivation increase!" replied Master Cho when Kiran asked about the problem.

"What are the external factors that I need to undergo, Master?" asked Kiran.

While pondering, Master Cho answered afterwards.

"Contract creatures, for example. Or entering a dungeon to increase your XP (experience points)."

Kiran paused, remembering the wizard Ailbert's message back in Shanggu City.

"In the future, you will be included in a mission to the Atulla Desert to hunt for magic contract creatures!"

Witch Ailbert's message floated in Kiran's mind. He then asked, "Does the mission to the At
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