Motsel the Water-Bender.

As explained earlier, there were twenty genius rooms in the Academy. Each of these rooms represented the top one to twenty in the Academy. Kiran, as the winner of the magic contest, was given the honour of residing in room number twenty, which meant he was ranked twentieth among the students.

However, this privilege was only valid for one month. After the expiration of the contract period, anyone in the Academy could challenge Kiran to take his place at rank twenty and earn the right to inhabit the room.

Suppose Kiran fails to maintain his ranking in the top twenty and loses the right to the best room. In that case, the consequence is that he will become an ordinary student. He would live in a room with two or three other students. However, there was still the advantage that Kiran would still receive special treatment from Master Cho as a personal instructor!

Thus, Kiran would have to continue to struggle and maintain his position in the twentieth rank to continue enjoying the privile
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