Painting Club Part i

The housekeeper's ghost escorted Kiran and Chen to their room.

The winding hallway, full of handmade pottery decorations, seems to decorate the sandalwood display table. A fragrant fragrance wafted. The rigid walls, full of ornaments of legendary creatures, expertly carved, make Kiran feel as if he is walking in a passage of time, penetrating the space of the past when the world was still filled with legendary creatures.

Elvira, the housekeeper's female ghost, escorts Kiran to a separate room from Chen.

"Can't we have a room?" Kiran was taken aback.

"It's important for you to share a room because our backgrounds are from the same city. This will make it easier for us to adjust in this Institute." Kiran quibbled, half-pleading.

Elvira replied with a sweet smile. But it looks scary. Her voice seemed to come from a different world. A distant world in the valley of darkness.

"Darling. I don't want the principal to scold me. All were arranged and obtained her approval. You don't know what the principal of this Institute looks like if you are angry." Elvira turned gloomy. The ghost continued.

"I'm afraid of breaking her order. He might dump me back when angry to roam the cedar grove there. I'm tired of being a curious ghost." Elvira shuddered.

Kiran couldn't imagine the incident in the Cedar Forest, so Elvira - the curious ghost- felt reluctant to be thrown there.

"Enjoy this arranged room. Try to blend in with new friends!" Elvira winked, trying to be friendly.

But Kiran's goosebumps stood up. He quickly opened the door to the room. Then slammed it hard.


Kiran gasped. There were two pairs of eyes looking at him in surprise. It turned out that the room had been filled with two other people.

Kiran blushed with shame.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, slamming the door that hard. But that housekeeper scared me."

The two children nodded. "Elvira!" A tall man said with a smile.

Kiran walked quickly towards his bed. Iya reached out to his two roommates.

"My name is Kiran, and I am from Begonia."

"I'm Dante."

"And I'm Milo." The two children replied kindly.

Kiran noticed. Their clothes look good, made of expensive materials, with neat stitching. Kiran became anxious. It must be from a wealthy family. It may even be from a noble family. The weakness appeared suddenly. Kiran needed to be more equal.

"I am a future magic student with the talent to become a Pyromancer," Dante said proudly. He still sat casually. His legs were raised on the edge of the bed.

Dante pointed at Milo.

"That kid is also talented as a hydromancer." And Kiran grew inferior. Both are potential attackers.

"I suspect that your talent is a Pyromancer. Or at least a prospective hydromancer." Dante spoke lazily. He tried to look impressive.

"It's impossible for the principal to put a student who is not an expert fighter to share a room with the two of us. I doubt the abilities of sorcerers whose talents are beyond the Pyromancers and the elemental controllers." Dante said condescendingly.

Kiran was silent.

As it turned out, he shared a room with two children from the attack group. Whether the school, this Magentum Institute of Magic, did not place him wrong, he was in the same room with two would-be attackers. But this swagger.

The room fell silent.

A little hesitant but finally explained. Kiran cleared his throat.

"The officer who tested the talent, Zetta Mui, said I was a candidate for illusion weaver. I don't know what an illusion weaver looks like. But I think it's great." Kiran tried to humble.

Both of them gawked.

Usually, would-be attackers are always privileged and feel most valued. But why today are they left in the same room with a child who can only create this illusion? Things became stiff afterward.

Kiran saw the disappointment in the eyes of the two children. Especially Dante the Pyromancer. Maybe they don't like an illusion weaver.


Lunchtime came. Elvira had previously explained. All students are required to have lunch together in the hall. It was an introduction between new students and senior students.

Kiran suddenly sees Dante and Milo preceding out of the room. When he asked, they explained why he had made an appointment with a girl from the Pyromancer group. Kiran just nodded. He didn't expect that in the Magic Institute, there are also classes and castes.

The highest caste turned out to be the invading sorcerers. Dante is one of them; Milo is one of them.


Kiran walked alone towards the dining room. The boy's voice reprimanded.

"Kiran!" It was loud until it resonated in the hallway of that Institute. Everyone turned around and looked for a look.

"Who makes such a sound in that forest?" The girls who passed by Kiran giggled in their comments. Kiran was even more depressed.

"This is how life looks in a big city. Denouncing and trying to oppress those they consider weak." Kiran began to learn a lot.

That face, the kid who called him from afar, looked familiar. Although they laughed at Chen with their big voices, Chen's figure made him feel at home.

"Are you going to have lunch?" Kiran asked as Chen approached.

"Of course." Chen showed his apprentice's robe. However, Kiran is also wearing the same robe. The apprentice robe of the future sorcerer of the Magentum Institute. But Kiran did not reprimand him. He just smiled and complimented that Chen looked like a real wizard.

The two walked among the crowds of female students.

"Have you considered which club to join?" Chen asked.

"Club? Is there a separate club at the Institute? Is every student obliged to participate in that Club?" Kiran was astonished.

Chen frowned. He wondered in his heart.

"Didn't your roommates tell you that this lunch is a place to select students to interest groups and clubs in the Institute?"

Kiran just shook his head.

"My two comrades are just in a hurry to leave me alone. It may be busy. Or maybe it doesn't like to hang out with me less." Kiran replied indifferently.

Chen just shrugged, and Kiran didn't care either. The two laughed. Such a picky attitude of the group they consider a ridiculous act.

"That's the behavior of spoiled children. They are descendants of nobles. It's natural to choose friends commensurate with their class," Kiran said.

"Don't care about it," Kiran concluded. The two entered the venue hall, the large hall where the students of the Institute ate.

The so-called dining hall, it is one very large room. The walls are solid; on the left and right sides, there are four large pillars. Low-level students sit in front. Then sequentially to the very back, the gathering place of the seniors in the Institute.

The two chose seats that were still enough for two children. Lila is a fortune teller girl, and Kenji is a spellcaster. New kids are like them.

The servants went back and forth with food. Some are ghosts, and some are fairies that look like 6-year-olds. The elf flew with wings buzzing like the sound of bees.

Today's lunch dishes are rice, curry, chicken noodles, steamed buns, oyster sauce chicken, and organic vegetables. His drink is fresh orange juice. The four children unabashedly ate the dishes served. Even ask for extra food. But that's okay. All of this is free, financed by the Qingchang government.

With a gurgle, Lila opened the conversation.

"Soon, the upper-level students will be handing out forms to join the Club. Have you made a choice?" He glanced at the tablemate

"I have decided. Divination and forecasting club that I think fits my talent," Lila acted dramatically.

The three boys looked at her. He looks smart. It seems that the girl has a lot of information. Kiran asked.

"Do you know what clubs are there in this Institute?"

"At the Magentum Institute, there are eight important clubs.

Ancient wizard club, future divination and divination Club, cryptography and symbolism Club, elemental Club, black magic club, magic object maker club, and painting club."

The three nodded their heads. All are clubs that study magic, related to their later professions. But their faces quickly changed. There is something strange.

Kenji, the future spellcaster, asked.

"Everyone, that Club, I mean, sounds good and is relevant to the wizarding world. But some things make me wonder.

What is the relationship between the painting club and an aspiring sorcerer?"

Kiran and Chen agreed. Both of them were surprised by the existence of a club called the painting club. But Lila snorted softly. He looked at them as if they were innocent people.

He said, sneering.

"You guys are laymen and don't know the wizarding world, right? Remember to consider the painting club. The Club was perfect for a sorcerer capable of illusions.

By practicing painting regularly, the stronger the illusionist's energy, and the more he learns his painting skills, the illusion weaver can manipulate anything to look alive." Still needs to be impressed. The three children were still stunned, not understanding Lila's meaning.

Lila said dramatically.

Do you know? When at the advanced level, the illusion weaver paints illusions, he is even able to create illusions of pain. Pain that never exists. And it can make a person suffer to death!"

Lila ended her explanation sensationally.

The three comrades were stunned. Chen glanced at Kiran.

Kiran suddenly felt that his talent was an illusion weaver; it was not a simple talent. An illusion weaver can turn out to be terrible, even bring death.


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