Painting Club (ii)

Hall of the Magentum Institute - Shanggu City.

Lunch went quickly. All are enthusiastic about the student club member selection event. Kiran and his tablemates have been making everything slippery ever since. The housekeeper worked dexterously, cleaning up all the mess.

They work magically. The ghosts and the Elves snapped two fingers, and the dirty and leftover dishes disappeared instantly from the table. Awesome!

New students applauded in praise. Of course, those amazed students, those who are not from the wizarding family. The table in Kiran's group is one of them. The four teenagers clapped loudly.

The seniors of the Institute just looked away lazily. It was nothing special in their eyes.

But beyond that, there are three pairs of eyes of first-year students and first-graders. They looked at their comrades with a sneer. They even showed lazy faces blatantly.

Some got angry. Lila is one of them.

"Who are they? It's so arrogant. It's as if all those miracles are commonplace for them." Lila's lips pursed.

Kiran, Chen and Kenji tilted their heads. Turned his head secretly.

Three children stand out. Two boys and one girl. All three have gray hair similar to the color of pearls - silver. Their eyes tapered, making anyone amazed. Rase's unique eyes flew from the snow mountains.

Their attitude is oppressive. It was as if the son of the owner of this magic institute.

Kenji sighed deeply.

"I know who they are and why they are being arrogant."

"Explain," Lila ordered.

"The two boys are named Asher and Jasper. They are Pyromancers.

The woman's name was Freya. He is a hydromancer.

Why are they being arrogant?" Kenji flipped the question.

"Because they are the attack group? Pyromancer and Hydromancer?" Kiran quickly replied.

"It's not. However, it is one of the reasons. There are other more powerful reasons."

Lila scowled. He can't wait.

"Please don't be mysterious. Don't look at you; I'm almost curious to death!" His face sulked.

"Okay. Okay."


They are from the werewolf clan. Moonfire Clan is one of the werewolf Clans in Shanggu City.

I happened to be in the same room with the two boys. At first, he had a friendly conversation. But after finding out I was a spellcaster, they left me.

Go alone to this dining hall." Kenji's face grimaced. It doesn't feel good to be ignored.

He added...

"They have made an appointment with a girl from their clan. Freya, the hydromancer, I thought it was the girl named Freya."

The three children were wide-eyed. Especially Kiran and Chen. In his entire life, it was only once heard that a werewolf Clan community existed.

"Moonfire clan!" Kiran recorded the name in his heart. Kenji returned.

"No need to look surprised. That's not okay yet. In this Shanggu city, you will be surprised. Many things don't make sense, but he exists in this city.

Welcome to the wizarding world." Kenji smiled from ear to ear. His hands were wide open as if welcoming his three comrades. They then laughed together.

Kenji's background, whose origin is quite a family in Shanggu City, makes him not surprised by things like just now.

The werewolf clan is the group that controls a quarter of the city's economic world. They were proficient in trade, especially the buying and selling ancient artifacts and talisman objects. Also, in the descendants of the Moonfire family, many figures have talents as wizards. Pyromancer the most.

Suddenly the voice resonated.

"Welcome to the Magentum Institute. My name is Sterling, and I am the head disciple of this Magentum Institute!"

All attention was immediately diverted to the small podium in front. The teenager looked dashing. His hair is silver, and his skin is brownish; his facial cut is perfect, balanced with a tall and full posture. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, also gray.

The girls choked. Speechless admiring the beauty before the eyes. So did Lila.

"Yes, is the head student of this Institute. He also comes from the werewolf clan, but it is still being determined which clan he belongs to.

Sterling is his name. Some of the girls in this school are willing to die and line up to be asked out by him." Lyla couldn't hide her aura of worship.

Attention was diverted to the podium in front.

"Together with me, there are ten of your seniors. They are the chairmen of the ten clubs in the Institute." Sterling made a speech. On his left and right sides stood a group of men and women.

"Every new student in the Institute must enroll in one Club. As a head student, I'm Sterling – pyromancer, introducing the chairman of the Club you're joining."

"Thorne! He is the chairman of the Ancient Wizards Club." A teenage boy stood up. All applauded. But not as hard as when they worshipped Sterling.

"Orla is the chairman of the Divination and Divination Club!" A girl stood up. Lila cast a look of worship.

"I'm going to join that Club. That Orla looks like a good leader." It's okay, yet; he has been praising me.

"Maeve - Cryptography and Symbolism Club!" The beautiful girl stood up. The boys whistled.

"Lest he is a descendant of Elves. The face is too beautiful!"

"Anoki, the chairman of the elemental club!" The black-haired teenage boy stood up. He is unique. His figure is similar to most people from Begonia City.

"Soren, chairman of the Healer Club!" The figure of a teenage man is simple and looks like a nerd standing. The awkward teenager hurriedly sat down as if busy with something.

Kiran, and his friends, glanced at Chen.

"You'll join that Club, wouldn't you? It seems that Soren is a serious healer.

"Dark Arts Club! And Rigel is a Pyromancer who heads the Club." It was quiet in the room.

No one dared to make a sound when the Black Arts Club was mentioned. Not to mention Rigel, with his high posture, his aura feels oppressive.

"He's a pyromancer." Lila, again and again, added captions.

The girl seemed to know a lot of things.

"Astral Club and Dimensional Travel, with chairman Gaia." A young girl with a dramatic appearance stood up.

Under the uniform robes of Institute students, iya wears necklace bracelets and earrings with strange motifs. But all respect him.

"The Makers and Forgings Club of magical objects, at the helm of Osinis!" A teenage boy stood up, introducing himself.

"Painting club! The eccentric Yara will guide you if you join this Club!" Yara is an eccentric-looking girl.

Kiran has been pounding.

"So this is what a senior figure will like to guide me later if I join the Painting Club."

Kiran was puzzled. He is considering entering the painting club or the ancient wizard club. Moreover, he also had the urge to learn elemental mastery techniques. But the Club was filled with children in the pyromancer; even if not, it must be a hydromancer.

As an illusion weaver, he knows. He will only be ignored if he forces his way into the 2 clubs.

"The last one. Galen the fighter. Galen is a Pyromancer winning a fighting competition between students at the Magentum magic institute. The Club Galen mentored was the Fighter Club. Let's give applause!"

Galen is tall; his body is burly. The outline of his face also looks hard. Without the need for his way on the battlefield, all guessed. Galen must be a ruthless person. He glanced right and left. No smile!

The hall of the lunch room broke out in applause. Some called for yelling – pyromancers and Hydromancers, of course, while others began to weigh. Choose which Club to join.

Kiran walked over hesitantly. He headed to the table, where Yara sat pensively. The girl looked relaxed, not as busy as the other club leaders. No new student has enrolled in the painting club in the past three years.

"Excuse me; I want to register as a member of the painting club." Yara looked up. She looked surprised. Her face changed radiantly quickly.

"Let's dock. Please fill out this form. After that, I will divide the resources you will need." Yara smiled meaningfully.

Kiran frowned.

He recorded the name and filled out the questions on the form. While moving the goose-feathered pen, he asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm completely new to this kind of magic world or magic institute. Let you explain. What is meant by resource sharing?" Kiran asked innocently.

Luckily Yara is not the kind of bully. During several years of poor applicants, Yara was more cooperative.

"Put your head closer. Let me whisper one secret." Her face was full of secrets.

Kiran shook his head, approaching Yara so that the girl could speak directly to his ear.

"The resource in question is the Aetherion Pill. It was a very useful pill for an aspiring student of the sorcerer. This pill is very helpful for a wizard to meditate, improve concentration and focus on practicing magic techniques. Many are willing to die for the sake of the Aetherion Pill." Yara was a little bragging.

He added.

"Three years of no suitors, this painting club has surplus resources, Aetherion pill." Yara winked meaningfully.

Kiran gawked. If the Aetherion Pill was a scarce resource, did that mean he could possess that resource slightly more than the students in the other clubs? Kiran's heart beat wildly.


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