Illusion Weaver and Pyromancer

The dinner was over, and the introduction to the club chairman was completed. Kiran returned to his room. But he keeps the secret of bagging 2 Aetherion Pills as promised to Yara - to keep this a secret, including to Chen, Kenji, and Lila.

"Look at it. We got a ration of resources, one Aetherion pill each. Great club, isn't it?" Lila said proudly. Two other boys also showed the resource, the Aetherion Pill.

Seeing Kiran had only been silent since his arrival, Lila asked curiously.

"Wait a minute. Did the club paint you, not give a ration of resources?" Two other friends also stared curiously.

In order not to cause misconceptions, Kiran showed a similar pill.

The four then burst into laughter. Chen interrupted.

"I think... I almost suggested that you just change clubs!"

That night, the four children became more intimate. Lila always has fun but silly ideas; she challenges them.

"Starting today, the competition among all these new disciples of the Magentum Institute has begun.

Let's even three of us make a bet."

"What kind of bet?" Kiran asked.

"Whoever among the four of us, will first break through to become a first-rank sorcerer, then he will be the leader of our group of four."

"Why should there be a leader among these friends?"

"Listen. I read the heroic stories of young wizards in magic history books. Even Sage Alaric - the white wizard, also had a friendship group when attending the magic academy.

Competition between companions in magic academies tends to produce strong wizards due to competition between friends.

So why don't the four of us start this friendship with competition so that each of us is excited to be at the forefront?"

Lila was indeed full of surprises. Kiran, Chen, and Kenji looked at each other, nodding in agreement.

"Let's swear to forever be friends." Kenji urged.

The four children pressed their hands together and said the words of the wizard's promise, loyal to each other as best friends.

The sound of explosions sounded as stars emerged from the direction of the four young people embracing each other - it was the effect of every oath or promise in the Hall of the Magentum Institute pledge.

Afterward, the four young people raised their hands high. With loud shouts, they shouted, ending the promise of companions. It isn't quiet, but it's really fun.

Accompanied by the twinkling stars, all eyes looked at the group.

"Look... The school hasn't started yet, but someone has said the wizard's promise!"

The group is now in the limelight. But it wasn't for long. Twinkling stars also sprung up from other parts of the Hall as the rest of the group said witch vows.


Kiran entered the room.

Dante and Milo, his two roommates, were there first. But they ignored it. But Kiran didn't care. He casually lay down on the bed.

"It's an exciting dinner, isn't it? All clubs are very interesting."

He didn't expect a familiar greeting from the Pyromancer and hydromancer, his roommates. The two just nodded their heads.

Kiran secretly fingered his pocket. Two Aetherion Pills exude a warm air radiating to the heart. Kiran's feelings were filled with warmth.

"Then what club do you choose? Which do you think matches your magic talent?" Dante, the Pyromancer, asked.

This is surprising. Didn't he care about any magic talents from the beginning, apart from the magic talents of those elemental controllers?

"I chose the painting club. It suits my interests and magic talent. I hope that in that club my magic skills will develop." Kiran said with bright eyes. He didn't expect that the two friends were quite concerned about the club he chose.

But it turned out that everything went differently than Kiran's expectations.

"Painting club?" Dante and Milo replied at the same time. Gawking. Never thought in their minds. A child with a talent for magic will choose a painting club as an additional skill.

"But doesn't the painting club have nothing to do with magic talents? How can you choose a club that is usually Fana's choice for a career?" Dante asked. His tone sounded condescending.

Kiran needed to be more clumsy. He laughed softly...

"Ah... Never mind. You don't need to find outlining of the Painting Club for an illusion weaver.

The more proficient I am at painting, the more real the illusion I will create later. Later, when my ability to accumulate my magic energy becomes proficient, and in addition to perfect painting skills...

Even I could create fictitious pain, making the opponent trapped in fear of death. Without the need to use physical strength at all."

Kiran repeats everything captured from his conversation with Yara, the club chairman. Also, the conclusion after Lila's explanation.

The room instantly became quiet.

Dante and Milo were stunned again. Both of them were very surprised.

"Is this boy gone crazy?" Milo whispered.

To them, Kiran's words sounded like a joke. They believed Kiran must be joking.

They burst into laughter; Dante even rolled over on the bed. Tears shed, so amused by Kiran's explanation.

"Comrade, although you are not an elemental controller, I have to admit. You have the talent of a comedian!" Dante said with a loud laugh.

Milo himself was speechless. From the beginning, he just rolled around laughing at Kiran.

Kiran was silent. His face was stiff.

He didn't mean to joke. But two roommates thought he was joking. Kiran didn't expect it. Among sorcerers, there are also certain classes.

Although he was sad in his heart, he pretended to look ecstatic.

"Comrade... I'm sorry. But I have been sleepy. Let me sleep first."

Kiran turned over, and his gaze locked onto the mute wall before her.

"My ability as an illusion weaver just became the laughter of these elemental control children."

Kiran was uneasy.

"It seems that I have to work harder. Even twice as much effort, as other friends. An illusion weaver, Only regarded as a 3rd-grade sorcerer, in their eyes."

At first, Kiran could not sleep. His mind wandered. He didn't accept being laughed at like that.

Near midnight, he finally fell asleep after his hands gently touched two Aetherion pills - which channeled warmth into his heart.


That day class began. A dramatic-looking woman with long black hair, so long as to touch her back, walked into the classroom. The first graders were all silent.

The woman wore thick, black eyeshadow, accentuating her gothic appearance.

"Introduce my name, Ayumi Sato. I will accompany you until the 6th grade for Black Arts and Charms lessons.

Well, we'll start something."

The female teacher clapped her hands. A model walked in. The figure is transparent and pale. Yes, the model is a female ghost. All the children gasped. Although it was just a model, the female ghost's appearance looked hideous.

"It's like a curse!"

Her face was dark in the shadows. A bad aura wafted from his body.

"This is an example of someone being hit by a black magic attack. Although this ghost did not necessarily die, the characteristics of pain were visible on his face. This is a black magic attack."

Ayumi Sato then explained at length the characteristics of someone affected by black magic attacks and how to ward them off with light spells.

The lesson did not train how to attack others with black magic attacks. This school is a straight-flow magic school. Using black magic to attack will be considered an illegal act. Instead, they practice warding off and fortifying themselves with defense against dark attacks.

Although teacher Ayumi Sato repeatedly emphasized.

"The use of black magic is unacceptable," yet Kiran watched and remembered the lesson carefully.

Every time she closed her eyes, teacher Ayumi Sato's words were immediately stored in his memory. For some reason, Kiran felt, in her mind, as if there was one being that helped her to store all memories accurately. Kiran came back to her senses. Suddenly he turned into a smart boy. Unbelievably intelligent. Able to remember something, with just one listen or once reading.

Although it feels strange, Kiran is happy with this change. He can even clearly remember teacher Ayumi Sato's tone.

"It's as if I have a personal library in mind? The magical ability to remember, and save it in the form of a file in mind!" Kiran was both surprised and delighted. This sudden intelligence feels like a blessing that cannot be refused.

The Dark Arts class is over.

The first graders were given a group task to read and handle the white curse theory. Next must be in the presentation in class the next week.

Ayumi Sato had just walked out of class when Kiran and his new friends were about to discuss; suddenly, someone walked in with long steps.

"My name is Zuge Nightshade. I'm a teacher of hand-to-hand martial skills or using weapons.

Follow me. We go to the field to practice right away. Martial skills are not a theory but a real practice!"

The sound of the footsteps of the first-grade children showed a full aisle in the Institute. All stepped quickly, keeping up with the combat instructor, Zuge Nightshade's long steps.

In the field of the Institute,

All the students wore black, tight, and concise combat training suits. In front of them, the Zuge Nightshade instructor began to demonstrate basic combat techniques.

"The most basic skill is defense with the easel. Please all follow the steps of the horse stance I showed."

Instructor Zuge began to open the legs wide, solid as a rock.

Some children look familiar and very skilled with the movements of the easel. Their legs were firm, motionless at all. Similar to the roots of plants attached to the ground. They stood firm when instructor Zuge attacked with kicks toward each youngster's horse stance. Not shaking at all.

"Good!" Instructor Zuge praised.

As always, and predictably, the werewolf clan group looked very skilled at demonstrating the horse stance. Instructor Zuge looked satisfied with Asher, Jasper, and Freya's skills. They look like they have been practicing combat since they were young.

Dante and Milo, Kiran's roommates, are better at demonstrating horse defense.

It seems that these children have become accustomed to practicing martial arts techniques. All the foot attacks from instructor Zuge, as if hitting a firm rock.

This was very different when Instructor Zuge lightly touched Kiran, Lyla, Chen, and Kenji's feet. The three collapsed, rolling on the grass.


"How stupid the children of that support group are. No wonder none of them have ever stood out from any magic school!" Jasper, the son of the Pyromancer, descended from werewolves and scoffed. He didn't even hesitate, deliberately speaking loudly.

The supporting magic children were naturally not satisfied to hear the booing. Especially Lila.

Lila even exaggeratedly spits out words.

"There's no need for you to feel arrogant. Even if you are a Pyromancer. I'm sure. If given the opportunity in the next few weeks, my friend Kiran can conquer you easily." Lila showed a condescending face. Her eyes rolled.

Lila's statement is like a challenge. It wasn't just Kiran who was surprised. Chen and Kenji were also surprised.

"Shut your mouth, Lila. Don't indulge in lies!" Chen hissed embarrassedly.

But it's a pity. All too late. Jasper approached. His face looked very friendly. His voice was exaggerated and friendly. But everyone knows it is a far-fetched attitude.

"I'm sorry, but can you tell? What magic talent does your friend, Kiran, have that you so confidently challenge a fire bender?" Jasper asked softly.

As if ignoring the opinions of Kiran and his two friends, Lila replied loudly.

"He's an illusion weaver!" Lila's face looked proud.

The whole field, which had been enthusiastic from the beginning, suddenly fell silent.

"An illusion weaver?"

"He's an illusion weaver."

"Only once have I heard of such a magic talent."

A burst of laughter broke out throughout the field.

"An illusion weaver challenges the Pyromancer? Are you crazy?"


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