Nymph Library Keeper.

"Lila, what did you say?" Kiran was thus surprised. Lila's words were considered out of bounds. He has not learned about magic at all. How could the girl challenge a Pyromancer from the werewolf Clan, who had been practicing magic since infancy? Kiran scowled his face.

Just then, Jasper approached him. His figure in the Pyromancer's robe, the oppressive aura of a werewolf descendant, is deliberately released by Jasper – intending to frighten.

Jasper stared at Kiran from head to toe. He spoke, trying to look friendly.

"Well, you are the weaver of illusions, just as your friend was excited." Jasper opened his mouth. He didn't want to point politely at Lila. Lila became furious.

"What the hell are you..." Lila was angry. But his remarks were interrupted by Jasper.

Jasper's palm was directed, covering Part of Lila's face. That was the sign; he asked the girl to shut her mouth. Jasper seriously looked at Kiran.

"I hope you won't refuse my duel invitation. Two weeks from now, I will wait for you to soft fight in the arena of the Magentum Institute later." Japer's eyes were sharply piercing. Undeniable.

Kiran's heart stroked instantly. He wanted to resist the challenge. But unfortunately, dozens of eyes - his classmates can be seen staring at him as if sneering and laughing at him. "Huh. You are just an illusion weaver!" Kiran's heart heated up.

Kiran, he became hesitant. Either not wanting to be a laughingstock, being called a coward during his time at the Institute, or succumbing to Jasper's challenge.

But, as if he had a power that came from nowhere, Kiran suddenly responded. Loudly.

"I am willing to meet your challenge." Silence.

"It's just that, as you know, I come from a small town and don't have any magic combat background or physical combat arts.

Give me some time, at least a month. I will practice and deepen this illusion-weaving magic Technique. Trust me, I'm Kiran, and I won't fail to meet your challenge! A month from now, we meet in the arena of the Institute." Kiran regretted it afterward. But it was too late.

Dumbfounded. All on the field were stunned. Even Zuge Nightshade was stunned to hear it.

Lila, Chen, and Kenjiro were instantly stunned. The three stared at Kiran, not believing the child's courage. Kiran, known to be quiet and not talkative, suddenly and unexpectedly answers the challenge of Jasper, the Pyromancer.

Lila glared. He said in a hissing voice.

"What are you doing, stupid? I was just joking when I challenged that boy from the Wolf Clan. He even has the power of a Pyromancer.

Now take a look. As a result of your carelessness and prestige. You threw yourself into trouble." Lila whispered; she felt sorry for Kiran. Lila tries to persuade Kiran to drop Jasper's challenging answer. Chen, Kenjiro, and both join in urging Kiran to drop the challenge.

Unfortunately, Jasper, standing not far from their group, heard all. Of course, the arrogant Jasper didn't want the spotlight he was about to get to be missed after Kiran canceled the invitation to the duel challenge. According to Jasper, this was an opportunity for him to show his skills in front of all the children in the Magentum Institute – that he was a talented Pyromancer from the Moonfire Clan.

Jasper stood up quickly. Slyly he shouted.

Kiran is an illusion weaver mage, accepting the challenge of Jasper, a pyromancer with fire-control magic.

The time has been mutually agreed. A month from now, in the arena of the Magentum Institute, Kiran invites all the students to watch his fight against Jasper - Pyromancer!"

Blam! Fuss.

After shouting, Jasper glanced at Kiran with a sly smile. He was very happy when he saw Kiran with three friends immediately squashed incoherently. They were confused, looking for loopholes to cancel the invitation to the duel.

All the 1st graders who were practicing immediately applauded at Jasper's challenge in the laden.

"It is Jasper who will win!"

"It is impossible for the illusion weaver to win the friendly duel later."

"After all, he is just a country boy. It comes from a small town that is not well-known."

Everyone praised Jasper for his skill as a fire bender, and no one came to Kiran's camp, even if it was just lip service. Lila flushed. This is all because of his nosy, wanting to disturb Jasper. The four children can be seen busy whispering, blaming each other.

Time passed, and Kiran was even more upset. His comrades corner him for bravely accepting Jasper's challenge. Finally, Kiran took out his confusion.

"I'm going to win. After all, what's so great about a firebender – that Pyromancer?" Kiran turned authoritative. No friend felt like the boy wasn't Kiran anymore.

I remembered the message from Miss Zetta Mui. The magic of an illusion weaver is deadly if it is in the right hands.

Listen to me. A month from now, I promise you that Pyromancer child will bow to my knees under my feet!"  Kiran replied haughtily. His pride instantly sticks out.

The words were stern and terrible in the ears of his three comrades.

"Aren't you so? In just 1 month, how could it suddenly have such great strength to defeat a Pyromancer, who had been training combat from an early age?" Kenjiro asked worriedly. Lila herself looked at Kiran with an unpredictable expression. On the contrary, Chen, the child, was just silent. Chen didn't issue any opinions at all.


News of the duel, the friendly fight between Kiran and Jasper, quickly circulated throughout the Institute. For Jasper, it was in his favor. His name quickly became the subject of discussion. Young girls all suddenly idolized him. Some even blatantly pursue Jasper in the lobby or Hallway of the Institute.

What about Kiran? He just became the subject of ridicule. Every time Kiran passed by a group of 1st and 2nd-grade students, there was always a joke that alluded to his ability as an illusion weaver.

"I never dreamed that an illusionist could overthrow a pyromancer."

"He is too arrogant but stupid." Kiran overhears such conversations in the Institute's toilet and the Hallway leading to his room.

At first, he was embarrassed. But over time, Kiran became self-esteemed.

"I must win this duel!" His face hardened as he walked quickly across the crowd, alone without friends at Institute Hallway.

But That's not much. When Kiran enters his bedroom, Dante and Milo won't talk to him even a word.

"Do you guys have any combat art records just now? I need to learn The Technique of attacking the bare hands." Kiran asked pretendingly. He just wanted to test. Are the two children unwilling to talk to him? And the reality is bitter.

Dante and Milo didn't even pay attention to his question at all. Kiran concludes that his two roommates don't like hearing him answer Jasper's challenge. Later in the day, Kiran heard information from Lila. Dante and Milo feel very embarrassed, rooming Kiran, a country boy from Begonia with minimal magic talent, as an illusion weaver.


From that day on, Kiran didn't let any time go to waste. The Library is the target.

"I hope there will find books that teach how to use magic power, and form illusions! Until now, no theory has been taught to form magic power."

That afternoon, after the Potions Class, Kiran rushed to the Library at the Magentum Institute.

The Library building is located at the front of the Institute Castle building. The library building stands alone and needs to be integrated with the main building of the Institute.

"good afternoon." Kiran opened the library door, full of colorful glass like a church. His eyes roamed the entire building.

"This is the largest library I have ever seen!" Kiran was amazed.

The room was very large. Crystal chandeliers dangle from the ceiling, while at the back of the reception, Kiran sees hundreds, maybe even thousands, of book-filled shelves lined up along the hall.

"Tsk." Kiran was amazed.

A barren voice interrupted his reverie.

"Give the Institute student card token, and you can start reading books as you wish."

Kiran looked up. She is a very beautiful woman. At first, Kiran thought she was a statue. Perfect beauty, similar to Elf. Now Kiran understands. The woman turns out to be a Nymph - the water bender witch Hydromancer.

Kiran staggered at the Nymph.

"Excuse me. Have you never seen a Nymph before?" The female librarian discouraged Kiran from the trance.

"Oh. Ok." Kiran rushes to pull out a token, proof of his being a student at the Magentum Institute.

"I'm sorry. Please check the validity of this token of mine."

The Nymph yawned lazily. He put his mind inside over Kiran's token, just for a moment. Then handed the token to Kiran and said.

"First grader, and without any special talents. Not a Hydromancer or Pyromancer. You are only allowed to read books on the first floor. Not allowed to go up to the 2nd floor. If it breaks, the magic formation will kill you." The Nymph pointed with her lips a line of rays that limited the stairs to the second floor. Kiran saw it clearly and understood.

"The maximum book that can be borrowed is only one book, with a borrowing period of 3 working days. Late returns are subject to a penalty by deducting contribution points." The Nymph Witch speaks constantly like a robot. He gave a kind of special token card for library visitors.

"Thank you." Kiran hurriedly left the Hydromancer's female Nymph. Library keepers seem to be less friendly to children who are not from celebrity groups like Pyromancers. Kiran recorded it silently in his heart.


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