The bookshelf of ancient techniques is almost forgotten.

Kiran's eyes flashed. His spotlight was on the book with the unique title on the shelf.

"The basics of magic and illusion!" Kiran was excited.

He pulled the book out of the shelf, repeating. In the back and forth of the book repeatedly, the end of his face turned disappointed. The information in the book – is incomplete.

"But this is the best copy, among all the copies I need on the first floor."

Kiran sighed deeply.

"Had I had access to the second floor, maybe there would be a more detailed book helping me learn illusion magic." Kiran's inner self regretted that his status was not a celebrity but an institute genius.

But his spirit doesn't stop there. Although the Nymph had told him that a disciple could borrow a maximum of only one book without a special barakah, Kiran did not mind that. He smiled slyly in his heart.

"They don't ahu. I have a special intelligence that I hide. Everything I read and see, it will be firmly stored in my memory, my mind. I kind of have a unique intelligence, like a personal library in mind."

Kiran was excited. Although unaware of this ability is the result of his successful ride with the Phoenix – The Flame. The Flame had erased Kiran's memories for a while. But not the innate abilities that Kiran can enjoy the benefits of. All are waiting for time.


Almost an hour passed. Kiran rummaged through shelf after shelf, he searched for a suitable copy of the book that might help her, instantly releasing his natural talent magic power, and the most important thing was to control the magic itself.

Repeatedly the child looked up, glancing at the wall clock in the library hall. The Nymph limited the time of his visit. Kiran is afraid of being kicked out of the Library, before finding a suitable book, in addition to the basics of illusion magic that he is not interested in.

"Hurry up... Hope I find a good book. My time to practice is very short. In just one month, it already has to master magic and combat. Jasper won't be merciful to me in the fight."

Kiran should have included a copy about combat techniques. According to his frugality, the combat technique has been taught in class by Zuge Nightshade Instructor. After all, everything on this first floor contains only the contents.

About history. Even if there is a title of battle, the content of The Copy is nothing more than the history and origin of combat skills.

He was almost desperate; when his eyes were glued to one Copy, it was on a dusty bookshelf.

"Spirit summoning art?" Kiran's eyes stopped at the shabby book with striking gold but hazy writing. A Collection of Ancient Techniques Almost Forgotten was written on the shelf of the dusty part. Kiran came over to the shelf.

The book needs to be updated. Shabby and unattractive.

"Why is this shelf dusty? Hasn't anyone read these old books for a long time?" Kiran wondered.

He pulled out the Copy titled The Art of Summoning the Spirit.

"This is the Black Technique!" Kiran releases the Copy. The Copy fell off, making quite a noise.

"What happened?" The voice of the library guard Nymph sounded. Footsteps followed his voice.

Kiran sat on the floor. On it piled up several copies of magic books that had fallen off the shelves. The Nymph glared.

"Please forgive me for this lack of caution. Let me help you tidy up this Copy to its original place." The nymph woman looked into Kiran's eyes, deep and probing. He saw that the child looked innocent and honest.

"Please tidy up again. After that, you can leave the Library. Your visiting time has spent two hours visiting." The Nymph twisted his body and turned to his desk.

Kiran breathed a sigh of relief. He tidied up The Copy of the book that fell on him and then returned to the old shelf. The writing on the shelf read, "Not to be borrowed and taken home!" letting Kiran know. This book is important. But no one was interested because all the copies on the shelf were not to be borrowed and taken home.

Trembling, afraid that he would be caught reading such a black technique book, Kiran began to turn the book's pages. On the first page, it is displayed.

"Rituals and spells, specifically for summoning spirits, elementalist circles, monsters, or little Gods. Sacrifices are required to perform this ritual. Think twice before learning this Technique."

Kiran's heart beat wildly. This is the magic art of the Forbidden. But he couldn't lie. HAti Kiran was very interested, not to mention the mysterious voice coming out of the book, a voice that seemed to persuade him to read that Copy of the Art of Summoning Spirits thoroughly.

"I'll memorize it. No one is allowed to take home this Copy!"

An hour had passed already. Miraculously, Kiran immediately memorized all the book's contents when reading word for word in the Copy.

"It's amazing. My intelligence turned into a genius, like a sorcerer capable of memorizing a copy, with just one glance."

Kiran was just about to turn around, registering his Magic Arts and Illusions book, which he didn't like. At that time, suddenly, the Nymph Witch knew he was beside her. The Nymph spoke in a flat tone.

"Why did you choose books for too long? You have spent more than two hours in the Library, and haven't found the right book?" The Nymph asked probingly.

"M-I'm sorry. There are too many books that catch my attention. But I finally have found the right book." Kiran handed him the book "The basics of magic and illusion."

Nymph frowned. Institute students very rarely borrow illusion magic. This is more due to the talent of illusion weaving; their existence is rarely encountered.

"You are a future wizard with illusion weaver talent?" The Nymph looked at Kiran seriously.

"That's how I got when I participated in the talent test in my hometown." Kiran said.

The Nymph shrugged, returning indifferently. He lowered his head and looked busy.

"Well, although this is illusion weaving is a rare ability, but I don't know how useful your skills and magic talents are. Hope this book will help you."

He directly brought the book Kiran was holding. The magic Nymph records the Copy's title, then casts a spell.

Afterward, Nymph gives the Copy to Kiran, who is secretly overjoyed.


The sky was getting dark. Kiran walked away from the Library with his heart pounding. Not only had he obtained a loan copy of the 'basics of magic and illusion', but he had also memorized all the contents of the Dark Magic Copy about the ability to summon spirits – the magic of a Summoner. Even hunger, he didn't remember. His biggest wish is to have magic power, now!

"Will one of these books that I brought home, make me able to overcome the problem of magic, to fight not shamefully, in the next month?" The question echoed in Kiran's heart. He can't wait to learn magic and improve his skills.


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