Xavier stood in the middle with all his men flanking him on either side. Edwin and the other two guards drew out their tasers and surrounded him with alertness.

Fiona moved close to the circle but Tracy remained confidently where she was, her eyes blazing with fury. "Are we really going to be afraid of that mad man? He can't stand all of us,why are we afraid of him?" She asked with a feisty tone.

Billy moved back a little but he still had his eyes fixed on the doctor that stood before them.

"What if Leon wasn't taken?" Tracy asked and the rest of them sneered at her, asking what could possibly be the option. "Why would you ask that? Isn't it obvious that he was being abducted?" Billy asked, his tone angry.

"But how many entrances does the hotel have? Where is the security footage?" Tracy asked curiously. It was all too convenient that Leon would wound up disappearing just when they wanted to see him for the last time.

"I have sent out the security officials to check all
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