Wise Servant and Sweet Beggar were both lovers in the past. They wanted to marry each other, but then the Wise Servant cheated on him, and so the marriage never happened. Still, the Wise Servant felt so guilty she didn’t marry anyone and kept seeking Sweet Beggar’s forgiveness, even to this day.

Wise Servant and Sweet Beggar were playing chess together now right outside the forever S-rank dungeon which looked like a giant scallop shell. The entire neighborhood was deserted by the people and sealed away because of this dungeon.

“I beat you 999,999 times,” Wise servant smiled, her voice not strong enough because of her age. “If I beat you again, you are going to forgive me and say ‘I love you,’ as you promised.” She was 118 years old now with a bent back and many broken teeth. A couple of her front teeth were also missing.

Sweet Beggar, who was 120 years old and had a face full of wrinkles, replied rather reluctantly, “I shouldn’t have promised back then, dammit. I don’t want to forgive
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