Surprising First Meeting

As Ethan had told Mr. Kinsey yesterday, today, the man in his formal attire visited an important client of Zenith Corp. And the first one was the Crown Reality company, Mr. Pedro.

Ethan came alone without being accompanied by Hazel because he didn't want anyone to see them and expose his identity.

"Excuse me." Ethan approached the receptionist with a friendly smile.

"Yes. How can I help you?" The receptionist was no less friendly. Her smile grew wider at Ethan's handsome, beaming face.

"I'd like to see Mr. Pedro. Is he in place?" Ethan asked to the point.

"Are you Mr. Ethan?" However, the receptionist asked a question that made Ethan fall silent in confusion.

Nonetheless, he nodded slowly.

"Then, please follow me!" The receptionist's smile grew even more graceful. She walked out of her place and behaved more politely as if treating an honored guest. "Mr. Pedro informed me that you were visiting, so I was asked to escort you to his room."

Ethan gave her a surprised look. But when he remembered Mr. Pedro's relationship with his grandfather, he could only smile. It seemed like Mr. Pedro had already gotten word of his arrival.

"How long have you been working here?" asked Ethan when they were already in the elevator that would take him to the floor where Mr. Pedro was.

The receptionist's smile never faded. Her face looked calm and soothing, making Ethan suddenly feel nervous. "This year is my third year. And hopefully, it won't be my last," he replied with a soft chuckle.

"Why do you say that?" Ethan fully looked at the Receptionist next to him. "Are you having trouble?"

Instead, the receptionist looked down, staring at her interlocked fingers. "Everyone has their difficulties, it's just that they are of different levels."

Ethan nodded in agreement. And just as he was about to respond to her words, the clanking of the elevator sounded. In the end, he could only remain silent and followed the receptionist.

"Secretary Philo," called the Receptionist to a young man sitting at a desk at the front of the room, focused on his computer.

Suddenly, his attention was diverted. But when he saw Ethan's figure at the Receptionist's side, he quickly stood up and smiled kindly.

"This is Mr. Ethan. He'd like to see Mr. Pedro," said the Receptionist, who immediately got a nod from Secretary Philo.

"I see. You can go back to your place." Then he walked out of his desk and bowed politely. "Mr. Ethan, may I introduce Mr. Pedro's secretary, Philo Shadrach."

Ethan was a little confused about how to react because he didn't expect to be greeted like this. "Hello, nice to meet you."

"Mr. Ethan, excuse me then." After that, the receptionist walked away.

Ethan stared at her departure but was distracted when Secretary Philo called him to immediately enter Mr. Pedro's room, who was said to be waiting for him. That sent Ethan into a fit of nervousness, but he tried to overcome it by pulling the corners of his lips and flashing a sweet smile.

"Mr. Ethan." A middle-aged man with white hair stood up and offered his right hand.

Ethan hurried to greet him and said, "There's no need for this, Mr. Pedro. I'm just an uninvited guest. You are too reluctant."

"You're the one being too modest, Mr. Ethan. How could I treat someone like you so carelessly? Come and have a seat!" Mr. Pedro invited Ethan to the sofa on the left side of his desk. Then he looked at Secretary Philo, who was still standing by the door. "Make Mr. Ethan a drink!"

"Okay." Secretary Philo nodded obediently and waltzed away.

After his departure, Mr. Pedro's gaze returned to Ethan, and smiled. "I didn't expect that you would come here."

"I just wanted to meet and talk with you," Ethan replied honestly.

After a moment, he became serious. "But with your attitude, it seems like you already know my identity."

"You're right. William told me the first time he handed over the company to you. I was initially surprised, but eventually, I felt happy that you were found and got the position you deserved," replied Mr. Pedro, who stared at Ethan's face with a faint smile. The look in his eyes was filled with warmth.

"Including my presence today?"

And instantly, Mr. Pedro chuckled softly. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes. It seems he was so worried about you that he told me in the middle of the night."

"Ah? It shouldn't have to be like that," Ethan muttered, rubbing his nape with a sudden feeling of awkwardness coming over him. It turned out that his guess was right.

"It's okay. I understand the feeling. Mr. Ethan, welcome," Mr. Pedro said sincerely.

Instantly, Ethan was stunned.

This greeting made him feel like he was really back, like a father welcoming his son. And for some reason, this made his eyes burn.

During the few days with his grandfather, he never met other family members, especially his parents.

Why did such words have to be heard from someone else for the first time?

"Mr. Ethan." Mr. Pedro's voice snapped Ethan out of his reverie, making him immediately look down and rub his face. "Are you okay?"

Ethan raised his face again and smiled widely. "Sorry. I suddenly thought of something else."

"Mr. Pedro, actually, my coming today is to thank you for being an important client at Zenith Corp," he continued seriously. "I hope this kind of cooperation continues indefinitely."

"Zenith Corp is a promising company. Even when the CEO position was vacant, the company was able to stand tall and sweep away other small, long-established companies. Now, with your presence, I am confident that you will be able to make it even bigger and unshakable." In every word Mr. Pedro spoke, there was great support and determination. Even the look in his eyes was eager as if looking forward to the surprising things Ethan would do.

But at this moment, Secretary Philo arrived with a tray. The attention of the two was diverted and, for a moment, only stared at the movements of the young man wearing a navy-colored coat who placed two cups of coffee carefully.

"You can go," said Mr. Pedro, which Secretary Philo immediately did without another word.

"Please drink up!" Then he picked up his coffee cup and sipped slowly. Ethan did the same, even though he didn't really like coffee.

"Mr. Pedro, I'm sorry if I'm being presumptuous. But maybe in the future, I will visit more often and trouble you," Ethan said after putting down his coffee cup. "Please help!"

"I'll be happy to help you," Mr. Pedro replied. "If you need a discussion partner, come to me. There's no need to hesitate or be reluctant. I am ready to assist you in any situation."

Ethan was initially relieved that Mr. Pedro was treating him well. But when he heard this, he became doubtful. His face turned filled with confusion. Although there were good people, it couldn't be this good.

Even if Mr. Pedro was on good terms with his Grandfather, it still felt odd because his attitude looked more like support for a family member.


"Whatever questions are in your head right now, it's better to put them aside first. One thing is for sure: I will always have your back." Mr. Pedro smiled with his right hand resting on his left chest as if making a vow.

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