
Paton> hey Gelios what nonsense are you saying

Gelios> I want you all to listen to me first before criticizing my words

Barrett> listen to what? You are trying to cause havoc because you are grieving, that is bullshit

Paton> Barrett is right Gelios, we are still trying to recover from the damage caused so now is not a good time to start another chaos

Gelios> no you are wrong Paton, this incident has opened my eyes to a lot of things I never even bothered to consider for example "Why were we summoned to this world, for what reasons would ordinary players like us suddenly possess our characters in a world where death means nothing, who or what brought us here, for what reasons would they go so far to transmigrate us with abilities that can offset the balance of this world, what game are they pushing us to play". These are all questions I ask myself but it does not matter anymore, whoever it is I am not going to be playing by whatever path or rules they have laid down, this is going to b
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