Chapter 3: Ana

--- Ana---

"I am your father."

When you hear those words, you might be happy as a kid without family. Hoping for someone will love you, you want a family, to be beloved.

It might be the dream to those who don't have a family but for me.

"From now on, you are my daughter."

Instead of happiness, it's the opposite. My mother died because of sickness. She left me at the age of five, I couldn't even afford a proper grave for her. I ask the others but no one help me to make a proper grave for her...

Mother and I was just living in a slum, I just watch my mother's body started to rot. It smells bad as her body getting eaten by small and fragile gross thing... there's are a lot of them... my neighbors decided to burn our house. Any of my belongings has been burnt including mother's body.

I just looking at it. Crying helplessly. Why did such a thing happen to me. At the Age of 6 I learn to live, begging for people, hoping that they will give me a food. Once someone get a pity on me and give me a food or money, I quickly hide it or eat it before the other kids see it or the adults that abusing the other kids, because in this life. Living in a slum is harsh. If someone gave me a gold, I won't feel grateful about it. instead, I will hold malice to that person.

Because if someone saw me holding a gold or see that someone gave me a money in front of that person... they will ambush me and will tried to steal the money on me... I saw it already, three times. a kid at the same age as me died because of 5 silver coins...

I also learnt to steal to those people who have good clothes, steal, run, eat, give money to adults. That's how I live. Until one day. While I was sitting at the ground and eating black bread, A man came towards me, he was wearing a hat, and expensive clothes, his hair is pure blue, sharp eye lashes, his eyes is orange, and in those eyes, it looks like he was looking into a lowlife being.

Just by looking at it. these Middle Ages man. I had a bad feeling.

I quickly stand up and tried to run but four people blocked my way, they are wearing an armor and a sword between their waist. I stepped back and look at them.

They are expressionless, I don't know what to do. I look around and no one was paying attention, haa... yeah no one will pay attention to a someone who is living in a slum.

"Grab her, don't hurt her" said by the middle age man while touching his mustache " and put her in my carriage."

The other armored person grabs my hand and force me to move, i tried to fight but the man is strong. I am still small... a kid. what will they do to me...? I started to cry.


The man threw me inside of the carriage, a while later the middle age man who's wearing expensive clothes followed in and sit down in to the couch in front of me.

I glared at him but the middle age man only touches his mustache. After a few seconds he started to talk.

"Platinum blonde hair, purple-blue eye...." Said by the middle age man while smirking as if he found such treasure.

That was me. My hair is platinum blonde, and my eyes is purple blue, my mother has different hair color and eyes, my mother's hair is brunette and her eyes is brown.

I ask my mother back then why I don't have the same color as her. She smiled at me and she said "because you are special, Ana."

While remembering that, what does mother mean I am special? But the middle age man started to talk and I don't like what he said.

"I am Rield Evans, a marquess" said by the middle age man. "And, I am your father."

My eyes widen because the man or Mr Rield was lying, I don't know how I know it but somehow, I can tell that someone is lying just by looking at them. And right now, Mr Rield is lying in front of me.

"From now on you are my daughter."

I gritted my teeth and glared at him, what a big liar and hypocrite. I'll just call him big fat liar. HE is fat. He is always sweating that is why he always swipe his face using a towel. you can see his tummy, his clothes are not fitted to him, also his legs are too fat it was larger than my body, and when you look at his face, his cheek was fat but flat, he looks like a certain dog!

Just by looking at it, we are not father and daughter, there is no blood relationship at all. What does he want?

Big Fat liar touched my face and next my hair.

"Hmmm. First, we need to dye your hair" said by the big fat liar, after that he touches my chin by using his index and lift my face slightly to look at him and said "and also, we need to hide that disgusting eye of yours."


I got mad because mother said my eyes are beautiful, that's why I bit his hand and tried to open the door but the big fat liar forcefully grabs my hair and slam me at the couch, my head hit the corner of the door, because of the impact I lost my consciousness.

When I woke up, I was lying at the bed. I look around and I stand up, then a knock came to the door.

"Miss Lyndell, I will come in."

A maid opens the door and look at me. Maid uniform, brown hair, gray eyes, she has a freckle on her cheek, the maid walk towards me and looked down on me.

...what's this? Somehow, I don't like her.

"Miss, need to take a bath."

She grabbed my right arm, and walked faster.

"I-it hurts!"

The maid did not look at me and just continue to walk while grabbing my hand.

That lifestyle continues, they dyed my hair into blue and they gave me a pale gold lens for my eyes but not orange as that man eyes.  Also... They changed my name, Lyndell Evans. how I hate it...

At the Age of seven they put me into the carriage and go somewhere. When you think about it, that fat guy is not in that house.

the house was… no a mansion? it has a large courtyard, the house is beautiful, its white, pure white, there's so many mirrors on it, I can't even describe how beautiful the house... in the center of that house, there is a fountain made in stone at the center of that fountain there is a two stone fish where there is a water coming it to its mouth. there are also fishes in the water.

A few hours later the carriage stopped and someone open the door.

"Lady Lyndell, Welcome to the house of your father marquess Rield Evans." The man paused for a moment " My name is Edgar the head butler of this house. Greetings to the lady of this house."

A grandpa greeted me, he is wearing a black sleeve white clothes inside of it and a black necktie, black gloves, gray and white hair, black eyes, he slightly vows to me.

I just look at him.

'I don't like everyone here.' I think ' all of them are fake and disgusting.'

Right now. I can distinguish between bad and good person and everyone here is bad, I feel disgust. I thought everyone here is like that, but when a sudden strong wind distracts me, I unknowingly looked up at the right side of the house. There I saw a window. And a boy.

Black hair, black eyes, tan skin, he is skinny and thin like his body is only a skeleton that has a skin. We look at each other...


I got curious... The man that inside of the window is not like of the others. and those eyes are like dead; I keep staring at him but the old man interrupted.

"M'lady, if you may, will you follow this servant?"

I simply nod at him, the old man just stared at me, like he is reading me.

I'm sorry but I can tell and I already read everyone here. It looks like he notices that I saw the guy in the window. That's why I ask.

"Who is that person in the right window?"

"....." The old man keeps silent but speak with a disgruntled face even if he hides it perfectly, I can tell it, no one can escape my eyes, " It's a child of a demon, A cursed child that has been given birth by a woman who let a demon embraced her."

The head butler gave a pitiful face and purposely wipe his eyes like it does have a tear and speak " I can't help but gave a pity of that child for he does not deserve it..."

Tch, hypocrite.

I did not react, instead I cut off the chased and tell the old man to meet my father.

While walking, I remember the kid in the window, it looks like he is a year older than me.

'Cursed child... A demon'

Tch, who is a Demon here in this house?

I see a lot here; I can tell at least there is one that is not a Demon here...

While thinking, a sudden outburst came to the upstairs.

"Is this my sister!?"

I looked up and see who is that person who speak like a spoil kid and disgusting attitude...


Just like his father... Now that's what we call flesh and blood relationship...

Bob cut blue hair, orange eyes he is wearing a noble kid clothes, FAT super fat just like his father. He has lots of freckles in his cheek.

What's more his attitude is worst... same as that fatty old man, now that's what we called parent and child.

"Hey! I tell you that I won't accept you as my sister you low life being!" He crossed his arms and snorted.


Don't worry I won't accept you as my brother either...

"Hmmf... Don't you dare get close to me; you low life is not fitted in this kind of place" fat guy said "filthy!  you low life don't belong here! Scrap now!"

I gave him a curtsy and nod.

"Hmpp! Let's go, I don't want to see your face here."

Um hey... you said 'Scrap now!' does that mean you are implying yourself not me?

The fat boy left after that. We continued to walk as if nothing happens, but the maids with me is laughing at me. Heh, laugh as long as you want.

We go to my oh so called f+ath+er, I just gave him a curtsy he was eating. Food? No, a woman. Two women. Disgusting fat guy. I at least learn not to show emotions in others... hump. one day I will leave here and escape.

After the introduction, m+y ma+id Linda who serve me even in that house when I was six is here and still serving me. She showed me to my room and after that she left.

I jumped off at the bed. "...Tired..." I'm so tired that I did not notice that I fell asleep.

When I wake up, it's already night, I left at my room and I just keep walking somewhere, and did not notice that I was at the Garden, the garden has a lot of beautiful flower and well decorated bush, and at the center of that garden there is a table and three chairs.

I look up at the sky. The moon emitting a light in the night, the stars is together with the blue moon, the wind is not hot and not that cold, it touches my skin, but it feels nice and I like the feel of it, it feels peaceful like nothing happen.

While experiencing and feeling the night I heard something came at the bush at the left. And it's moving. I get alert and wait to see what is inside of that bush. A black hair appeared then next body.

It was the boy in the window. The boy got startled when he saw me.

That is the start of our relationship, My brother. he is the only person here that I can be with...

But his situation is worse than I thought... Tsk just because his appearance was like that...

Brother patted me at the head. doesn't bother to me...instead... I like it...

Brother is kind, and even if no one can tell I at least can tell that he is a strong person and a person you can rely with...

One day, I just turn eight years old last month, when I'm with brother, it was night back then. a coup d'état happens... We moved outside and suddenly, out of nowhere brother covered my eyes... I can hear a cry, swords clashing,



Suddenly brother's hand let go of my eyes and I look at him, he is lying at the ground. Can't speak nor move...


I thought he is dead but it's not I was about to cry...  but I tried to lift my brother and move away in this scene...

I'm scared... Scared, scared, scared, scared...

I see a lot of face that I'm familiar with lying at the ground they won't move and they are bathing on their own blood, even Linda too... she has lots of blood in front of her body...

I pulled and pulled brother until we get out in this situation...

I did not even notice that we are already inside of the forest. then brother is now able to move.

*** ***

How embarrassing... What happen to brother...? How can he think like that...uhm...?


"Really...I Love You Lyn..."


I don't know what's my reaction but brother is grinning... He was lifting his arm and I think he wants to patted me, but brothers eyes started to wide and push me to the right,

Because of the impact I fell to the ground sitting and my butt was hurt. when I look at my brother and was about to complain, I wide my eyes, my body is shaking... I started to cry.


My brother is lying at the ground bathing in his own blood. A man in black robe was in front of him.

"No... Brother...not you too...hic..."

I don't remember what I was saying. the man in black robe slowly walks towards me when he was closed, the man in black robe raises his sword in front of me.

I thought I was going to die too but brother pushed the man in black robe using his body... both of them fell to the ground... brother look at me like he was telling me to run...


I said but it seems that he can't hear it.

After a while the man in black robe stand up and recover his balance... he kicked my brother, kick and kick... until my brother coughed a blood. I tried to pushed back the man using all of my strengths but it might look like I was hugging him instead of forcing him to move away to my brother.

The man in black robe slaps me which I got thrown away and fell to the ground. It hurts. I am crying... What should I do? hic... brother...

The black robed man decided to kill me first, brother tried to stop the man again but the man elbow my brother to the face and that's when my brother lost consciousness.

The man, spit a saliva and was about to stab brother...



The man... is dead... I don't know what happen but it looks like it was my own doing... the man just... now... exploded but there’s no grotesque fluids, body parts or what... even blood. it's just like there was no one there... It's just me and brother now... and a single sword stabbing the ground... hmm? I feel like I saw this sword before...

but I remember brother's condition.

That's why I quickly go to my brother... His breathing is slowly weakening... What do I do?

I am crying... I hug my brother crying... and crying.


While hugging my brother, my hand suddenly glowed and started to healed my brother... His condition is no longer in death's door... he is okay, now but still not waking up...

I don't know what happen but every part of me right now is weird... right now, I can even lift my brother using my right now without any effort...I walk while lifting my brother, I don't know where should I go but a safe place is enough...


I keep walking to the forest and it's great that there is no monster here... A while later when i was walking and brother was on my back, I saw an abandoned house... I walk there and go inside. I check the place and there is no problem here.

I even saw a bed; I just need to clean it so the dust will fall of... clean the place using a broom that I see somewhere.

When everything is okay, I put my brother to the bed. all that work and what happen to day made me so exhausted, as I get drowsy, I lie myself to the bed next to my brother. I forgot to clean our clothes too... but right now I can’t think of anything; I'm too exhausted...

where are we? how can an old house like this is inside the forest?

who is living here back then?

I look at my brother.


I hugged my brother again so tightly and wish that he will not leave me...

".... Don't leave"

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