Chapter 4: Doubt

"let's get out of here..."

Or so I said, I forgot that I'm still small, a kid who is weak and can die anytime.

Same case to Lyn, but I have the memory of "me" in my past life, 10 years old like me will survive here, I have to learn how to hunt, thankfully when I was in that house, I secretly practicing Swordsmanship.

Though I said that, it's just a self-thought. I only know how to swing the sword, that's all, and I can't kill a monster using a wooden sword right?

We don't have anything right now as a self-defense. Should I look around?

I notice that something is gripping my shirt, when I look at my right side; there's Lyn sleeping. No, she goes back to sleep... She's drooling...

She must be really exhausted. Hm?

I notice that there is so many dry bloods in my clothes, oh yeah. I got slashed back then. Then that too...

I look around of my body and check if there's a scar left in my body...


I just realized it just now, how the hell did I survive there? What happen to my injuries? everything is gone except the dry blood in my clothes.

"I should have died back then..." I said while confused "If not, then. I would be on critical state..."

I looked at my sister, I remember what she said when she was pulling me back then.

'I can used magic', did Lyn used her magic to saved me?

.... Yeah, as if....

Even if Lyn has magic, the mana she needs to save me in that critical state; should be a large amount of mana. My condition is in a perfect shape you know?

No scars, great condition, what's more if I manage to survive, I should still be on coma but I woke up early than waking up after a week or so, also there is no body ache or a condition that I'm so weak...

So, what happen?

Lyn doesn't want to speak, then it only means that someone help us to escape from death, then who is it? Maybe that person asks Lyn to keep it secret, but why?

Am I just speculating something, that someone help us in that situation?

If it's really Lyn...

I look at my little sister again, I brushed her hair softly using my fingers, I should be careful so she won't wake up.

But if it's really her then... No let's stop now, it's normal for me to put some doubt on her you know? Because this kind of healing need to be at least a priest of high position in the church, a bishop, a pope... Or...

"a Saint..."

Seriously, impossible, but if its Lyn, I will thank her, but I will not accept it if she has a title of a Saint... Why?

It might be great if you have a Saint title because everyone will treat you well, or you can do what you want as long as the condition is within its limit. But for me, no...

This might be a Otome game I played, but I'm being realistic in this, this is not a game anymore, just like the situation right now.

"This is reality... A reality that anything can be happen without you knowing..."

Being a Saint might be great but I don't want to see Lyn being a Saint.

Why? As I experience living ten years of life here, I became mature to my surroundings,

"Abused of power..."

Yeah, they said that Saint has a lot of freedom. But if I point my perspective as a higher aristocrat or a bishop on a church, I would use the Saint as the sign of power, used her as a decoy and a pawn to be at the center of power struggle, in political gains...

Yes, there might be someone who's genuinely helping the Saint, but... There Will be a lot of aristocrats or some other people who have higher standing who wants the saint's power...

Hmm, if I were to meet the Saint, probably the first thing I would do is to eradicate those who want to used her for personal gain, for their greediness on power.

Even if I think that I would use her for greed or what, I won't do that. I just put myself to a position of an aristocrats who is greedy of power, for example that fatty...

Because being a Saint. In the outside appearance she has a lot of free will, no limitation and smiling in front of people but how about the inside?

Those the Saint has the word of 'Freedom'?

For me, the answer is, no.  The heroine of this world, might be struggling... No if they find out that she was a Saint, there will be a lot of struggles that she will experience, she might get stressed, or worst-case scenario she might get depressed you know?

Though, if I find out that she was a bitch then bye bye.

I don't like the heroine if she were a bitch but I won't hate her.

It sounds ridiculous that I'm thinking this but it's not impossible right?

I don't know what will happen but I should expect the unexpected.

How I wish I can remember all of the memory of 'me' in my past life, in the first place, did I really not finish the game? And I could also use the game in here as an advantage you know? The events, the upcoming scene, and those capturing targets and the villains...

I shook off my head and touch my temple.

"I should think first on how we can survive here..."

Let's discard concerning how I got saved, for now. We should learn how to survive in this area...

I get out of the bed; slowly as not to wake Lyn, then I felt that there is something in my pocket. When I took it and see what the object is…?

" Pfft! "

Hahaha, I laugh with a little bit of blushed in my cheek while looking of the object.

"This bear will not leave you no matter what"

I remember those words, those sentences, every detail of it.

"That's why... we will meet again, for sure!" said by the girl " no, Let's meet again, so you must remember!"

She gave me a bright smile back then, which is rare for her, even knowing her a little back then because of her cold appearance and atmosphere, you would normally think that" this girl is not smiling"

" Yeah, I have a promised that I have to accomplished no matter what," I said " so I can't die here without seeing her..."

I smile while remembering such nostalgic promised, a promised to the person who I want to see right now... The girl who's also important to me just like my little sister... Someone I also cherished...


I move out of the room while holding the bear key chain in my left arm and started to look for something that I have to used.


"What are you doing brother?"


I look at my back and saw Lyn standing while curious of what I'm doing. I can see a question mark at the top of her head.

"Ah nothing." I said "just looking for something we can used, materials that we needed."

I said, I am at the kitchen, looking for something; like kitchen knife, plate, fork, spoon, cutting board. Lyn helped to find some necessary materials, well... Everything here is useful but some materials are already broken, so I was looking that can still be used.

"Did you see anything that we can used Lyn?"

"Umm... This."

Lyn showed the materials she manages to collect, it was chef knife, carving knife, santoku knife, 10 pieces of wooden fork.

Mine was, meat cleaver, wooden spoon, wooden spatula, frying fan. Hmm...

"What is it brother?" asked Lyn

"Hm? Ah nothing..."

Weird...really weird... This tools that used for kitchen is great, I mean it is somehow a little bit of modernity. But, why does the culinary of this world is not that good? I mean the food here is bad! You know really bad! Well, I'm not one to talk because I now live here, if I did not remember the past 'me' I wouldn't complain about the culinary of the world now I'm living in.

The kitchen knives, is still good a little bit of sharpening then it's ready to used, I still couldn't find a cutting board, if there's no cutting board... Should I make one?

I'm not good at crafting, I'm not a person who excels in everything. This is hard, hmm. Oh well, I put everything in a proper place then I talked to Lyn.

"Lyn, you should find some clothes." I patted her hair and continue talking" you have a blood on your clothes, see? "

It's my blood I'm sure of it, it looks like Lyn lifted me while unconscious that's the only conclusion I'm getting. Sorry.

" Okay... Then" Lyn lie her head for a while then she looked at my face and said " I shall look for your clothes as well."

Hm? Her way of speaking suddenly get mature.

"Um Lyn what?"

"? I will look for our clothes!" Lyn said with a big smile on her face.

Maybe that was just my imagination. While Lyn is gone looking for clothes, I walk everywhere, to empty room, looking for something that I can used for hunting.

I don't know how to hunt but I should learn if we need to survive. Something like bow, arrow, sword anything that I can used for hunting.

A while later on a certain part of the house, there was a wooden door locked, I wonder what is it inside. So, I forcefully open it.


I fell to the ground, the door is already broken that when I charge using this small body of mine, it broke easily. I forgot that this is an old house, damn it.

"It hurts..."

While I'm on the ground, I touched my head because it's hurt because my head hit the wooden door, while my other hand touching the floor; I looked up, to look what is the inside of this room. I widen my eyes and smile; this room is full of weapons!!!

Iron pick axes, Iron axes, bastard swords, long spears, short spears, Iron spoons, bows, arrows, hunting knives, net trap, jutted ropes.


I'm so happy!!, this old house is too good to be true! This weapons still can be used in a perfect state what the hell!! Is this real!?

I walked closely to touched each weapon, I'm so happy that I don't need to craft! I can't do that! And also, I'm too lazy to do that!

That's why thank youuu!!!

When I was about to touch the bastard sword, I stepped into something. When I look at my left foot and saw a knot and finger loop in the thin rope, I don't know if it's rope because it's too thin to be a rope, but I think it is made on a certain part of a tree, in the center of it, there was a soft leather projectile pocket and a string winding coated.

"a sling?"

It's a sling, there's actually 2 types of slings, the Y shape, and this sling. I put the sling and look at it if it's still can be used. When I learn that it is still usable, I put it to my pocket.

"I'm going to practice this..." I said while smiling, this sling is deadly when you got used to it. If I remember, the past me read something in history book, that there was a shepherd manage to defeat a giant using a sling, the projectile can penetrate the human skull with the speed of 654 feet per hour. But I guess it depends on the strength of a person, but this sling is still deadly. That's why I will master this!

I prepared everything, I took the hunting knife, net trap, rope, and short spear... I put it on the leather bag that I saw between the bow and long spear. I don't know how to hunt but I had to learn and experience it. I need to hunt some animals, herbs that we can manage to eat, some fruit That it's edible.

I look for Lyn and tell that I'm going to hunt for out food. I go to the room where she was earlier, when I goes inside, she wasn't there, so I was about to go to another room.



"... Ehehehe..." touched her cheek using her index while giving an awkward smile.


".. Yes..." she lies her head; Lyn thinks that I'm angry at her and she felt wrong for what she did... But...



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